Paranoia Hits Us


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Paranoia Hits US: D for Distruction,go straight to jail...>>>

Just read this article as headline in "the Asian Age".The post has the only purpose to pray for UNITED STATES to cure from (or kick off!!) this paranoia.

Washington, Dec. 10
The innocuous act of spelling one’s name verbally can lead to an arrest in a nation where post-September 11 paranoia has not died, as an Indian in the US learnt the hard way.

Sudeep Das, an Indian living in New Jersey, was arrested because a shu-ttle bus company’s phone operator thought he was threatening her when he spelled out his last name, Time magazine has reported.

Corporate executive, Mr Das said, that the local police officers came to his house late one night and arrested him. They asked how Mr Das had spelled his name for the reservation clerk when booking a ticket.

Mr Das said he spelled it: “D as in David, A as in America, S as in Sam.” According to an employee of the company, Airporter, that was not what Mr Das said. An Airporter clerk said a man with a West Asian accent had spelled his name “D as in destruction, A as in America, S as in Sam.” “She couldn’t believe somebody was using those words over the phone,” said police lieutenant Michael Cane.

Mr Das was charged with one count each of disorderly conduct and harassment. Bond was set at $25,000. After Mr Das spent five hours in jail, attorneys for his company arranged to post bail.
Mr Das’ accent sounds vaguely British, with the lilting tones characteristic of his native India. He insists there is no way he could have mangled his pronunciation of David so profoundly that it could have been heard as destruction.

The police has refused to name the reservation clerk or provide a copy of their report on Mr Das, claiming it is their policy to withhold such information. Mr Alan Glickman, CEO of Airporter, said the clerk was a “valued employee in good standing.” Mr Das goes before a judge December 18, facing the possibility of six months’ jail time for each charge.

In another incident Hasnain Javed, a Pakistani student in New York, was arrested for having an expired visa, and then molested in prison. Both Mr Javed and Mr Das refused to be interviewed by the Indian media here. Mr Javed was travelling by bus from Houston to New York.

When border patrol agents discovered his expired visa he was arrested and sent to the Stone county Correctional Facility in Wiggins, Mississippi. Overstaying a visa is a civil violation, but Mr Javed was placed with the criminal population.

“There were other inmates in there,” said Mr Javed, 20, “they started giving me strange kinds of looks and talking to one another.” Mr Javed said a hulking man pulled him aside and offered some advice: “You can’t stay in here. You better get your ass out of here.”

The words were punctuated with punches to his face. Soon other prisoners joined in. Some called him names, including “Osama bin Laden.” One attacker promised: “This is the first round, and there are going to be 10 rounds for you today.” Javed, who weighs 67 kg, started crying.

Javed said his attackers told him to ring the bell that contacts the jailers. A woman answered the intercom, and he begged: “Please get me out of here, they are beating me up.” No one came.
Javed was thrown to the floor and told to strip. He refused, but one attacker removed his clothes and ordered him to run naked around the cell. Javed did. The man had pinned him to the floor when four guards, including a woman, entered.

The female officer picked up Javed’s clothes, and he got dressed. He was taken to the prison nurse and treated with, he said, “one Motrin.” For the rest of his three-day detention he was placed in a solitary cell. Stone County sheriff Mike Ballard said prisoners told him Javed incited the beatings by saying “F**** the US I’m glad they hit the World Trade Centre.”

The Pakistani youth admitted he wasn’t sure how long the beatings lasted, though it felt like half an hour. But he insists he’d have to be “a psycho” to say something like that in a prison.
Javed awaits a December 17 hearing on his immigration status. The US justice department is investigating his complaint. (Indo-Asian News Service)

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Thats a good story, and scary! Pays to keep good computer and phone records.

Paranoid, Im not sure, but I can get pretty grouchy and call names with the best of

Sometimes, Im in the wrong, because I misunderstood the situation?

Thank god this is America and we dont go to jail for our opinions!

Threats of legality's over business dont qualify either, this goes on daily in all legal circles.

I think the law states a valid and credible threat to harm persons or property.

To many times paranoid police cause the syndrome you speak of.

All they have to say is there is probable cause?

This is not an every case senerio, but it does happen very often when improper persons are givin positions of power and authority in my opinion? (No disrespect to those in authority intended!)

