Paranormal 6-year-old! cool link!

Heh. Very kool indeed. Sounds great for campfire stories and nightime pondering.
Ahhh.. The technique of planting memories in the child's head.
Andrea's mother sent her a book by Pennsylvania author Carol Bowman, called "Children's Past Lives." The Leiningers started using Bowman's techniques of affirming James' nightmares and assuring him that the experiences happened to a different person, not the person he was now. "It helped. The nightmares stopped almost immediately," Andrea said.

We might ask ourselves what could possibly be motivating these parents to make this "phenomenon" public. Perhaps they are innocently raising awareness about the possibility of reincarnation... or, perhaps they are looking to increase book sales?
"If he did come back, why? Maybe it was so my husband could write the book about the Natoma Bay," she said. "It helped turn the tide of the war in the Pacific and was one of the most highly decorated carriers, but it hasn't received much recognition."

:m: Peace.
If the little tyke remembers a 'previous life' then that could certainly cut down on the ol' college tuition.
"What little kid knows about the Japanese," she asked. "He said he knew it was a Japanese plane because of the red sun. My husband and I were shell-shocked."

the woman is showing symptoms of freaky past experience too...ya know... feeling Shell Shocked and all :p hehe
So lemme get this straight.
Noone, before it was reported, had heard about this?
Dont think it says so.
So, maybe its all.... made up?
Goofyfish nearly got it, but Occoms (Occums??) razor = it was all a load of ______

very droll. shell-shocked......