
Tony H2o

Registered Senior Member
Hi everyone,

Don't know exactly how to use this Post a Message thing, first time at it. Maybe won't even work or I won't be able to find my way back to see what people think about my thoughts. Anyway here goes nothing.

This site has many an interesting line of conversation to follow through. It covers things from UFO's and aliens through to issues about the existence of GOD and along the way there has been a fair amount of sarcasms and stirring, I hope all in good fun.

My view to let everyone know up front is that GOD is real and so are aliens (but the aliens are not from out there or in the future). I can't prove GOD with science but then if I could we would not need faith to believe and without that we will never understand or be pleasing to GOD. (Why do I believe? Read the attached at the bottom of the message, sometimes it takes a good wack to wake up.)

Getting back to aliens and UFO's there is a lot of conspiracy stuff going on and a lot of opinions and ideas being put up as facts. But what is the real question that we want answered? Are we alone in the universe? Are we a freak of nature? Are we a biological and evolutional mistake?

I would dare say that these are the reasons that everyone came here, (I actualy came here by mistake, thought it was interesting and decided to join in) It was and is that burning question that drives us to search for an answer, either scientific, spiritual or emotional. We will all continue the search until we find an answer that appeals to our views and knowledge of life, eternity, science, history etc. The only difference is the area we look for the answer. Personally I look at the Bible. Sure its not a scientifically accurate account of the history of mankind and planet Earth. Its put together from fragments of texts in different languages and translated in various ways found in different locations at different times in history and written by different authors that lived in vastly differing geographical, social and time periods throughout history. Pretty big call to ask someone to believe what it says right?

But that’s exactly why I believe it. What other religious work has been compiled in this manner and still maintained the same theme: GOD IS GOD. God is a supreme being and master of all creation, again the faith issue kicks in, you either believe this or you don't, you either believe with your whole heart or you don't - no in between.

Sorry, you'll find I jump around a lot with my thoughts and go off on a tangent sometimes. Getting back to the aliens, I said that I believe they exist but their not from the stars and their not from the future, so where are they from? The past? Actually my thoughts are that they existed before mankind was created, they existed in a realm of beauty and perfection until they rebelled and were cast down. These so called aliens are actually fallen angels, no this is not my theory its actually Biblical and if you want to pursue it further there are numerous web sites about it. By the way you won't find that theory in a Hollywood blockbuster movie (yet).

But when you’ve researched this and many other topical issues a burning question still remains. Many of the responses mentioned about Jesus and I’d have to say that through all my study and the knowledge that I have accumulated it has not strengthened my faith in him. What has strengthened my faith is realising that the whole Bible points to Jesus. What has strengthened my faith is simply reading and obeying his words with a child like faith. All these issues of UFO’s, aliens, Loch Ness monster, Ghosts the paranormal etc are mearly a smokescreen designed to distract us from this simple fact – the faith of a child. Sure go ahead research and investigate all these things, but all they will do is run you in circles.

Sorry everyone I can’t put up a concrete argument up about God or creation, but then again science can’t put up a concrete argument about the big bang or evolution or an expanding or collapsing universe etc. So it all comes down to what you put your faith in. Me in God, believe me if I could prove God to any of you I would love to, first believe and then you will see things in a different light.

God calls himself I AM that I AM, dwell on this and try to comprehend everything that ever was and ever will be in an instant. No go hey?

You see we are 3 dimensional beings living in a 3D world travelling through the fourth dimension of time relying on five senses to relate to all we experience in this journey. Now compared to the great I AM who the bible says we are created in the image of you would then have to concur that He has the same 5 senses, however His are not limited to or constrained by the dimensions that mans are. Also His senses are not limited to certain sound frequency ranges or light wave lengths or temperature sensitivity ranges or pressure capacity limits or odour and taste detection limits. Why do you think humankind is trying to reach out to the stars? What do you think is the driving force behind humankind having an insatiable thirst for knowledge and technological development? What drives us to study things at a subatomic level and to study quantum mechanics? We have developed the technology to view things never imagined, to listen to the heartbeat of a dying star in a distant galaxy, to cure the once incurable, to manipulate particles at a sub atomic level and create nano machines, to humanly travel at supersonic speed (mach 26+ to escape earths atmosphere) to communicate at the speed of light, to live in hostile uninhabitable environments such as space for extended periods of time, to genetically engineer food crops for greater and pest resistant yields, to genetically clone and manipulate life, IVF, growing human ears on the back of a rat, mapping the entire human gene and the list goes on.