I had a scanner once along time ago in my youth. I listened to it for two months. I changed my opinion of the police. They have to put up with the most reduculas, stupidist crap from so many out there its sickening? I have to hand it to them, they handle it better than I would. The ignorance they have listen to, the bs people try to give them(!).....yuck! I never wanted to be a officer on the beat after that.

Bobby Lee

The ignorance they have listen to, the bs people try to give them(!).....yuck! I never wanted to be a officer on the beat after that.

The reason cops have to deal with all that bullshit is because people are not taught one simple phrase. I WANT A LAWYER!
If people knew how much power those words have, cops would not be so inquisitive without probable cause. Thus, the cops would have to deal with a lot less bullshit.
I think someone needs medication...

Think paranoia has hit YOU? This is some funny stuff, check it out..

By Rev. Terry-ana Robinson, MC -

By Spring 2004, an invasive mind control technology known as a "Frequency Fence" is slated for implementation onto global society. This Frequency Fence is a bio-neurological, electromagnetic induced form of mind control which will block your higher sensory abilities. A literal "perceptual harness" or "mental prison" will be built around you without you even knowing it is happening, and the scariest part is, your five senses will not alert to you that anything is wrong.

All electrical power generating stations, and the appliances that draw power from them will be utilized as a carrier for this electromagnetic distortion. The human body has a natural immunity against such invasion, which the instigators of this technology will repress by introducing a certain organic, elemental compound into the world's water supply, and by transmitting specific wave spectrums of light directly into the human optical faculties. Technologies such as broadcast television, and the internet, will be utilized to transmit the specific wave spectrums of light.

Further invasive programming will be subliminally carried through all radio broadcasts, and through the cellular and digital telephone network of towers worldwide. This will serve to enhance this bio-neurological invasion even further. After 6 years, this Frequency Fence will cause a genetic mutation to manifest in the collective human gene pool which will be passed down through pro-creation, thereby permanently scarring humanity.

There is no known technological defense against this invasion and there will be no place to hide. This technology will block your higher sensory abilities which will serve to limit your human potential. The blockage of human intuition or your "gut instinct" will be just one of many natural abilities which will be impeded. Another will be your ability to commune with your "Higher Self" or God, systematically cutting you off from your God Source. This is a system that is so insidious that even the elite will be deceived even though some components of this global mind control system are being created by that very elite. Another aspect of this bio-neurological invasion will be the creation and implementation of "Holographic Inserts" by 2006. It involves a technology so advanced that three-dimensional reality can be artificially manufactured and inserted right over your present reality scene in a seamless fashion so you will be unable to determine where organic reality ends, and manipulated, artificial reality begins. This could be compared to the "holo-deck" on the popular television series, Star Trek - The Next Generation, only in this case it¹s not science fiction.

The plot thickens, in that the instigators of this coming bio-neurological manipulation are counting on you to not even believe in their existence. They are depending on you to have a kind of mentality which suggests that what you can not see or perceive with your five senses does not exist, and therefore cannot affect you. If you do not know an enemy exists, you will not take measures to protect yourself from it. The reality of the situation is quite the opposite. These forces presently poised against you posses a level of technology which surpasses present earth science. Their bio-neurological invasion can definitely affect you and hinder your evolution as a species in more ways than you can presently comprehend, making them an absolute threat to your over all well being.

These covert sinister forces are "master geneticists" who are partially human, partially non-human, and extraterrestrial (ET). Some are genetic half breeds that appear fully human in appearance but in reality are human hybrids of ET origin. If your present belief system limits your ability to accept the possibility of beings from other worlds, simply replace ET with the term demon. Because in all right, what these beings intend to do is nothing less than demonic in the truest sense.

Through the "human elite" these ET Intruders dominate and control society through such organizations as the Illuminati, Council on Foreign Relations, and the United Nations, to name just a few. These negative factions are largely responsible for the present manipulations humanity is living under. This includes the present "police state" which has been accelerated to deal with the human resistance factor. It also includes most of the government and quasi-government agencies created in the 20th century.

If you ever wondered how our country, and ultimately our world society became the way it is, all you have to do is look to the ET Intruders who have been playing humanity against itself for countless generations. By keeping humanity divided, it has less time and inclination to notice who the real manipulators are. As long as we are kept busy and economically enslaved, the majority of humanity will not take notice of what¹s really important.

