

If there is a world beneath the earth which by taking assumption is a hollow sphere! Then if imagined the stairs going down into the earth below, the aliens or any human beings might be walking upside down where the gravity might have been acting outwards from earth! Or if they come up to the earth surface, then they might be walking 90 degree away from our movements!
They must be slipping away into the outside space if they come up! But the rational thing is that we humans walk perpendicular to the earth with the gravity acting from above!
If the earth is full of imagery then there might be a mirror like field which reflects the back image which is formed behind the person hiding so as to make it invisible to our eyes! This mirror field might be acting in rotational three dimensions! This would have been imparting camouflage! There might be also an imagery field acting in hiding the various unknown human races who are genetic mutations, but their faces seem similar in a crowd.
Also there might be possibility that the various planets that forms our galaxy might be just the size of a cricket ball! Our hollow earth might even have its own so called galaxy within it! Then if i threw a ball vertical to the ground then it would escape the earths' gravity with a fraction of time which (is far more in magnitude for some) would perhaps have been traversing infinite other galaxies and catched n' thrown again back to me by some heavenly bodies! The heavenly bodies even changed the direction of the thrown ball in mid-air!
The pc game like penumbra, then the movie equilibrium and hellraiser seem to show that there is no interlinking mechanism between the mechanical working objects like doors, walls etc. no hinges, no circuitry, no electricity contacts. And still the walls and doors move smoothly in working condition in accordance with the so called master race persons! And no trace is seen after movement! This makes me to think that we humans living above earth's surface like to fly in the air with the moving ground objects! Like in football, a player does so many circus moves and perhaps when he falls on the ground, then its the ground that too makes a movement towards him! For humans this remains just a paranormal time frame!
The concept of terminator movie is also unusual. The robot colony might had surfaced on earth! Then there are these forts build by unknown rulers of the past in india! These are 700 in numbers in total and only very few are visible! Perhaps in old times these forts also the pyramids of egypt might be beneath earth's suface! And they somehow rised above with the stairs going down somewhere unknown into the mysterious earth!
I even was reading about the term 'hell' described by various religions!

kunal pagare khan

Hi, i think that the hindu society has no belief of its own religion. So they took to religions like japanese budhism, zoraster and even judaism. They even learnt to talk in their language. The hindu society even created a nature similar to what they saw in their hell. So they could sin easily on earth and even have experience of living like in hell. So as to cheat death and again reincarnate themselves back to earth. - kunal pagare khan
Obviously you are welcome to your belief's or reasoning, however you should understand that what you see or believe isn't necessarily how the world/universe is.

People that live thinking that there is a Heaven or Hell are naive with their superstitions, I mean the premise of such things is the promise (faery stories) of things if you do good or bad, when in reality you gain nothing (Once you are dead, you cease to exist by modern standards). Obviously used to groom children into becoming adults that are quite happy to "Flock" around the rest of the "Sheep", never questioning, never thinking, never trying to better what they have because they are too busy "Dreaming" of what they haven't got, which is "Promised" to them. (They are naive because they should realise those promises really are worth nothing.)

The only thing that's truly effected by your decisions are your family and friends that have to deal with you and the decisions you make and they pretty much put up with all of that right here on earth, in the here and now.