Our quest is a quest to become like God, to develop the same capabilities that he has. It’s a quest that started at the fall of man when we ate the forbidden fruit in an effort to become just like God. A quest to be able to transcend the limits that bind us through knowledge and technology and thereby say that we as humankind have achieved the status of god. We have build and are building a new Babylon, a tower of technology that spirals upwards towards the heavens in an effort to reach and assault the throne of God.

What I’m trying to get across is the massive greatness of an infinite God compared to finite man, we only see in part with the capacity and abilities that we have, but He sees the whole. We often judge wrongly because of this but His judgement is sound because of his immense and infinite greatness. It a complex thing to try to understand the mind of God, only one human has ever done this – Jesus. He said that he only said and did the things he saw the Father doing. Study His life and actions and you get a glimpse of the mind of God towards mankind. Put your faith in Him and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and you will start to lead a life that would in many peoples opinions be fanatical, but it will be a life that makes an eternal difference in the lives of others and your own.

There is only one way for man to reach God – Jesus.

Oh before I go the reason I believe:


This event occurred half my lifetime ago when I was 17. To record the details of the experience in writing does not do it true justice. The closest thing that I can parallel it to would be what many may refer to as a near death experience, however I can not call it this as at no point did I even consider that I had died or was going to die.

This event took place in a remote central NSW town called Seals Rocks during a surfing safari with some friends. I had been surfing and had just hopped out of the water when I became violently ill, nausea, vomiting, dizzy, shaking and weak. After I had stopped being sick I managed to compose myself, change out of my wet suit into dry clothes and sit in the front seat of the van to try to get some rest.

The next thing I recall was that I found myself (and I mean myself in the real sense, as real as typing this record) in a tunnel experiencing the sensation of falling or sliding in a forward direction. The walls of this tunnel were rainbow coloured like oil on water and were moving past at high speed.

As this experience began a voice repeatedly echoed a question "WHO ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU?" needless to say that I felt very anxious. All my senses were working in overdrive and the sensation of falling increased, it felt as though I was going faster and faster with the question "WHO ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU? pressing in on me as I answered "I'm Tony, I'm Tony, I'm Tony". While this was happening I was trying to reach out and slow myself down against the walls of the tunnel, this was futile for no matter how close the walls looked I could not reach them and the speed and the question kept on and on. I can’t put a time span against these events everything seemed to be flashing past yet the tunnel went on and on. Time did not seem relevant in that place, I would measure it more in its intensity than anything else a relentless intensity which grew and grew and grew. Suddenly I found myself motionless in a large round room with an old wooden table and chair, oil coloured walls and the question "WHO ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU?" echoing in my head. The intensity was relentless I had reached the end of my rope, fallen off and was screaming "I'M TONY, I'M TONY, I'M TONY, and sobbing, but who are you?

At this point the repeating question stopped.

I looked up from the table at which I was seated and there before me was an opening door, beyond the door there was brilliant white light. When the door was fully opened I could make out the form of a man wearing a long single piece garment. The light stopped at the doorway and did not enter the round room, neither did the figure. (The effect was similar to that created when you face towards the sun and hold your hand in front to shadow your eyes, the intensity of the light behind your hand causes it to appear as a shadow in front of you with a distinct outline).

The figure before me answered my question:


I immediately found myself back in the front seat of the van.

I firmly believe that on that day I stood before Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The question that was asked of me "WHO ARE YOU?" was not the question of "What's your name?" It’s a question that cuts through bone and flesh to the very heart of a man HIS SPIRIT, and asks the real question:

Who are you in the eyes of GOD? When asked that question what answer can you give?

At that point in my life I had no other answer but my name, a name that was foreign to God. I considered this and ask myself if I died today and the same question was asked what would my answer be?

From that point on I searched for and I believe found God. In the Gospels of the Bible I found recorded the history of a man and God, the words of Jesus became alive to me and are etched on my heart. I came from a back ground with minimal religious influence, my path of discovery occurred between God and me through the bible without a great deal of outside influence from a church or religion.

