Our world-nostalgic in twenty years

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
Something I've been mulling over lately is the constant tirade of images my parents and their parents saw when they were little-old style cars, old style fashions, old style technology. There's not a whole hellofa lot from the sixties or seventies that we use today, technology-wise I guess.

This brings me to the whole point of the thread. I find myself just looking around everywhere and thinking 'this is all going to seem old and grainy to people ten, twenty years from now.' The style of our cars, our computers, our living rooms, will all be altered and new in the future. I'm not sure if anyone can really predict what it'll be like, my dad once told me that the thing he least expected was the fact that there is a computer in almost every household (in the US anyway). Since it really is impossible to predict the technological future I think here we could just guess and play around with our ideas. If not I'm just using this space to get this feeling off of my chest.

For my guess, I believe that:

Computers will have really taken over in the average american household, based on the secretions in our skin, our breathing rhythms, the hormones we discharge into the air, computers within the household will 'change the channel' to what we really want and desire. There will not be world peace, nor a cure for AIDS (the disease will be in a decline because of rigorous education in public schools), but there will be advancements in cancer research.

Space-wise, I doubt we'll be much farther in the solar system than we are today. I do think that with new, larger telescopes being designed and built every day (I believe they're working on the largest one in the world somewhere in South America) that we will have had adequate time to find intelligent life, and that it will no doubt be either radically different than what we expected or nearly identical to us. There's really no in-between.

This is all I can really process at the moment. What are your thoughts?
yeah, I have thought of this some times also. I think the best solution is to keep up-to-date myself. I do not want to be thought of like a relict from another age:bugeye:
That's generally the way to go, but you still can't modernize you're memories. What is around you right now is going to be nostalgic in the future. It's a crazy thought.
What is around you right now is going to be nostalgic in the future.

You're right and it comes faster than you think. Especially the music. You hear it and it triggers associations with things that went on in the past.

You say in 20 years, think of it this way. Add 10 more years and it is a generation. When we went to the moon there was this interview with an elderly lady who was 100+ years old. She would/could not believe that we were going. Refused to accept it. Everything she knew as real was had changed.

Cars, yeah styles change. I remember fondly some of the older cars I had. A '57 Fairlane, '57 Buick Special, '56 Chevy and many others. But to look at them now, they are boxy clunkers. I remeber having a 62 buick with one of the first radios with transistors. Same with computers, watches, appliances, name whatever. One day you will too.

Get used to it. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. It is also the good ol' days.
How long do you think it'll be before women can go bare-breasted out in public and it's legal?
Originally posted by Lykan
How long do you think it'll be before women can go bare-breasted out in public and it's legal?

It WAS legal centuries ago. Before human made clothes an law. You're born too late. :p :D
You're right, wet1, and I just can't believe it....everything around me, different, in twenty (or thirty) years.


Five years tops :D
That was horrible. Why bother to put that on even? It covers nothing and looks extremely uncomfortable, not to mention ugly.
Hahahahaa...not really the point of this thread but whatever gets yer noodle going I guess...
Well, when everyone is going around in the future with no clothes on, we'll look back on those bathing suits with nostalgia. Guess that Merjlin will just have to wait.:D
At the moment Northwind lesion and I are at school, next to each other actually and if we get caught 'examining' that picture we'll be in serious shit.
I've seen women wear thong straps up their booty, that were yanked up there so tight you couldn't really even see it, and they even showed it on cable TV. What's the difference between that and that Japanese woman's outfit?

A woman's breast is the first thing we see when we come into this world, but then eventually as we become older it's considered "unsuitable" for open viewing. What the fuck, ya know? Many guys have breasts as large as a woman's due to bulging muscle -- and when openly bared in public, they turn on women just as much as many a woman's breasts would turn on guys if they could be completely bared in public. What the fuck, ya know? Anymore a woman can show all of her breast but her nipple. That little culprit!!! What do our lawmakers fear happening, anyway? That if it was legalized the number of rapes would then suddenly skyrocket?? Yeah right...

With regards & respect to Matt Groening!:D :eek: :eek: :cool: