Our observations directly contradict the no-aether interpretation of SR


'Toward a real synthesis of quantum and relativity theories: experimental evidence for absolute simultaneity'

"Abstract. We have demonstrated spatially-discontinuous quantum jumps of electrons at a distance as long as about 1cm. The effect occurs in a modified integer quantum Hall system consisted of a great number of extended Laughlin-Halperin-type states. Our observations directly contradict the no-aether Einstein’s interpretation of special relativity together with the Minkowski’s model of spacetime. However they are consistent with the aether-related Lorentz-Poincare’s interpretation that allows absolute simultaneity. We thus strongly challenge the fundamental status of Lorentz invariance and hence break the basic argument against de Broglie-Bohm realistic quantum theory. We argue that both de Broglie-Bohm and Lorentz-Poincare theories are capable of providing a real synthesis of quantum and relativity theories. This synthesis is of such kind that quantum theory appears the most fundamental physical theory for which relativity is only a limiting case. In accordance with this hierarchy, quantum theory naturally resolves the problem of aether in Lorentz-Poincare’s relativity. The role of aether could be played by a deeper Bohm-type undivided quantum pre-space, the relevance of which at any lengthscale directly follows from our observations."

"The point is we break the basic argument against pilot-wave theory, that is, the lack of Lorentz invariance. We have thus got two quantum theories, standard QM and the pilot-wave theory, and both are equally successful in prediction of experimental observations. However, their principle difference is that the former rests on mysticism and indeterminism while the latter rests on realism and determinism which is the basis of all current physical theories. As a result, the former encounters serious conceptual problems and can hardly be unified with relativity theory. Conversely, the latter naturally avoids conceptual problems and can easily be unified with relativity or, more precisely, with the Lorentz-Poincare’s version of this theory. In this situation, the choice in favour of one of these theories seems self-evident though it clearly will take some courage to overcome the existing prejudices about quantum theory."

What waves in a double slit experiment is the aether.
Hey mpc7555, do you use the same sock for all of these sock puppets or do you use different socks?

If all your post weren't the same thing over and over it might be at least a little bit hard to tell when you violate your ban!
What waves in a double slit experiment is the aether.

mpc755, aka gravitational_aether

This is a sock puppet of a banned user.

I sympathize with you, what with that crazy ban for life business. You might not be able to convince Origin that you are a new first time member, but I hope you are not banned for life like the others who have posted interesting views, some of which have been my friends and with whom I have enjoyed chatting about alternative ideas.

That said, I have perhaps one of the most far out of the views among the aether bunch because I don't even see how any of the generally accepted theories can stand being "reconciled" with an aether theory and remain recognizably in tact. That is not to say the EFEs are not the best answer yet of how to calculate and predict the effects of gravity. I'm predicting that the math will not have to change very much, maybe just tweaked to account for the present anomalies, but the whole quantum realm would be set back a hundred years in order to get back to before the fork in the path that IMHO didn't aim in the right direction.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but an aether theory has to describe how particles can exist as standing waves traversing the aether, and how the imbalance in the directional inflow vs. the out flowing standing waves would logically cause the standing wave patterns to move through the aether in the direction of the highest net source of inflowing wave energy.

If you don't find that concept objectionable, then the difference between your approach and mine is presentation technique, and my technique is to simply say how I think the aether works, and not claim that there is any science to support it, since in order for it to be science it would have to be testable theory, and if you can't detect the aether because it is ... well ethereal ... then there will be no proof, just like there will be no proof that the presence of matter and energy curves spacetime. Nature acts like matter and energy curves space time, but the aether, if it were real, would not change how nature acts. It would just mean that there was a physical aspect that we don't yet recongnize.

If that is the case, some would ask why not embrace spacetime, and to that my feeble answer is because I am in the group that thinks there is a physical cause for the nature of particles and motion.

I sympathize with you, what with that crazy ban for life business. You might not be able to convince Origin that you are a new first time member, but I hope you are not banned for life like the others who have posted interesting views, some of which have been my friends and with whom I have enjoyed chatting about alternative ideas.