Did I get “saved” on that day? No (the light did not enter the room), but I got excited, scared, upset, happy and went through just about every other emotion possible. I had come into His presence, into an experience of something that I could not fully fathom or understand. I believe that my true point of conversion occurred as I was walking home from a party one night along the beach. I remember looking at the stars in the sky, the greatness of His creation and crying out to the heavens, “GOD I DON’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT I WANT TO KNOW YOU, I NEED YOU”. It was a cry of a heart longing to repent, longing for forgiveness, a longing that I could not suppress and from that day on I have been following Him, not always feeling his presence even sometimes shying away and rebelling but when you’ve tasted of who he really is there is no hiding your heart from him.

I now attend church on a fairly regular basis with my family, however church or other people are not the cornerstone of my faith. Even today I would not label myself with a denominational tag I simply say that I’m a disciple of Christ – a Christian. Unfortunately even the true meaning of the name Christian has been lost due the fragmentation of the true Church and creation of denominations and titles, along with the many and varied arguments about doctrine.

When the Lord answered me on the day that I cried out “But who are you” I believe He was saying three things.

“I AM” – He stated “I AM” . If asked who I truly believe in my simple reply is: I believe in "I AM" Jesus Christ the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the one who was and is and is to come, the holy lamb of God. His death and resurrection. His call for repentance and baptism. His sending of a comforter, the Holy Spirit to indwell us as temples of the LIVING GOD. His close and intimate friendship.

“THE ONE” – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Even though there was one figure before me they were all present.

“WHO HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES” – On the surface this may sound strange as the bible teaches selflessness, however in the context of salvation we need to help ourselves to His gift of grace. We have been given everything to lead us to a life of Godliness through Jesus Christ who loves us. If we really want to follow Him we have to help ourselves by taking up His cross daily. God Almighty has given us everything we need to discover who he really is through the Gospels, the Word and by the Holy Spirit of God. We need to take up the challenge and help ourselves by Repenting, Obeying Gods Word and Following Jesus, laying down our lives at the foot of the cross.

Since then I have discovered that the Bible is more than just a history book or a map to life, it is more than a book of theology and rules. It is God’s Living Water of Life and all who drink from it will never thirst again. In it we find examples of how men and women followed God, how they walked with him from day to day and KNEW HIM FACE to FACE. They knew Him first hand, not from any stories, not from any songs, not based on any other persons experience or instructions but from their own Love, Obedience and Yearning for Him and His Love for them.

My hearts cry is to know Him like this also. Not to have a relationship with Him based on vain imaginings or confining Him to my limited understanding, but to truly walk with Him and talk with Him the way that Adam, Mosses, Abraham all the prophets and patriarchs did. To see Him FACE to FACE.

It reminds me of the account in the Gospel of the Samaritan woman who was fetching water and met Jesus at the well. She went back to the town and told everyone about Him and many believed because of her testimony, however it didn’t finish there. The towns people went out to Jesus and he stayed with them for a few days. At the end of his stay the towns folk said to the woman, “We no longer believe because of what you told us, for we ourselves have heard from Him and know that He is the saviour of the world”

So the moral to this story? Firstly, don’t believe everything someone tells you without testing their character. Secondly, sadly there are not to many people left with solid character.

So what then? Who is telling the truth? Who has the truth? What is the truth?

Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man come to the Father but by me”.

Jesus said “The day is coming when those who worship the Father will worship Him in spirit and TRUTH”.

If you want truth but don’t trust what others say then go to the source of truth and ask for yourself. His name is Jesus. But be warned, if you really want the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God will turn your life, your way of thinking and approaching life completely upside down. Then you will be able to say like the towns folk did “I don’t believe because of what you told me, I believe because I have heard from Him myself”. It’s a funny situation really in that then you will know the reality of God and find yourself trying to convince others of it.
welcome tony, as you will find out, i am the young one here, but about your post....
your right, you do jump around a lot. a little too much.... and you had about a paragrah on aliens, compared to a ton of god stuff, jus tto remind you, this is 'aliens and extraterrestials' and not religious stuff. but my dumb parents are making me get off... so i cant finish it now..bue as the terminator once said,,"i'll be back"

thats all i got


Yeah, I do jump around - sorry.

Lotsa God stuff, not much on the little grey guys - Opps, wrong spot. Like I said I'm new at this stuff and meant to drop this on the religo discussion. I'll see if I can fix it????? HELP!!!
Welcome to the board, Tony. Here's a taste of what to expect. Just don't take any of it personal.

Sorry everyone I can’t put up a concrete argument up about God or creation, but then again science can’t put up a concrete argument about the big bang or evolution or an expanding or collapsing universe etc.

