paganism vs monotheism


Registered Member
can the monotheists call pagans devil worshippers
can they call the pagan gods devils
is the bible influenced by the greek and nordic mythologies
how are the monotheists superior
The bible stories are greatly influenced by pagan mythology. Especially the story of Jesus, it's a total rip off of the stories of Osirus and also of Dionysus.
raherakthy said:
can the monotheists call pagans devil worshippers
Sure. If they want to.
I assume you are referring to Satan, when you say "devil".
The Bible is not really vey clear on the subject at all.
Of course if the particular pagan they are speaking about does not worship the devil, they would be mistaken, but they can say whataver they wish.

raherakthy said:
can they call the pagan gods devils
As a matter of doctrine, Christians generally believe that any entity claiming to be a God, is an antichrist and deceiver.
Therefore, to claim you are a God, you must therefore be a demon or devil of sorts.
Pretty convenient doctrine, if you ask me.
Assures the God of Abraham a monopoly.
"I am the only God. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar, and is leading down the path of Hell."

raherakthy said:
is the bible influenced by the greek and nordic mythologies
The Bible is influenced greatly by a number of pagan myths, however, I do not think that the Nordic and Greek myths had a great deal of influence on it (though, of course, I could be mistaken).

raherakthy said:
how are the monotheists superior
How ar the polytheists superior?
Seems like a silly question to me.

You are aware, I assume, that "pagan" is essentially a Christian term meaning "not Christian" (or sometimes refers to non-Abrahamaic).
It was origainally a Latin term that meant "country dweller" (basically: redneck, uncultured, uneducated...).
By defining yourself as pagan, you aren't defining yourself as anything at all, rather you are defining yourself as not something.
You are positioning yourself as opposed to something that you don't even believe in, and if it weren't for that thing, you wouldn't be defined.
Seems to me it would be better to define yourself based on your own beliefs, ideas and ideals rather than looking at someone esle and saying, "What I am is not that." You are allowing yourself to be confined by whom you position yourself against.
Maybe that makes them feel superior. It would make me feel superior if people came out and defined themselves by a word that I made up that meant nothing but "not Craig". If people started referring to themselves as anti-Craigs, that would give me a bit of a swell. Wouldn't it have that effect on you?

By the way, when saying "the monotheists" you seem to be referring to Christians. Is that my mistake? If so, I beg your pardon. If not, and you really are referring to Christians, but shy away from being blatant for whatever reason, please don't. Just say what you mean.
i am well informed about the meaning of the word pagan
and by monotheists i donot explicitly mean christians
an by da way dont think everything in da bible is true
if the bible is really a holy book not everything in it can be taken for granted

i mean to say that all religions are equal in divinity and stupidity
however one religion criticises the other
however wen a stories are written to impose the will of some people upon others
it does leave some doubts
I don't think any of the stories in the Bible are true.
I'm not Christian.
cato said:
all gods are space fillers until the candle of science can shed its light. thats why there are no "pagan" sun gods anymore, because we know what the sun is.
"Humankind cannot bear very much reality."-T. S. Eliot
humans, well, not atheists anyway, need there to be more to life than what they see. gods are invented to fill that need. perhaps some day science can light up every dark corner of the universe and we will finally be rid of these ridiculous religions.
gee, it seems like I said that before. ohh yeah, maybe in the thread exactly like it. wtf are you here for raherakthy? your threads are mindless, you words are misspelled, your arguments are flawed, and you probably know very little about physics/science. I suggest you find a forums that is more at your level, or simply lurk here. please, we have enough people like you.
raherakthy said:
wy da heck do you quote da bible wenever ye please
yu think de bibles sum kinda random sentence dictionary


I quote the Bible when people are debating what was said in the Bible.
I don't understand why you would ask why I quote the Bible when the discussion is about what the Bible says or Christian Doctrine/Dogma.
(actually I didn't quote the Bible at all in this thread)
How could you have a discussion about what the Bible claims without actually discussing what the Bible actually says?
cato said:
gee, it seems like I said that before. ohh yeah, maybe in the thread exactly like it. wtf are you here for raherakthy? your threads are mindless, you words are misspelled, your arguments are flawed, and you probably know very little about physics/science. I suggest you find a forums that is more at your level, or simply lurk here. please, we have enough people like you.

oki cato wat is "0" a number or a concept
wat is god, an entity or a concept
cato said:
gee, it seems like I said that before. ohh yeah, maybe in the thread exactly like it. wtf are you here for raherakthy? your threads are mindless, you words are misspelled, your arguments are flawed, and you probably know very little about physics/science. I suggest you find a forums that is more at your level, or simply lurk here. please, we have enough people like you.

by da way cato
my question in dis thread is weder the bible is infulenced by pagan myths or not
wat da heck is monkey physics doin here
raherakthy said:
wat da heck is monkey physics doin here
*Sniff... Sniff*... Me thinks Jadon/Angelic Being has yet another identity.

Why is it that each one seems to be dumber than the previous one?