Overwhelming, lucid dreaming


Registered Senior Member
I don't normally post here, but am interested in some thoughts from those who seem to have experience regarding dreaming.

This morning when I woke up, I could barely wake up and function, to about 20-30 minutes before I was completely coherent. I was dreaming intently, lucidly for what feels like hours. These dreams seemed to be strung together one after another with an intensity and vividness that I have rarely experienced. The details were exquisite, every blade of grass, the clouds, moss in the rushing river, the pours in a stone.

The common thread of each seemed to be something rushing, moving quickly. Traveling down a road to a town of no consequence, vaguely remembered from childhood. A clear, rushing river on a stone bridge with people playing in the river. A house in a treed setting with a helicopter nearby, a man in uniform, me but not me, getting in and piloting it above trees and through hills and valleys, dodging houses in a new subdivision. Seeing all in both first and third person at the same time. No terror, really almost peaceful and utterly intense at the same time.

I was shaken this morning, my heart pounding, intense feelings. It was wild and weird and cool all at the same time. It made me remember other dreams with the same intense settings, particularly in another country where I spent some time.

Even then, though, they do not compare to a dream in college once. It was the most intense thing I have ever experienced. Without going into details, I remember it clearly after nearly 15 years. I can still feel the mood, the details, the lighting, the utterly intense emotion. I the dream I fell in love with a woman who went blind, who thought I didn't want her, but I did. I woke up with tears of love and utter happiness, I felt such the entire day. I don't know that in real life if I have ever experienced such intense emotions. The odd things is that I never had never been in love at that point in my life, so I could not have had a past experience in it.

I am curious as to thoughts on how or why. Musings. Anything. Thanks.
I wish i was as fortunate as you... I dont dream.
Surely you dream, everyone does. I know that sometimes I wake up and don't think I have dreamt at all, but neurologically and physiologically you do. If you did not, you would go insane, die, something. Sometimes it just takes practice to remember them. I know some people here have posted about that, and there are books and websites on the subject.
Lucid Dreams


Reading your post regarding lucid dreams ... just last week I had a dream where I went back to a place where I had been before... in a previous dream before...!

I have always had dreams in full color. At times I have smell perfume, and heard the rustling of the old style of dresses...Just like they would be beside my bed. And like you, I have seen myself as somebody else...like looking in on something happening, but being removed...

As for my last dream, the funny part is, that once I was in the house in question, it was like.... "Where have you been !"...

Wish there was somebody out there to explain ... and I do not mean "Dream interpretation "

I would recommend keeping a journal, as I have been doing for several days now (maybe five?). I've remembered the dreams from three out of the five nights that I've kept the journal, which is quite unusual for me. I usually only remember dreams once a week if I'm lucky. I'm working toward creating my own, natural VR simulator.

So, whenever you remember a dream, try to write it down. The best way to remember a dream is to lie in bed for a few minutes, maybe twenty to half an hour, and just think about random things. If you're lucky the dream will pop into your head.