If I were a doctor, my response would be this:

I can replace a faulty organ with a healthy one without God. Can you do it without science?

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Hi Oxygen,

Thanks for the welcome and taking the time to read my post, I know it was rather wordy. And no I won't take it too personal. As you may have read I meant to stick this on the religo discussion line but I'm getting more feedback from the grey chasers. I wonder who's cage I've rattled?

Sorry everyone I can't put up a concrete argument up about God or creation, but then again science can't put up a concrete argument about the big bang or evolution or an expanding or collapsing universe etc.

Reply: If I were a doctor, my response would be this:

I can replace a faulty organ with a healthy one without God. Can you do it without science?

That's excellent straight to the point, what I pick up is that we have a fundamental disagreement at the onset. I think that
God is the author and creator of the universe and holds it all together - based on faith. You on the otherhand have faith in the capacity of science to perform great works independent of God.

What would you think if I said both were right?

Human kind has been doing things independent of God throughout history and ignorant of the fact that God makes the rain to fall on the righteous and wicked alike. We live, breath and exist to perform the feats we do by His grace. You place faith in science not realising that in the background is God holding it all together. Science is an effort by man to be like God to see the infinite detail of the universe as He does to understand our place in this swirling mass of energy. This is not wrong in itself, infact they say that to mimic someone is the greatest form of flattery. What is wrong however is when we use this knowledge to replace or ignore our need for God. Am I making sense to you? I am an engineer, I am scientifically minded and I ask God very hard questions (some of which I don't have answers for or should I say understanding of the answers yet). Questioning as you have done above is not wrong, it is good because it shows that we are searching for answers. But I will not let my limited scientific knowledge and ability keep me from earnestly searching out and seeking His face. Please keep your mind and heart open to God.

So yes science can replace a fault organ with a healthy one without the knowledge or ignorant of the fact that God is in the room.

Can I do it without science? Who is this question being asked of? Me or God? And what is this question asking?

I can't do it but God can do this with or without science depending on where we place our faith.

Whenever people came to Christ and were healed it was according to their faith in Him. It was never according to Him imposing His will or power over their lives. I don't know if you read the Bible but there is a story about a woman who suffered at the hands of many doctors for many years with haemorrhaging. After exhausting every other avenue of possibility she heard about Jesus and in a desperate last attempt sought Him for help. Finally she found Him but to her dismay there was a large crowd surrounding Him and in her weakened state she crawled on her hands and knees to touch the hem of his garment, for she reasoned that if she could only touch him she would be made whole. Eventually she reached Him and upon touching His hem was healed. At this very instant Jesus turned to His followers and asked "Who touched me?", well they were all a bit surprised by the question because the crowd was all over Him jostling for positions and many had touched Him. But Jesus insisted that someone had touched Him ( physically and spiritually) and that power had moved through Him. With this the woman came forward knowing that she was healed and confessed that she had been the one. Jesus's response "Woman YOUR FAITH has made you whole".

So to answer the question "No I can't replace an organ without science, however GOD can heal a diseased organ through desperate faith". The woman was desperate, maybe we need to be as desperate in our search for the truth!

Keep asking questions, no matter how hard to answer. Remember "Seek and you will find".

P.S Please take this personally!!!
ok tony....... but i beileive that god is.... kinda like the force from star wars.. "it is a energy field created my all living things, it surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galexy together"....... its just like a energy wich is jsut there, and how they say we only use like 1/6 of our brain, mabe when we pray, we are tapping into our other 5/6th of our brain in which we are not using at the moments, and if we are sinser enough, we are "using the force" buy possibly tapping into that energy fiels, and making it happen ourselves.......

thats all i got

ok tony....... but i beileive that god is.... kinda like the force from star wars.. "it is a energy field created my all living things, it surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galexy together"....... its just like a energy wich is jsut there, and how they say we only use like 1/6 of our brain, mabe when we pray, we are tapping into our other 5/6th of our brain in which we are not using at the moments, and if we are sinser enough, we are "using the force" buy possibly tapping into that energy fiels, and making it happen ourselves.......
thats all i got


Hi Dexter,

Now every time I read something that you write I get a picture of a black kid typing away at a keyboard - go figure hey? Probably way off base but the point is that its amazing how we picture ourselves, others and God.

I get the gist of what you wrote above "Use the force Luke" and you believe that the force is God or that God is a force. This is where your at and this is how you using 10% of your brain picture it in an effort to understand it. Hey that's cool!

