Out of the closet?

Are you a closet atheist?

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Are you a closet atheist?

If yes, why?

If not:

Under what circumstances do you feel compelled to share your unbelief?

And to what level? (i.e. family, friends, co-workers).

Has declaring your unbelief led to significant changes in the way you are received/perceived?
I don't hide it, but I don't really find a need to mention it either, in most circumstances. I don't want to make a fuss about religious issues at work, so I say I'm Jewish and that satisfies most people. I certainly engage my friends and family about it.
I don't hide it, but I don't really find a need to mention it either, in most circumstances. I don't want to make a fuss about religious issues at work, so I say I'm Jewish and that satisfies most people. I certainly engage my friends and family about it.

Have you ever been treated differently for being atheist?
Are you a closet atheist?

If not:

Under what circumstances do you feel compelled to share your unbelief?

Away from the internet, only when it comes up.

And to what level? (i.e. family, friends, co-workers).

All of the above. There's no person (or situation) on Earth I would feel shame in revealing my atheism. Although at funerals you have to nod your head politely whenever classic lines are uttered about heaven and 'being with god now' etc.

Has declaring your unbelief led to significant changes in the way you are received/perceived?

Middle aged women and dumb girls in general tend to think of you as a misery guts. But I don't see how unbelief in the most rediculous of comfort blankets makes a person miserable? Believing in something simply becuase it is uplifting is just purposely fooling yourself.
Whenever the subject comes up I simply say "I'm an atheist". I personally have never noticed any difference in my interactions with people due to this.

Just once though, years ago. A rather agressive xian woman at a previous job was rather haranging me about jesus, and I told her that I didn't believe in any sort of god. Never spoke to me again. No loss. She was a harpy.
Can one be a cultural Catholic? In most cases, when I have to pick a religion, I choose that based for cultural and familiar reasons.
Are you a closet atheist?
If yes, why?
I assume an almost total lack of interest in my religious convictions, or lack of, since I almost totally lack interest in anyone elses.
I'll ignore that bit..
Under what circumstances do you feel compelled to share your unbelief? And to what level?
When someone makes their interest plain, eg they ask me, or begin lecturing me, I'll happily discuss it with them - be they family, friends, members of the local clergy, or whatever.
Has declaring your unbelief led to significant changes in the way you are received/perceived?
No - most of the people I know share my lack of faith. It's religious fruicakes like you that generally get the 20 questions. Merry Christmas. :)
Although at funerals you have to nod your head politely whenever classic lines are uttered about heaven and 'being with god now' etc.
Some would see that as hypocrisy. To me it's just about politeness and religious tolerance.
It would not be intolerance to tell someone that heaven is rediculous. Heaven is genuinely rediculous, however the only time I wouldn't come out and say it would be if a person was grieving. Or if I was surrounded by extremist religious nutcases and feared for my safety.
I'm with both of you on that. Attending to the personal loss of someone is no time to become activist. You're not going to win any points by being an asshole.
Are you a closet atheist?


Under what circumstances do you feel compelled to share your unbelief?

Whatever circumstance is promoting magic as objective reality.

And to what level? (i.e. family, friends, co-workers).

All the above.

Has declaring your unbelief led to significant changes in the way you are received/perceived?

Yes, various parts of my family see me as a threat. My friends and co-workers tend to get somewhat inspired and explore reality on non-theistical terms regardless of their position.
I'm with both of you on that. Attending to the personal loss of someone is no time to become activist. You're not going to win any points by being an asshole.

I have had the unfortunate experience of going to at least 4 funerals over the past 2 years. In each case it was with a crowd of believers. I came to support the people whom were affected and I didn't participate in head bows or any personal behavior promoting magical thinking.

In my opinion, its more important to set your boundaries based on your values rather than other peoples.
I have had the unfortunate experience of going to at least 4 funerals over the past 2 years. In each case it was with a crowd of believers. I came to support the people whom were affected and I didn't participate in head bows or any personal behavior promoting magical thinking.

In my opinion, its more important to set your boundaries based on your values rather than other peoples.
For whatever reason, I will bow my head when everyone else does. I don't sing or speak any words or partake in any other rituals.

EDIT: I agree on the judicious use of boundaries.
Hi all,

Are you a closet atheist?
The background and the screensaver on my computer at work is the picture of FSM touching Adam's finger with his noodly appendage.

If not:

Under what circumstances do you feel compelled to share your unbelief?
Whenever I'm asked what my beliefs are or someone starts giving lectures about his/her religion.

And to what level? (i.e. family, friends, co-workers).
Every level except that I couldn't break it to my old man, although he must have figured it out himself before passing away.

Has declaring your unbelief led to significant changes in the way you are received/perceived?
Probably, but not in a bad way. Mostly people approach to you to "save" you!:rolleyes: I was invited to many Bible Studies and Mosques. There is a guy at work who's a Muslim, he couldn't believe that I gave up Islam. He insisted for a while to take me to the Mosque, he thought I would be "cured" if I went there a couple of times. But we are still good work friends.
Are you a closet atheist?


It be disonest to lie about one's convictions or lack of. I don't hide it, nor do I wear it on my sleave.

Under what circumstances do you feel compelled to share your unbelief?

Whenever it rises, though I don't directly speak out, only when I'm asked.

And to what level? (i.e. family, friends, co-workers).

I'm not dishonest to anyone, if the topic of religion rises, and I'm asked about my opinion, right there in there I let them know I don't believe such things and that I'm an atheist, that includes priests, bishops, debout catholics or anyone that asks my religious position..

Has declaring your unbelief led to significant changes in the way you are received/perceived?

How should I know? I don't feel any difference in treatment I had a catholic girlfriend for years, who knew I'm an atheist.
Are you a closet atheist?


Under what circumstances do you feel compelled to share your unbelief?

Whenever someone starts up with religious horseshit.

And to what level? (i.e. family, friends, co-workers).

Anyone that bothers me with religious horseshit.

Has declaring your unbelief led to significant changes in the way you are received/perceived?

Well.. people no longer say "god" in my house.
samcdkey said:
Are you a closet atheist?
samcdkey said:
Under what circumstances do you feel compelled to share your unbelief?
I dont have any belief in any witches/wizards unicorns/dragons fairys/elves god/gods devils/demons etc. Theres no need to share my unbelief, anybody with any sense thinks the same anyway. But if somebody makes a stupid claim then I will question them on it. I dont need to keep declaring my stance everytime I enter a debate, my possition should be obvious by my replies.
samcdkey said:
Has declaring your unbelief led to significant changes in the way you are received/perceived?
No, why would it, anybody with any sense thinks the same way.