Pain Tolerence


Realistically Surreal
Registered Senior Member
Hi folks, Ive been in hospital again with more broken bones after i had another crash on my motorcycle. However, at the time I just jumped straight back on and rode off with a foot broken in 5 places. I didn't go to hospital until the next day.
When I was in hospital, they asked me about the pain, and I said it wasn't too bad.
I'm wondering if, with all my broken bones I have built up a "tolerence". Do we know that we do indeed build up a tolerance, some physiological response to pain? Is there evidence to support this? Or is this just a myth?
Pain tolerance is psychological. It's the amount of pain that you can actually "feel" before it becomes too much to bear. The pain threshold on the other hand is the point at which a stimulus or in your case injury actually causes what you would describe as pain.

It's possible that the nature of your injury, even though it sounds severe, didn't actually cause a lot of pain. Or, and perhaps more likely, it was your bodies production of natural pain killers in response to your injury that caused you to feel less pain that you otherwise would have. In any case, pain can be a very subjective thing and there are many variables to consider.
Heh-did you not notice your foot wasn't working right? I guess because I run a little and have foot problems, I'd notice, I have to nursemaid my arches...
No, pain tolerance can be acquired, absolutely...Injuries that used to make me wince are now like "meh".

Um...what kind of riding boots are you wearing these days? I'm probably going to take up motorcycle riding-take a safety class, then get a decent used commuter bike...and negative recommendations can be useful too...:bugeye:

Oh, replace your helmet. One crash per helmet.
Yep, I had to replace my helmet, the old one was pretty well stoved in. Just goes to show how good they are these days, I didn't even get a headache! I was wearing armoured boots, so I assume my injuries would have been far worse had I been wearing sneakers.
The pain is still there, but not so bad I can't ride. I think the adrenaline etc. allowed me to ride off again, but once this wore off I think the injuries should have hurt more than they did. But as I am still recovering from snapping my arm in half maybe my body is just getting used to it. I always did have a high pain threshold though.
I broke my big toe, my second and 3rd metatarsal bases, and multiple fractures of the lateral cuniform, whatever that is. I also broke a rib, which was more painful than my foot for some reason.