What is really important now is understanding as much of the big picture that is possible. This way you can begin to protect yourself from the coming deceptions which are slated to begin in 2004. There is still time for you to intervene on your own behalf and literally make yourself immune to the coming Frequency Fence and Holographic Inserts. There is no known external technological defense, but there is a way that you can accelerate a natural process within your present genetic code so when the bio-neurological manipulations begin, they will not affect you. We posses the most powerful protective "weapon" of all the human mind/body/spirit organism. We simply need to learn how to use it properly.

The human DNA has a 12 strand potential. Most humans only have strands 1, 2 and 3 fully activated, and strand 4 partially assembled but not yet activated. In order to make yourself "invisible" to the coming bio-neurological invasion, you must have a minimum of 4 strands fully activated, and strand 5 at least half assembled. This will require a certain level of interpersonal development and acceleration on your part.

There are steps you can take to accelerate the growth of your DNA strands. If you have not already done so, work towards strengthening your personal relationship with God, or your "Higher Power." Refuse to accept victim consciousness, or ideologies which promote a sense of personal dis-empowerment. Work to develop your hidden potentials and higher abilities. Take time to examine your personal beliefs about reality. Realize that thoughts are things, literally. Negative thoughts help to generate negative realities. Rigid, dogmatic, fearful, closed-minded beliefs become literal electromagnetic blockages. Learn to think for yourself rather than give your power away to authority figures without question.

Strengthen your mind and exercise your mental muscles. Begin using "mind technologies" that work to enhance mental and emotional development. Some helpful techniques are meditation, and the use of affirmations, visualizations, self-hypnosis, bio-feedback, and dream reprogramming. All of these activities will help you to strengthen your mind and help you to call your higher potentials into use.

Strengthen your body with exercise and/or yoga. A diet containing less chemical additives, red meats, caffeine, drugs, alcohol, salt, sugar and artificial sweeteners will help immensely. Also try to avoid irradiated and over processed foods. The body is also strengthened by conscious breathing and controlled breath exercises.

Learn to heal your past. Holding grudges and resentment against others will only serve to limit your higher development. Work to heal your emotions. Contemporary emotional clearing work can facilitate the releasing of blocked energy centers in the physical body which can serve to rapidly accelerate DNA strand development. Seriously reevaluate your personal ideas about the issue of ET visitation and support those who are petitioning for the government to release data on UFO activity. Realize that much information regarding these subjects has been purposely withheld from the public for reasons of national security. This knowledge now freely circulates within unofficial networks. If you seek out this information you'll find an overwhelming body of knowledge which supports the premise of an active ET visitation scenario.

Seek to empower yourself through "leading edge" knowledge, for this will be your greatest asset in this coming confrontation. Use it wisely and share it with others so that a critical mass can be achieved before 2004. If at least 8% of the global population is able to embody 4.5 strands or higher within their operational DNA code, the Frequency Fence and Holographic Insert Technology will be disabled globally, and the Intruder ET's bio-neurological manipulations will fail.

In order to achieve this 8% goal, everyone who has the calling must work rapidly to embody as many of the aforementioned techniques, or other personal practices which they feel can assist DNA strand development, into their daily practice. The ET Intruders are convinced that collective humanity will not rise to this occasion and succeed in achieving this 8% critical mass by 2004.

The American Revolution was fought and won by a small minority of patriots who were willing to stand for what they believed in and through this conviction advanced technology on their side, but they are petrified of the awesome power of the human spirit. This is the very reason why they wish to block our connection to God, because this is where we draw our greatest power from.

Many of you have already taken steps in reclaiming your personal sovereignty by refusing to accept so-called government benefits in place of God-given rights, and through the process of Redemption. The next level of your awakening is to take the necessary steps to ensure that your spiritual sovereignty is not stolen away from you.

Rev. Terry-ana Robinson, MC and partner Rev. Ayeisha (Isha) Doellgast, MC, of the Melchizedek Cloister, are founders of ISA (International Sovereignty Alliance). They currently offer resources for reclaiming your personal and spiritual sovereignty, including advanced techniques for accelerating DNA growth.

Contact them at: ISA, P.O. Box 149, Kapaa, Hawaii [96746]. Phone: 808-937-4350 Fax: 760-281-6573