Palm reading...


Registered Senior Member
Has anyone ever had their palm read and found any truth to it?

I recently had mine read and the personal information was all incredibly accurate, but I was wondering about the predictions.
if they were good predictions you might as well believe they are true,if not rest safe in the knowledge that it is a load of bollocks.
I had mine read on a night out, She predicted my future but I am not sure how accurate it would be. I forgot to ask for the past. Oh well I was a tard drunk
Briefly glanced through a few books on it, but would be interested in having my palm read. Apparently my great grandmother used to read palms and tell fortunes way back during Prohibition. Anything to make a few bucks I guess. Mom says she wasn't psychic or anything; just a very shrewd business woman who had a knack for reading people and entertaining them with things they wanted to hear. I was a little disappointed to hear that :rolleyes:
Hey, check this out, it may help you if you WIN!

May I See Your Hand? Palm Reading for Fun and Profit ~ Myrna Lou Goldbaum
New Competition!

To win a copy of Myrna Lou Goldbaum's palm reading book, May I See Your Palm? Palm Reading for Fun and Profit, just reply to this prompt:
Explain the reason a person seeks out a palmist.
Email Myrna, Author and Palmist, at this email address:

If you come up with the best answer you will win the book to teach you how to read a palm!

Competition closes at the end of September 2005. Good luck!

Don't forget to join my group, chat to the authors themselves and be up for the chance of winning more books, just for joining!
Palm reading! ahhh! i love that..i dont understand ANY thing about that but i do it many times! :D

I use it as an old trick for touching a women hand (and seduce her). Be charismatic and say things that she wants to listen. Sometimes be misterious.

Move your fingers slowly and spwak in a very deep tone of voice. Great for seducing women! :D
Has anyone ever had their palm read and found any truth to it?

Palmistry like astrology is only a fake way to make money. It won't hurt you as long as you don't pay for it but there's alot of people paying alot of money to have their palms read or astrological charts made up. If your that gullible to believe in that stuff go ahead but I sure don't believe in it what-so-ever.
LOL! I guess you're not fans of palm reading then...unless that's for seduction or worse! Still, I think there is something in it - but I would have to have my palm read to find out if the palmreader was actually any good. If he/she got it right, then that would be good enough for me!

It would seem 'Dark Eyed Beauty' above is taking this forum seriously!

You guys! What are you like?
It would seem 'Dark Eyed Beauty' above is taking this forum seriously!

That doesn't mean that we are gullible and can be convinced that this stuff is really going to be of use to us in our daily lives. As I stated, its only a way to make money doing nothing but telling people what they want to hear.

"You guys! What are you like?"

I'm not going to be taken advantage of by someone who can read my hand and tell me what I want to hear, that's for sure...are you?