You want to hear something funny, we all do the same, I do exactly the same thing, I'm just like Dexter. (well maybe a little older). I have an idea of who God is based on my experience and knowledge, I also have a problem in that my experience is difficult to put to paper in the form of language because when your trying to explain who He is and what He has done and what you have seen, well words don't quite fit but you do your best.

So from reading what you wrote you believe that by tapping into the force we make things happen. Man that Lucas guy has a lot to answer for, that concept was copyright by JC 2000 years ago. What you believe and what's portrayed in the Starwars films is not a new concept. Its the same concept as faith but without the main characters being Jesus and the Devil. One main difference is that in SW Luke learns to use and manipulate the force, in my faith the force or JC moves me and compels me (this is better because He sees in whole and I only see in part), my obedience is the measure of my faith. Just like the woman, moved by faith to press on regardless of the odds.

Keep thinking about it, its your way of getting a handle on it.

Take care
i have one question... are you racist?? cause you sure sound like it....
well i jsut got back from a dance and i'm really tired, so i'm not exactly thinking strate.... buit here it goes...
i dont think lucas made hte idea up... its a good one... but for entertainment, a life-like reason for magic tricks.....and i'm really tired, so i will finish this some other time

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

thanx..... i know.. i guess its just my studlyness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh and check this out ¿¿¿¿ isnt that sooooo cool

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

Hi Dexter,

No I'm not racist, sorry didn't mean to sound that way. No sneaking around in a white bed sheet and hood for me.

I like the sign off about the dark ages and christians, "When christians ruled the world it was called the dark ages" - couldn't agree more. So many things done in the name of God, but not what God has asked to be done. Thats the legacy of religion for you, it gives everyone a warped view of who God, Christ and the Holy Spirit really are.

Take care - Tony
Hello Dexter,

I have to agree with Tony 100% here. So many of us associate God with other people who have done things in the name of God. Some things which God would never want us to do. The best thing I have found is to get to know God for yourself by putting all the religious labels aside and by truly geting to know God on a personal level.

if.......... there evan is a god, this could all be a dream, and we could all be a spoon on jabba the hutts woman or something.... i mean, it is possible...... isnt it?¿?

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
if.......... there evan is a god, this could all be a dream, and we could all be a spoon on jabba the hutts woman or something.... i mean, it is possible...... isnt it?¿?
when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.


Hey Dexter,

Pinched yourself lately? Your starting to sound like something from The Matrix.

Reality check:

1. Am I awake? Pinch test works well.

2. Am I conscious? Pinch test works well.

3. Am I sober? Walk a straight line.

4. Am I straight? Walk all three straight lines.

5. Am I dreaming? Try to fly (not to hard in a dream). If lift off, this is NOT reality. If grounded, welcome to reality.

Reality, reality, reality, come in reality.

Hello this is reality.

Where am I?

Hang on we'll check.

Ticktoc, Ticktoc, Ticktoc.

Sorry for the delay but all our lines are busy, please try again latter. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Dreeeeeteeeeex, Deeeeeeerteeeeeex, Deeeeeeetreeeeex, Deeeeeeeexteeeeeeer, Deeeeexteeeeer, Deexteer


WOW what a strange dream, I thought I was like inside of cyberspace and stuff kept going on and I had like a WEB page and all these far out Christians kept telling me that I need God and I went searching and found that I was not really asleep but then I didn't know what dimension I was in and I got wiped out by a truck and little grey guys wearing orange and black socks chased me.

Get the picture mate? Reality is usually a bit more mundane than a dream. And don't ask what reality is, just take a look around with your 5 God given senses and your feet firmly planted on the ground. If other people try to sell you a different reality with ghouls, ghosts, goblins and little grey men do a character check on them.

Dexter, please don't dodge around the question that's really bugging you! We'll help where we can to give you a real answer of truth.

Take care from Oz.


Those movies you see are for entertainment purposes only. They are fictional (not real) stories.

So, what's up?

Is that like 1AM in the morning??
Or is your clock wrong??
I think its bed time.

Thanks for joining in, it looks like you're picking up what I am.

Invisible typing mode engaged,(Pray hard for Dexter).

Hey Dexter,

Hope you didn't read my invisible typing, (secret Christian gang up on Dexter stuff).

By the way I visited you web page, what's with the GREEN background?(yuk).