That said, I have perhaps one of the most far out of the views among the aether bunch because I don't even see how any of the generally accepted theories can stand being "reconciled" with an aether theory and remain recognizably in tact. That is not to say the EFEs are not the best answer yet of how to calculate and predict the effects of gravity. I'm predicting that the math will not have to change very much, maybe just tweaked to account for the present anomalies, but the whole quantum realm would be set back a hundred years in order to get back to before the fork in the path that IMHO didn't aim in the right direction.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but an aether theory has to describe how particles can exist as standing waves traversing the aether, and how the imbalance in the directional inflow vs. the out flowing standing waves would logically cause the standing wave patterns to move through the aether in the direction of the highest net source of inflowing wave energy.

If you don't find that concept objectionable, then the difference between your approach and mine is presentation technique, and my technique is to simply say how I think the aether works, and not claim that there is any science to support it, since in order for it to be science it would have to be testable theory, and if you can't detect the aether because it is ... well ethereal ... then there will be no proof, just like there will be no proof that the presence of matter and energy curves spacetime. Nature acts like matter and energy curves space time, but the aether, if it were real, would not change how nature acts. It would just mean that there was a physical aspect that we don't yet recongnize.

If that is the case, some would ask why not embrace spacetime, and to that my feeble answer is because I am in the group that thinks there is a physical cause for the nature of particles and motion.

Aether is detected every time a double slit experiment is performed. It's what waves.

'Interpretation of quantum mechanics by the double solution theory - Louis de BROGLIE'

“When in 1923-1924 I had my first ideas about Wave Mechanics I was looking for a truly concrete physical image, valid for all particles, of the wave and particle coexistence discovered by Albert Einstein in his "Theory of light quanta". I had no doubt whatsoever about the physical reality of waves and particles.”

“any particle, even isolated, has to be imagined as in continuous “energetic contact” with a hidden medium”

The hidden medium of de Broglie wave mechanics is the aether. The “energetic contact” is the state of displacement of the aether.

"For me, the particle, precisely located in space at every instant, forms on the v wave a small region of high energy concentration, which may be likened in a first approximation, to a moving singularity."

A particle may be likened in a first approximation to a moving singularity which has an associated aether displacement wave.

"the particle is defined as a very small region of the wave"

In a double slit experiment the particle travels a well defined path which takes it through one slit. The associated wave in the aether passes through both. As the aether wave exits the slits it creates wave interference. As the particle exits a single slit the direction it travels is altered by the wave interference. This is the wave piloting the particle of pilot-wave theory. Detecting the particle strongly exiting a single slit turns the associated aether wave into chop. The aether waves exiting the slits interact with the detectors and become many short waves with irregular motion. The waves are disorganized. There is no wave interference. The particle pitches and rolls through the chop. The particle gets knocked around by the chop and it no longer creates an interference pattern.
Aether is detected every time a double slit experiment is performed. It's what waves.
It makes sense to me, but the generally accepted explanation stops short of connecting it to an aether medium, and is content to show experimentally that light demonstrates wave-particle behavior.
'Interpretation of quantum mechanics by the double solution theory - Louis de BROGLIE'*

“When in 1923-1924 I had my first ideas about Wave Mechanics I was looking for a truly concrete physical image, valid for all particles, of the wave and particle coexistence discovered by Albert Einstein in his "Theory of light quanta". I had no doubt whatsoever about the physical reality of waves and particles.”

“any particle, even isolated, has to be imagined as in continuous “energetic contact” with a hidden medium”

The hidden medium of de Broglie wave mechanics is the aether. The “energetic contact” is the state of displacement of the aether.

