Paralyzed in bed.....


Registered Senior Member
This happens every 15 days or so I'd say....

I'll wake up in the middle of the night for no obvious reason, usually go take a piss or whatever, and try to get back to sleep. Well, while laying down, (and this is sort of tough to explain) it's as if I hear wind going by my ears. Not really wind persay, but it's like, I dunno, a hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe it's not even right to label it as a sound.

Anyway, somehow, fear grips me. And, I can't move. I try to move, but I just cannot do it. My whole body is filled with fear, and I give everything I have to try and fight it, but for some reason, I just can't move! This happened last night, and I tried to say something to my dog under the bed, but I couldn't do it. I could not talk or move! But I am totally awake and filled w/ an intense fear.

This usually ends with me praying to God to help me, cause I really do feel like some kind of evil causes this, which sounds ditzy I know, but that is what it feels like and praying to God usually works, cause I can begin to breath in deeply and finally I can move again, and I usually go straight to turn on the light and bring the dog on the bed.

Has anyone experienced this before? Does anybody have an explanation?
I think I know about the sound you're speaking of. It's really high pitched, like a whine?
Cause mine is a totally electrical noise, not like wind. A 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,' but way up in pitch, and it typically only hits me in one ear.

Paralyzing fear–
Only had that happen once, and I was drunk and high and had a nightmare. But when I woke up, the nightmare was still there.
All explainable as Sleep Paralysis, I have been though several of these few times in my life: I wake up in the middle of the night and my body feels increadbly heavy can't left my arms of legs no matter the effort. Once thought aliens were abducting me. Though I never saw aliens doing these episodes I did feel the presents of something, sometimes something jabbing my back or legs with something that felt like a teaser but I could never see or hear what it was, I could even see the parts of me that I felt were being tazed by aliens but I could not see anything doing it. It was that that made me realize the experience where not supernatural or extraterrestrial but in my head. after reading up on it I was not afraid of it and the following times that were not horrific at all, I just waited while and then I could move again. Getting a good night of sleep stopped it all together I must add, when I was a teen I really did not sleep very well.

I don’t remember sound though but we all hallucinate something different.
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Definitely sleep paralysis, I've had it a few times, and had accompanying nightmares too (one assault, and one 'abduction' experience.)

I get the noise as I fall asleep sometimes, kinda like white noise, or mixtures of voices and music, like a channel skipping radio. I guess it's your brain tuning out real sounds, and listening to itself as you drift off.

I don't get paralysis as I fall asleep though, mine has always been as I wake. What I do get more often than sleep paralysis, is the 'falling of the edge of the world' feeling, when drifting off to sleep. This is the onset of the paralysis we undergo while dreaming, to prevent us acting out our dreams, but we don't quite make it into dream sleep, and the quick on/off makes us jerk, and in our near dream state, we interpret that as falling.

I guess you get the paralysis kicking in before the dream state, and experience the effect I and WCF do on waking.

Scary stuff yes, but I too have found that the one thing I do seem to be able to control, is how fast I breathe, and breathing harder brings me out of it quicker.

If you're having it as often as you say, you might want to talk to a doctor about improving the quality of your sleep. Simple things, like having less sleep, (go for six, or seven hours per day at the most) so it's good quality, and deep. Don't eat too close to bed time, and keep a record of what you eat each day, as some foods being harder to digest, can prolong dream sleep, and you might therefore be more likely to have this experience.

Anyway, don't panic, it's normal, if unpleasant, and isn't harmful.
I have that sometimes as well. What someone told me once is that thats the first step in leaving your body. I think the trick is not to freak out and try not to get control back of your body. But its freaky not being able to move so I usually dont remember to try until I have broken out of it.

Just my 3 cents(inflation)
Yeah, now that I've read up on the condition, I understand it. I really did feel like there was a supernatural demon somehow visiting me in the death of the night, stealing away my ability to control my body and delighting in my helplessness, while I stood there trying to convince myself that I wasn't afraid until finally deciding to pray for God's help.

That sounds pretty strange, cause I'm a real down to Earth person, I don't believe in the supernatural or anything like that, but when stuff like that occurs, you really don't feel like you have much of a choice.

