Parents: What Are You Telling Your Kids…


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
…about the sex crimes?

With the Catholic church and its priests in the news regarding sexual abuse among the ranks, what are you telling your children? Do you defend the Church but condemn the sinners? Do you discuss the flaws in their system? Or do you point and tell tell 'em, "See, that's why we're not Catholic"? Do you still allow them to participate in church activities? Have they expressed anxiety over the situation? Are they afraid?

I'm curious...


This reminds me of a story from the book "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" which is about the famous physicist Richard P. Feynman. When he was a little boy, his father sat him down and showed him a picture of the pope, with all the people around him bowing. He said, "What is the difference between all these other people, and the man they are all bowing to? It's his hat, nothing else. He's just a man, like you and me."
I just think that's a fun story about the Catholic church. :)

My parents tried to get me into religion... I used to believe in the bible when I was little, but then I actually read it, and I just said to my self, "You've got to be kidding me! This is complete crap!" Since then my dad got in a fight with a priest and became Buddhist, I'm atheist, my mom is Christian. :cool:
I know a great quote from the TV show Father Ted:

"Lets say there are 200 million priests in the world. And only about 5% of them are pediphiles so that means there are only 10 million pediphiles!"

Other great quote:

"You know thats the thing I love about Catholicism, its so vague that nobody really understands anyting about it"

In my opinion one of the funniest TV shows ever made.