I think I was like your 8th hit and I'm putting the previous 7 down to you. But if you build it they will come! And if you cull some of the 4 letter rubbish they may even stay and look around. All up though top effort, heck I wouldn't even know where to start.

Take care

Hello Tony H2o, I am YoSoyme, we all are someone, therefore we all are.
Your topic is very interesting, makes you think about who I am. Especially the part about being asked WHO YOU ARE.
Being a beleiver of the I AM THAT I AM, It does not supprise me that the first question that was asked to you is WHO ARE YOU.

Because the I AM is a very powerfull phrase, the most important entity in all of creation, for the I AM presence is what we are all about. Would you think that GOD being so mighty, would leave his children without a source of divinity available to them. Remember that God made us to his own image, so therefore we are God like and should be able to act like God.

The I AM presence is the presence of God in man, the Christ in him, the presence of life.

If you realize this, then you must analyze the power of the phrase. You are who you are, and as you must know words have a powerfull effect on us, so you are who you say you are.

What i am trying to get to is that by thinking and saying those few but very powerfull words you can be who you want to be.

If someones says that he is a criminal, its probably what he is and will be until he changes his mind.
Then again when Jesus said I am Life and resurrection, he proved it, and thats what he is.

Now how does this affect us as Children of God? Aren't we suppose to say we are a child of God? And how do you become God like, if that is what was ment for us to become?

If you beleive and have faith that you are,
one day you will become what you think and say. Specialy when using the mighty powerfull I AM presence.

I leave you with this message of divinity that is what we are.

By the way if you are interesting in answering some questions that you might have about who you are, look into metaphysics. It will open your eyes about life and God.
God bless you and all life.
Hello Yosoyme,

Glad you took it in and are thinking about it. A couple of things:

1. The creation will never be as great or greater than the Creator. This was Dudes problem (remember Dude claims to be Satan, Dude is a contributor to theses discussions). Dude thought that he would ascend to the throne of the most high and pride was found in him, because he would not turn from his ways he was cast down.

Isiaih 14:
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, Lucifer, son of the morning! Thou art cut down to the ground, that didst prostrate the nations!
13 And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of *God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High:
15 none the less art thou brought down to Sheol, to the recesses of the pit.
16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee; they shall consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that shook kingdoms;
17 that made the world as a wilderness, and overthrew the cities thereof; that dismissed not his prisoners homewards?
18 --All the kings of the nations, all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house;
19 but thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, covered with the slain--those thrust through with the sword, that go down to the stones of the pit: like a carcase trodden under foot.
20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial; for thou hast destroyed thy land, hast slain thy people. Of the seed of evildoers no mention shall be made for ever.

Hebrews 4:
12 For the word of God is living and full of power, and is sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting through and making a division even of the soul and the spirit, the bones and the muscles, and quick to see the thoughts and purposes of the heart.

God saw Dudes heart just like He sees each and every heart.

2. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, yes words are powerful and so are thoughts as shown above, he said in his heart he didn't even verbalise it he mearly thought it - WOW.

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those to whom it is dear will have its fruit for their food.

Proverbs 12:18 There are some whose uncontrolled talk is like the wounds of a sword, but the tongue of the wise makes one well again.

James 1:
19 You have knowledge of this, dear brothers. But let every man be quick in hearing, slow in words, slow to get angry;
20 For the righteousness of God does not come about by the wrath of man.
21 For this reason, putting away all dirty behaviour and the overweight of evil, take into your souls without pride the word which, being planted there, is able to give you salvation.
22 But be doers of the word, and not only hearers of it, blinding yourselves with false ideas.
23 Because if any man is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his natural face in a glass;
24 For after looking at himself he goes away, and in a short time he has no memory of what he was like.
25 But he who goes on looking into the true law which makes him free, being not a hearer without memory but a doer putting it into effect, this man will have a blessing on his acts.
26 If a man seems to have religion and has no control over his tongue but lets himself be tricked by what is false, this man's religion is of no value.

3. I've heard about Metaphysics but never looked at it in any detail. However from my understanding of it the term is applied to philosophers who attempt to come up with a plausible explanation of the universe, God etc... Personally I find a living relationship with the King of Kings works better but I will do a web search to get a better understanding of your suggestion.

Thanks and take care - H2o
Tony H2o,

Was that like 2:00 a.m. in the morning?

Guess it depends on where you live in the world.


Did your brother eat your keyboard or are your parents punishing you for something? Do they ever do that? Restrict you from the internet in any way?