Pakistan's idea of justice/law

So am I sometimes. I will never rape or even hit a girl. I hate people who hurt women. If I ever catch any guy hitting or trying to rape a girl, I will gladly break his bones.
Stupid Islamic law. Stupid religion. Too bad Christian crusade didn't succeed.
Joeman, do you really need to be reminded of the crimes committed in the name of christianity? The rapes, murders, massacres? That small problem with altar boys?
Originally posted by Adam
Joeman, do you really need to be reminded of the crimes committed in the name of christianity? The rapes, murders, massacres? That small problem with altar boys?

That does this have anything to do with Islam?
Originally posted by Xev
"That does this have anything to do with Islam?"

You are either hypocritically applying a different standard to Islam as you are to Xtianity, or you must call Christianity just as stupid and evil.

Christianity today no longer try to wipe out other religions by use of force. With exception of Turkey and maybe a few others, minority religions don't even exist. Not even atheist. I have been speaking out against Christianity for a long time and nothing happened to me. It didn't take me long to receive a death threat when I started speaking out against Islam. My professors in school usually have no problems with me bad mouthing christianity but they get annoyed when I slag off islam. I was told I violated school's religious tolerance policy. If there is any double standard it goes the other way. Another thing is I noticed christian charities help non christians. I have not yet seen any muslim charities that help non muslims.

Anyways, it's like Hef says:

"One of the problems with organized religion is that it has always kept women in a second-class position. They have been viewed as the daughters of Eve. "

Buddhism anyone?
Joeman, that's funny

Christianity today no longer try to wipe out other religions by use of force
In addition to being hilarious, it is demonstrative in part of the point.

First off, Christianity does, in fact, try to wipe out other religions, and by use of the state. Military force? No. But then again, if we look at it in terms of how women are treated and so forth, the Bible hasn't changed. Christians have changed a good deal about their practices, but the same evils still bubble up. Sure, they're not tying people to the stake and burning them alive anymore, but I lived in Oregon in the 1990s, and I watched Christians attempt to use the state against homosexuality.

But the larger point: thou shall not suffer a witch to live. There are many stupid reasons to harm a woman in the Bible. That hasn't changed. I find interesting the reflection that in order to become civilized, religions must stop taking their gods as seriously. You realize that's the big difference right now between the Christian and Muslim experiences. In the largely-Christian West, we've found something more valuable to us than God: money.

On the one hand, I'm glad that Christians aren't out marching armed through the streets enforcing the wounds of Christ. To the other ....

Tiassa :cool:
Zafran Bibi is sentenced to being stoned to death because she was raped.

Apparently this is normal turn of events in Pakistan.

We sit here safe and sound in front of our computers and express our displeasure with this news article.

The fundamental perverse nature of this culture is so abhorrent to me that I am at a loss for words.


Mankind is a sick species.
Perversity comes from teaching perversity. People in general really do suck. How do we change such a disaster to humanity? You wipe it out and start over, that's how. ( or reprogram it )