Hi, between 21 feb 2009 and 22 feb 2009, there was another day in between. I was not in a dream, and i was in a bright, clean, advanced technology room. There was a electronic interface and i was reading something. It was very real and unlike my dreams. - kunal pagare khan
If there is a world beneath the earth which by taking assumption is a hollow sphere! Then if imagined the stairs going down into the earth below, the aliens or any human beings might be walking upside down where the gravity might have been acting outwards from earth! Or if they come up to the earth surface, then they might be walking 90 degree away from our movements!
They must be slipping away into the outside space if they come up! But the rational thing is that we humans walk perpendicular to the earth with the gravity acting from above!
If the earth is full of imagery then there might be a mirror like field which reflects the back image which is formed behind the person hiding so as to make it invisible to our eyes! This mirror field might be acting in rotational three dimensions! This would have been imparting camouflage! There might be also an imagery field acting in hiding the various unknown human races who are genetic mutations, but their faces seem similar in a crowd.
Also there might be possibility that the various planets that forms our galaxy might be just the size of a cricket ball! Our hollow earth might even have its own so called galaxy within it! Then if i threw a ball vertical to the ground then it would escape the earths' gravity with a fraction of time which (is far more in magnitude for some) would perhaps have been traversing infinite other galaxies and catched n' thrown again back to me by some heavenly bodies! The heavenly bodies even changed the direction of the thrown ball in mid-air!
The pc game like penumbra, then the movie equilibrium and hellraiser seem to show that there is no interlinking mechanism between the mechanical working objects like doors, walls etc. no hinges, no circuitry, no electricity contacts. And still the walls and doors move smoothly in working condition in accordance with the so called master race persons! And no trace is seen after movement! This makes me to think that we humans living above earth's surface like to fly in the air with the moving ground objects! Like in football, a player does so many circus moves and perhaps when he falls on the ground, then its the ground that too makes a movement towards him! For humans this remains just a paranormal time frame!
The concept of terminator movie is also unusual. The robot colony might had surfaced on earth! Then there are these forts build by unknown rulers of the past in india! These are 700 in numbers in total and only very few are visible! Perhaps in old times these forts also the pyramids of egypt might be beneath earth's suface! And they somehow rised above with the stairs going down somewhere unknown into the mysterious earth!
I even was reading about the term 'hell' described by various religions!

kunal pagare khan

There are so many maybes in that paragraph.

Its practically saying something along the lines of, maybe it's true....SO IT IS TRUE.

Maybe im the smartest man on earth, so as of now i am the smartest man on earth.

People like you arent scientists, people like you are priests, whom follow blind faith with no evidence to the contrary.

when i was away from the arab-muslims in my young days i couldn't understand that why is my cool mind and loving nature not similar to any of the hindus and its sub-castes. I spend many years in facing rebuke from hindus. I asked my mommy and she replied,"look how the arab-muslims live in brotherhood and peace, you should live just like that with the hindus!" Then i thought why only i, my younger brother, my dad and my mom look like arab-muslims? and not even a single person of my relatives looks like arab-muslims! They all look like hindus! Even their characteristics and nature is not similar to arab-muslims! Then there would be perhaps one day that arab-muslims would be again ruling india, and the so-called hindu men would be seen as dressed as arab-muslims and hindu women in burkhas! And my mind would be in turmoil! The thing is that i want to say is that many hindus who have took to japanese budhism, zoraster and judaism...think themselves as arab-muslims!, but they are not! There might be many bedouins-arabs-muslims who might had come to live in india in the past! And they are very very beautiful and no hindu would ever achieve that beauty and good nature!

kunal pagare khan
she replied,"look how the arab-muslims live in brotherhood and peace

Where does she see that happening. Iran, Iraq, Syria have been at war with each other many times recently. Iraq and Kuwait were also at war. Within the various countries the different factions of Muslims are trying to gain power and control by any means possible. They fight each other and kill each other to get the control they want.

I haven't visited arab-muslim countries, and the only country which my mind tells me that is where i belong is Musqat which is in oman. - kunal pagare khan
I haven't visited arab-muslim countries, and the only country which my mind tells me that is where i belong is Musqat which is in oman. - kunal pagare khan

But you read about other countries don't you? You have access to a PC so you can see what's going on around the Muslim world very easily.

In the encyclopaedia, i was surprised to read about a 12th century iranian called arghun. From that time perhaps till the present the world has not changed. - kunal pagare khan

