Panorama : Scientology And Me

Scientologists are about ego or at least that is what was so screamingly loud about them when I looked into it. They are shallow and all about their damn ego. Just another form of cult to get a cheap ego trip and feel elitest or better just like religion.

What I've found so disturbing about these types of people is not that they are truly trying to raise themselves above the scum of the world but trying to compare themselves to the obscure real good in the world while raising scumness by washing it and dressing it up ending up with empty worthless clean scumminess that rised to the top. They support all the scum they came from because that's what they are except they are like a model for those under them to follow. They are very similar to fundamental religion and are quite wishy washy on moral issues just like religion while geniusly being mired in it. These are the types of people who secretly feel sorry for moral weakness and lack any real substance.
My parents are scientologists and while I don't specifically know them all that well, they didn't seem as bad certainly as Peta would imply. I am sure it's fine as a stereotype, (I would be the first to say that all christians are [censored]), but my folks seem ok I suppose. Could be wrong.
Scientology is a scam it was created by a sci fi author who thought he could make more money by turning his books into a religion. ps he was a good sci fi author either