Paedophilia: "Hysteria and Hypocrisy"


Whose Worth's unknown
Registered Senior Member

'Paedogeddon - Brass Eye Special' received 1500 complaints when it was first aired on British television in 2001. It was branded as 'sick' by politicians who later admitted they'd never seen it, and its creator and star - Christopher Morris - received a tirade of abuse from all sides. Not that he gave a damn, replying to the backlash with, 'you have proved our point'.

The News of the World's 'Named and Shamed' is also a relevant example. After registered paedophiles had their name, photographs and locations printed in the newspaper, many of those featured were physically attacked, had their cars and houses vandalised and were even hounded out of their homes. We have to ask ourselves, why not the same treatment for murderers?

Any thoughts?
The News of the World's 'Named and Shamed' is also a relevant example. After registered paedophiles had their name, photographs and locations printed in the newspaper, many of those featured were physically attacked, had their cars and houses vandalised and were even hounded out of their homes. ...

Ya' know what my first thought was? That this is just more proof that people are led by the media ...led around by the nose! If the media, news and/or entertainment, tells people to do something or suggests some actions, people will do it or copy it.

Is there something wrong when something or someone has that much power over the people? Hitler and his Nazi party comes rapidly to mind. I wonder ....if the media told us to go out and clog the streets and stop traffic during rush hour, how many people would actually do it?

We have to ask ourselves, why not the same treatment for murderers? Any thoughts?

Why don't we just announce when a prisoner is getting out of prison, and we can have the people line up on both sides of the way and make the prisoner run the gauntlet. Nice, huh?

Does the media and the people who run it have too much power? ..and not enough control?

Baron Max
Is it really the media's fault? I think they just stimulate a mindset that's already in place.

In prison, sex offenders are the lowest of the low. These people have to be kept in separate wings, not to protect other prisoners, but so they don't end up dead or horribly disfigured at the hands of their cellmates. Nonces are hated with a passion, while those responsible for grisly murders are left well alone.

A paedophile, in the eyes of the public, is Satan's evil bound in human form. People who simply take joy in the company of children, are now considered weird and dangerous; even suspected paedophiles are ostracised and often fear for their lives.

The above link is an article about a man who committed suicide after a mob drove him and his family out of their home. As we already know, mob justice has always believed in 'guilty until proven innocent'. The article also cites two other cases of men being mistaken for paedophiles and attacked violently in their homes.
The News of the World's 'Named and Shamed' is also a relevant example. After registered paedophiles had their name, photographs and locations printed in the newspaper, many of those featured were physically attacked, had their cars and houses vandalised and were even hounded out of their homes. We have to ask ourselves, why not the same treatment for murderers?

Any thoughts?

I agree. I dislike megans law for this reason. I say if a paedophile has such a high recidivism rate that they are not safe in society then do not let them out into society, keep them locked up. But if you are going to release them after time served then they should have the rights and anonymity like everyone else who has been released.
Some pedophiles got out of jails and then killed innocent children .
When a human has a personal problem he or she should not take it on the public .
Pedophiles should seek help for their sick behaviour .
Unfortunetely lots of them think that paedophilia is their right and a normal life style .
I agree. I dislike megans law for this reason. I say if a paedophile has such a high recidivism rate that they are not safe in society then do not let them out into society, keep them locked up. But if you are going to release them after time served then they should have the rights and anonymity like everyone else who has been released.

This is why I believe there should be a change to Megan's Law. Only the police should have access to the information and only in times where a crime similiar to the one the ex-con perpetrated is commited.

It is also of note that any sex offender ends on this registry. Your neighbor could be on it for nothing mopre than ten years ago he urinated in public while drunk at 2 AM.

If we can;t remove the lists from public scrutiny it should be made law that in any case where a citizen assaults a registered ex-con and admits they found them on the registry it should be considered and automatic confession and guilty plea to attempted murder. This would deter vigilante 'justice'.
Is ther some kind of requirement that sciforums always have an active pedophelia thread?
Some pedophiles got out of jails and then killed innocent children .
When a human has a personal problem he or she should not take it on the public .
Pedophiles should seek help for their sick behaviour .
Unfortunetely lots of them think that paedophilia is their right and a normal life style .

True some pedophiles go on to nasty things again and some completely reform or at least control their impulses. This law lumps the twop groups together and punishes them for the deeds of the worst. It would be like rounding up all brunettes and punishing them for what Manson did. It makes no sense.

I agree the public needs to be protected from predators, however this law is beyond abusive.

Lets say you are checking the registry becuase soon you'll come in custody of your 13 year old neice. Lo andf Behold you next door neighbor is listed as a sex offender. He was your best friend but now you avoid him. Your watching him through binoculars. You've notified the Little League that he is a Sex Offender, and they immediately fired him as a volunteer umpire. You spread around the neighborhood your thoughts on what he could have done. One of you neighbors takes matters into his own hands, and soon your left consoling the widow. In passing conversation you learn exactly why he is a sex offender, he had been tisketed while making love to his wife at a popular make out point. The ticket was indecent exposure.