I'm hearing alot about how WWIII would fix the problem of overpopulation. Do you guys really think killing people is the only way? do you guys take into consideration you might be the ones getting killed.
The Earths population of humans will always have the tendancy to grow as evolution has dictated, given we all have the right conditions. But say we had something like a 3 kid limit for some couples, and if some people didnt want to have kids, ever, then they could give some couples their option of 1 chile voiding their own, so that people wouldn't really be confined.
And to deal with the situation economically speaking, alot of people would be saying by now that the economy would remain stagnant, with a few up's and downs. Ofcoarse it would grow slightly as people end up living longer, and so on, but eventually we would start colonizing other places. growth would not matter as much as we would gain a broader view of the longer future. Maybe the depths of the ocean. Maybe other planets. We would undoubtably have the technology in 50 years, to do such things. human knowledge has the ability to double ever four years. that means in 50 years, humans will have more than 144 times the knowledge we do now, ( about 12, 4's in 50 and square that to acount for doubled knowledge. ) They would be completely feasable innovations. If you guys live to see it, Never forget me telling you now.......I told you so.
The Earths population of humans will always have the tendancy to grow as evolution has dictated, given we all have the right conditions. But say we had something like a 3 kid limit for some couples, and if some people didnt want to have kids, ever, then they could give some couples their option of 1 chile voiding their own, so that people wouldn't really be confined.
And to deal with the situation economically speaking, alot of people would be saying by now that the economy would remain stagnant, with a few up's and downs. Ofcoarse it would grow slightly as people end up living longer, and so on, but eventually we would start colonizing other places. growth would not matter as much as we would gain a broader view of the longer future. Maybe the depths of the ocean. Maybe other planets. We would undoubtably have the technology in 50 years, to do such things. human knowledge has the ability to double ever four years. that means in 50 years, humans will have more than 144 times the knowledge we do now, ( about 12, 4's in 50 and square that to acount for doubled knowledge. ) They would be completely feasable innovations. If you guys live to see it, Never forget me telling you now.......I told you so.