At first you think that it's all in your head, then you begin to realize that no, you really CANNOT move, just go ahead and try. Come on, try. Then the fear kicks in. I've read that some people hallucinate when this happens to 'em. That would be awful, it would be like a dream coming to the real world to terrorize you.

Has anyone ever read about the "Old Hag" lol?
There are some wacko's who think that an "Old Hag" sits on your chest and makes it so you can't move and steals your breath away, or something like that. Pretty strange huh?
Yeah, the 'Old Hag', 'Incubus' and 'Succubus' stories are pretty strange, but it's clear to see, how a very old, and very human condition, gets reported as whatever the vogue is. Now people report alien abduction, when, in more religious 'hellfire and brimstione' days, it was demons and witches.

I've had this happen three times I think. Twice with associated dream, and once I was wide awake. I think the waking experience was the worst, as it happens. Although I did scare the living crap out of my girlfriend when I came out of the last one, screaming, fists up, ready to fight off my abductors!
Frisbinator, you are one step away from a great life-changing experience, if you so choose. When you are conscious during “sleep” paralysis, and hear that electrical/whooshing sound, possibly vibrating your body with it, you can leave your physical body. It’s called an out-of-body experience, OBE, or astral projection.

I fought off the paralysis and the accompanying sounds for a decade. I’d wiggle the tips of my fingers to overcome it. One night the sound came on strong and before I could fight it back I got thrown out of my body and into a black void. It was calm and pleasant. The next night I induced the sounds for the first time voluntarily and lifted my head out of my physical body. This time I could see, and what I saw was mind-blowing.

I’ve had lots of OBEs since then and would have them every night if I could. The closest parallel to what you experience is the holodeck on Star Trek. If I can get the sounds I can almost always leave my body. I’ve met other people (spirits)—even been among a crowd—while out-of-body and have never felt fear. For most people only the part before you leave your body is fearful. It’s fear of the unknown.

For more info a decent book is Adventures Beyond the Body. I read only the first 2 chapters.
Yes...Astral projection is most certainly the reason for whoosh sound ( other than the almighty tinitus) (lol), Sleep paralysis, and the pokes and prods.

Frisbinator i'd have to say that you are extremely lucky in that this new experience is just opening up to you, and you should take the moment and seize it.... i mean go buy a book or go do a google search for
"Robert peterson" and you will find a free online book that i bought (dammit)...and you will see that you will be able to relate to his life immensly....

Please ,take this oppotunity and Project, because this is a gift for it to come to you. Many people spend years to go to it......

Oh and sleep paralyis is soo calming lol :D

:m: peace out
I used to have sleep paralysis. I didn't like it one bit. The only way I could snap myself out of it was to moan. Moaning would gradually wake me up completely which would in turn wake up my body. Calling out to your dog is too complex of a task to achieve in this state.
I find this very intersting as I have experienced several OBE's. However, one time i experienced a bizarre feeling, similar to what is being described here! Just on a side-note I don't practice meditation regularly or anything like that, I'm just a regular healthy student. Anyways, one particular night I fell asleep and felt like I was coming out of REM sleep or alpha waves, when i noticed I was in my friends room listening and observing two friends of mine. It was as if I was "one" with the darkness of the room and was listening to a converstaion they were having. The bizarre thing is I felt/heard a sharp "static-like" noise right after this experience occured. I never considered this a possible OBE until i read this, i just thought it was a night-terror or something. The crazy thing is , the next day at school i talked with my best friend (the one i travelled too) and he said our friend stayed the night and i started reciting things they talked about and my friend was flabbergasted. Anways just felt like sharing and I find all of this stuff very scintillating.
Since I first heard of this sleep paralysis thing, I've wished I could experience it. Even just once... I know it's supposed to unpleasant, but I'd really like to.... I'm like that.

It's never happened to me before... Or at least, if it has, I don't remember. And I think I'd remember.
Yeah, Succubus. It's been documented for years and years I think. I've had god awful
dreams of huge spheres of 'soil' moving that rotated into each other, a black line in
a world world that degenerates into mess and feels awful, numbers that multiply forever
and dreams of metal running outside my room. Most are awful, and only occur every
couple of years. A friend of mine has a reoccurring dream where the number '2' is
coming up the stairs - he says it's terrifying.