I am writing this as a fiction, but this is not one of my dream! Its my vision of perhaps my earlier life! I was sitting in my house and just then darkness fall. A new planet came, it was neither the moon nor the jew star. When i looked at it, my eyesight has a peculiarity. It works as three dimensional view and also adjusts distant things so that i can view them closely. Just when i looked at the new planet, i thought i could view it closely. It was dark and i couldn't make distinct of what it was in the planet! Then there was some movement. It was like a lots of huge pigs sleeping in a well and some started to move! Then there was this pounding of my heart. The alien beings were perhaps satans' creatures. They then fell on earth. The planet behind them was perhaps a white planet! When they came on earth, i had closed my eyes!
In the next vision, i was again in the same house. Perhaps there was no one in my house! I had to go somewhere. when i reached towards the bus-stop, a bus came. It had no driver and very few passengers! The gear, brakes and steering wheel autmatically changed. The bus then went some distance. There was some clinging heard and something like chains had started to appear thru the ceilling. Then they again vanished. When it stopped, the black chains again appeared. This time more distinct, like a moving spine. One end attached to the bus's ceilling and the other end had sharp knife! This then in split second pierced my face. But cause of my faith i lived, the chains went back! The most funniest thing in this particular vision is that the peculiar bus stop is very near to my present day house, just 1.5 kilometers the bus-stop is called the hell's highway of mumbai!
In the third vision, there was a time on earth when there was a different world in mumbai! The satan's house was very visible from earth. The steps were touching mumbai! Its steps were dirty white in color. When i had tried to near that house, there were many satan's devil-like creatures who sat on its gate! These creatures had no religion of its own. But they could talk and take identity of any religion...and communicate with specific beings on earth! They had a peculiarity, they had a very long tail which they all used to lower on their day! Like a monkey!
Then there is another vision, there came to visit my house! I thought who? It was King Abdullah of Jordan. He had worn an alishan dress. Perhaps he has reincarnated in the present day! He has relation with my family. In tv he is very thin and only 5ft.6inch height! But when he had visited my house he was perhaps 7ft height and his shoulders were extremely broad! He said he came to meet me and told me that he was going somewhere for war! And he was in mumbai!
I think the maps of the present day world are not correct! In the encyclopaedia, its very amusing that the rulers till date where still trying to figure out the map of earth! Perhaps the indian cities of lying on the west were joined with african continent! Then the lands were made to separate.
The people of the western india might be knowing african languages...wa wa wi wi wu we wa wa we ehek ehek wa we wa we! There is also a possibility that there was a time when earth was bio-technological habitat zone for many scientists! The so-called steroids might had given for the neck to rise in many experimented human beings! The giraffe might be an experiment wonder, not what is said in biology textbooks- that many animals adapted a theory all wrong! The sky also might be just in fiction may be called an human made shield making oxygen content! The space programs might be all fake, the rocket might be going just some height and vanished! Then there might be an portal opening made by humans, which would check the rockets path for clearing from earth's shield into unknown outer world! The stars and planets thats visible from the earth in astronomy might be just a planetarium visual created for enthusiasts to ponder! There is also a possibilty that there are aliens who are from other civilizations who look very similar like human beings on earth! Also some animals on earth know how to walk on their feets!
I again had a nightmare yesterday. I was living in a house, and when i used to wake up after sleep, my clothes had changed into another man's shirt, pants! I had to throw them away. Then it again happened successive days, whenever i used to wake up... I had someone else dress. And i even saw some puppies playing nearby. When i asked my neighbours as to where these puppies came from and does some person enters my house to dress me in shirt pant??? All denied. I then met an old person who told me that he would help me out of this. He took me to a huge tree accompanied by many armed men. He told me to look up and there were many huge monsters clinging to the tree! Each had six arms and devil like glowing eyes! The old man's armed men went towards the tree and the horror monsters came down. Even the tree's branches turned to cover the monsters. Each monster grabbed the armed men from the back with its six arms! When fired upon, the braches moved away, and sunlight broke its light from the monsters' dark skin and they fall back dissappeared!

kunal pagare khan
Wow, man.

Hi, i had seen in my visions that some sects can revind the time of earth. For eg., if the time gets rewind then the people will again go through the same phases of their lives with no recall. There will even be many alterations. That means time is an absolute zero in itself. When people discuss about past, future and different worlds; these are perhaps other phases of time, where people travel by portals. - kunal pagare khan
Hi, i had seen in my visions that some sects can revind the time of earth. For eg., if the time gets rewind then the people will again go through the same phases of their lives with no recall. There will even be many alterations. That means time is an absolute zero in itself. When people discuss about past, future and different worlds; these are perhaps other phases of time, where people travel by portals. - kunal pagare khan

What are you referencing when you say different worlds? You mean "existences" or actual physical planets?

I like to play cricket sometimes, i had taken these videos of my bowling action. If you can hear correctly, there are some unusual sounds coming. In the first video the sound is of perhaps a cavalry, horse hooves and the general's voice! In the second video there is some kind of a african unknown tune and singing! When these videos were taken it was morning and it was absolute silence!



kunal pagare khan