

Registered Senior Member
In the creepy sense, which is creepier:

The feeling of being watched


The feeling of an imminent (and eminent) encounter
It would depend on who is watching me if it is someone I don't know than I would choose immenent encounter for the "creepiest", if it was someone I knew I think it would be creepier if I was being "watched" by them.

:( But no one looks at me.
What about beings that are not human (aliens maybe, or even animals)?

I am imagining the situation of either sitting and doing something (posting on sciforums) and feeling like I'm being watched while I'm doing this. If it is a human presense of conciousness, then I think you're right, it would depend on the relation, but I think this is based on a more fundamental issue: motivation, or, at least, the ability I have to guess at the motivation. If some non-human entity were watching me (not a pet, but something that could prove threatening), then I don't think I would have any idea about the motivation. That would really creep me out.

The other situation is walking around a dark corner or something like this. Again, the most fundamental issue, I think, arises in the case of a non-human entity. How would this entity react in such an abrupt situation. But, it's not the encounter that I'm asking about, it is the feeling that such an encounter is immenent that has the real potential to send those chills up and down the spine. The point is, nothing has to happen to make these creepy situations. (And really, I should say, "consider these two situations in the region of time before anything else happens. In these regions of anticipation, which anticipation sends more chills.")

So, with this in mind, which is creepier: the "being watched" or the "abrupt encounter" anticipation.
social disorder

im extra aware when out in the public

for some unknown reason i feel like im being watched

possibly the illuminati

I don't know what this could be. You're obviously paranoid. Maybe you should chat to the guy who posted about being followed by people and about being watched, etc.

You are both obviously nuts. :)
id say the feeling of iminent encounter.

i dont mind the feeling of being watched.
because no one actualy watches me...

and when you feel like your being watched that doesnt mean they, whever they are, will attack. theyr simply waching.
but when your walking otside at three am and your turning a corner and feel like some1 is right around thwere with a knife waiting for you to go around that corner... thats scarey.
theyr not watching just waiting to strike.

even though those feelings are just in your head and u can usualy convince yourself theyr npt real its still creepy to KNOW, even if u dont realy, that some1 is about to kill you.

just watching doesnt mater, the feeling of eyes on me is comforting. like no1 can attack me as long asd im being watched.
even if im all alone and no1 is i still feel safer.

i know im crazy and fuckled up so stfu.

whats REALY creepy is that feeling you get in a crowd and all of a suden is the overwhelming sence that iether your all alone and even though your surounded by ppl none of them are realy there, or the feeling that your no longer yourself, just one of the group wondering around aimlesly doing what they do.
those feelign r creepy.
:( I will say for me it is the feeling of being watched.....i have to close my blinds to my window every night before i go to sleep....oooo....i hate that feeling.....
I do not really have a problem with either. Growing up I had a real problem with paranoia. I though people who laughed were laughing at me, secrets kept from me were secrets about me. I finally realized that whether they were of were not, it made no difference to me. My universe is only made up of what I know, and although I understand that what I not know can hurt me, there is nothing I can do about it. So I finally quit worrying about it.

As far as feeling like I am being watched, I sometime get the feeling I am, and who knows, I might be, but without certain knowledge there is nothing I can do about. If there is nothing I can do about it, it does not need to be worried about.

- KitNyx