Parents Cage Kids


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US couple held over caged boys

The boys' mother said they were kept in cages for their own protection
Police in the United States have arrested a couple who allegedly kept their twin five-year-old sons in cockroach-infested cages for 20 hours a day.
The children from Phoenix, Arizona were only allowed out when their mother Estelvina Rodriguez, 42, got home from work, police believe.

Officers discovered the twins on Saturday after their 20-year-old brother told an off-duty police officer at a local shop about their squalid living conditions.

They arrested the boys parents on suspicion of child abuse and kidnapping - the pair are being held on $243,000 bonds.

Mrs Rodriguez told police her husband Louis, 69, was in poor health and was unable to look after the boys.

They can't talk. When they tried, just noises would come out

Edna White, neighbour
Edna White, who has lived next door to the family for 27, said the boys were not toilet trained and could not walk.

"They can't talk. When they tried, just noises would come out," she said.

Apparently, the mother kept them locked up for their own protection after one of them was bitten by a dog...

Fucked up people.
Parents do crazy things sometimes...

...but then, if a child's own parents won't care for him properly, who will?

Protecting children from their own parents is a tough goal.

i heard another story on the radio today about a 3 year old who was 16 lb due to abuse. she died. i want to kill people.
there should seriously be an application you have to fill out to become a parent. they should require your permanent record, transcript, sat scores, credit report, tax records, psychological evaluation, and at least 3 letters of reference.
That case resembles the case of Genie....

has that woman ever heard of babysitters ? Too many dumb fucks in this world.
For being one of the hardest jobs in the world, it's a shame that parenting is one of the easiest jobs to get.
Originally posted by coolsoldier
For being one of the hardest jobs in the world, it's a shame that parenting is one of the easiest jobs to get.

Amen. Nicely put.
Originally posted by coolsoldier
For being one of the hardest jobs in the world, it's a shame that parenting is one of the easiest jobs to get.

The sad thing is that it really isn't such a difficult job.

But I agree whole heartedly on having to be qualified to raise children.

I don't agree with "transcript, sat scores, credit report and tax records".
But just simply mental and emotional fitness and basic parenting skills would cut out at least 1/2 the eligible parents in America.

I also agree that if you are convicted of abuse or gross negligence, then you should have your children permanently removed and you should be spayed/neutered.
The argument that children need to be with their natural parents is just bullshit and completely invalidated when you have parents like that.
A person's "right" to bear children goes out the window when that person proved unfit to be responsible for that other human being's welfare and health.

I am no right wing conservative by any means, but the Freudian-fueled liberal notion that children should be with their natural parents at all costs is the biggest load of horse-shit that we, as a culture, have been convinced to swallow.
You abuse your kids, you forfeit your right to raise kids.
Simple as that.
NO second chances.
NO rehabilitation.

Children are not posessions, they aren't fucking toys, they aren't OWNED by the parents.
The are human beings and should be treated as such...
With respect, care and dignity.

Anyone who can't abide by that has no right to destroy someone else's life at their whim.

Originally posted by one_raven

Anyone who can't abide by that has no right to destroy someone else's life at their whim.

But remember that they also created that life at their whim...
Originally posted by coolsoldier
But remember that they also created that life at their whim...

I am not sure what your point is.
Are you saying that since they created them they have every right to treat them as they wish?
Originally posted by Mikki
That is so twisted. :bugeye: Poor kids. How could they lose their voices, though?

I don't think they actually lost their voices -- they just never learned to talk because they were never exposed to conversation. That was my take on it, anyway.
Originally posted by one_raven
I am not sure what your point is.
Are you saying that since they created them they have every right to treat them as they wish?

No, obviously they have a moral obligation to look after the child's best interest...but in this case they seem to have been doing what they thought was right. It's a shame children don't come with instructions, but sometimes the parents just have to do the best they can to figure it out.

It just so happens that stupid people seem to outbreed the smarter ones by about ten to one...:D