Pants On The Ground


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
I have trouble finding clothes that fit well & somehow no belt lasts long. It is astounding that people choose to wear loose pants.

Someone wearing only underwear in public usually goes to jail or a hospital or at least is escorted home. Yet someone showing their underwear is not. I am baffled by this.

While I do not want to see these idiots underwear, my main concern is consistency in both the law & what the public will or will not put up with. The only significant difference I can see is that the people wearing only underwear do not have to bother with trying to hold up their pants.

What the heck is the purpose of wearing pants if they do not cover your frigging ass.

Can nothing be done?
I have trouble finding clothes that fit well & somehow no belt lasts long. It is astounding that people choose to wear loose pants.

Someone wearing only underwear in public usually goes to jail or a hospital or at least is escorted home. Yet someone showing their underwear is not. I am baffled by this.

While I do not want to see these idiots underwear, my main concern is consistency in both the law & what the public will or will not put up with. The only significant difference I can see is that the people wearing only underwear do not have to bother with trying to hold up their pants.

What the heck is the purpose of wearing pants if they do not cover your frigging ass.

Can nothing be done?

I think thyr pants must be full of shit.
Pants on the ground
pants on the ground
you'll never get away
with your pants on the ground.

(from "ball on the ground", which I cannot find - little help?)
Pants on the ground
pants on the ground
you'll never get away
with your pants on the ground.

(from "ball on the ground", which I cannot find - little help?)

Video music


This is Ball on the ground,_Georgia

Some records indicate Ball Ground was originally named Battle Ground on early maps. The town is located near fields that the Cherokee people used to play stick ball, a rough game similar to modern lacrosse.


This is Ball on the ground
Aaagh no - looking for a college football or quasi-hiphop football game chant , more of a kick to it than the over-musical number there.

I know I heard it somewhere - no way my dreams have deteriorated to that extent.
Found it
The memory - but not the original source: it's from the fan reaction to the Minnesota Vikings loss to New Orleans in a big game a few years ago.
Ball on the ground! Ball on the ground! Looking like a fool with the ball on the ground! AP going left, Percy all around! Looking like a fool with the ball on the ground! Trouble hangin' on, not a pretty sound. Can't beat the Saints with the ball on the ground!

Where, and who, is the original?

- - -
Might have been this guy, earliest I could find:
01-24-2010 10:21 PM#73ChrisApplewhite

Join Date
Feb 2008

Ball on the ground, ball on the ground, look like a fool with your ball on the ground
- - - -
Found an earlier one:
(the game was not over yet)
Last edited:
Kids wearing pants that hang down showing their underwear bothers the 'old guys'. Well there you go - mission accomplished.

Did you guys forget what it was like when you were young?

I'm just glad when I was young I only had to wear stupid cloths and have annoyingly long hair. Now a days the uniform of the day includes having some failed artist give you a stupid tattoo and you get to poke chunks of metal into your face and body. Seems like todays youth have a much higher commitment to annoying the old guys....
Look at the bright side, if some young punk wants to mess with you, all you have to do is run away, even old farts like us can out run some kid with his pants around his knees! :D
I'm just glad when I was young I only had to wear stupid cloths and have annoyingly long hair. Now a days the uniform of the day includes having some failed artist give you a stupid tattoo and you get to poke chunks of metal into your face and body. Seems like todays youth have a much higher commitment to annoying the old guys....

Well, in my time we were expected to cop an attitude, and it had to be legit, not just some bullshit. Complaining is rite and right of teen years, as such, but if my parents' cohort is to be believed, the world was evil, and then they came along, and then the world was evil again. For instance, I'm pretty sure the punkish teen boys of my father's pre-hippie era spent their rebellious years complaining about not enough opportunities to work themselves to the bone and suffer for God and American virtue, as if the only reason they had to walk barefoot in the snow to school and back and uphill both ways is because those awful commies, their schools, and the goddamn roads, and if only we hadn't bothered with education maybe someone could have opened a coal mine right here, where there is no coal, so all the kids could get an honest day's work and learn some character when they leave their fingers behind.

What? No, that's not the Boomer youth? A'ight, then. I wonder what the hell happened to that lot.
Just say no to crack
(as we would phrase it in Iowa)
Pull yer pants up boy!
('tain't racist)
I'm pretty sure the punkish teen boys of my father's pre-hippie era spent their rebellious years complaining about not enough opportunities to work themselves to the bone and suffer for God and American virtue, as if the only reason they had to walk barefoot in the snow to school and back and uphill both ways is because those awful commies, their schools, and the goddamn roads,
I had to walk barefoot in the snow uphill 50 miles to school then uphill 50 miles barefoot in the slush to home.