"For me, the particle, precisely located in space at every instant, forms on the v wave a small region of high energy concentration, which may be likened in a first approximation, to a moving singularity."
Quoting from the past has not gotten us any recognition of the aether, and even though some characteristics of generally accepted science might seem to have aether characteristics like the permittivity and permeability of space, or the evidence of energy density in space associated with gravitational fields, the current theories like electromagnetism and the curvature of spacetime explanations seems to be satisfactory.*
A particle may be likened in a first approximation to a moving singularity which has an associated aether displacement wave.*
Well, all of us "aether thinkers" can't agree on everything, lol.
"the particle is defined as a very small region of the wave"
Now that I can buy; the spike in pressure of the medium at the convergence of waves traversing the aether might be called a "very small region of the wave".
In a double slit experiment the particle travels a well defined path which takes it through one slit. The associated wave in the aether passes through both. As the aether wave exits the slits it creates wave interference. As the particle exits a single slit the direction it travels is altered by the wave interference. This is the wave piloting the particle of pilot-wave theory. Detecting the particle strongly exiting a single slit turns the associated aether wave into chop. The aether waves exiting the slits interact with the detectors and become many short waves with irregular motion. The waves are disorganized. There is no wave interference. The particle pitches and rolls through the chop. The particle gets knocked around by the chop and it no longer creates an interference pattern.
I'm not on board with you on everything, and I won't try to explain my version of wave-particle duality here, except to say that I expect the energy of a photon to be represented as a particle whose quanta are emitted by an electron, and the particle in my model is always a standing wave. The standing wave photon is continually refreshed and receives wave energy to refresh it from only the direction of motion because it is emitted at the speed of light, and moves in one direction at the maximum speed allowed :), but the continual refreshing of the photon particle's quanta by the directionally inflowing wave energy component of the standing wave is accompanied by a spherical out flowing wave that expands spherically out from the particle. it is that out flowing wave that causes it to interact with the slits, resulting in the interference pattern. Oh darn, I wasn't going to talk about my version of the photon. Well, I'll just leave it there. This is your thread after all.
It makes sense to me, but the generally accepted explanation stops short of connecting it to an aether medium, and is content to show experimentally that light demonstrates wave-particle behavior.
Quoting from the past has not gotten us any recognition of the aether, and even though some characteristics of generally accepted science might seem to have aether characteristics like the permittivity and permeability of space, or the evidence of energy density in space associated with gravitational fields, the current theories like electromagnetism and the curvature of spacetime explanations seems to be satisfactory.*
Well, all of us "aether thinkers" can't agree on everything, lol.
Now that I can buy; the spike in pressure of the medium at the convergence of waves traversing the aether might be called a "very small region of the wave".
I'm not on board with you on everything, and I won't try to explain my version of wave-particle duality here, except to say that I expect the energy of a photon to be represented as a particle whose quanta are emitted by an electron, and the particle in my model is always a standing wave. The standing wave photon is continually refreshed and receives wave energy to refresh it from only the direction of motion because it is emitted at the speed of light, and moves in one direction at the maximum speed allowed :), but the continual refreshing of the photon particle's quanta by the directionally inflowing wave energy component of the standing wave is accompanied by a spherical out flowing wave that expands spherically out from the particle. it is that out flowing wave that causes it to interact with the slits, resulting in the interference pattern. Oh darn, I wasn't going to talk about my version of the photon. Well, I'll just leave it there. This is your thread after all.

'Double slit' experiments have been performed with particles as large as C-60 molecules. That's 60 interconnected atoms. In a double slit experiment the C-60 molecule, all 60 atoms, travels a well defined path which takes it through a single slit while the associated wave in the aether passes through all of the slits.
'Double slit' experiments have been performed with particles as large as C-60 molecules. That's 60 interconnected atoms. In a double slit experiment the C-60 molecule, all 60 atoms, travels a well defined path which takes it through a single slit while the associated wave in the aether passes through all of the slits.
Yes, I have read about that a couple of times, and it is consistent with the concept that all particles, atoms certainly, are composed of standing waves. Of course the carbon buckyballs are not travelling at the speed of light, but that is not a necessary requirement for interference patterns, so the concept is in tact :).
The article (unpublishable nonsense, not a peer-reviewed journal article) reads like the author has never heard of quantum field theory.
Yes, I have read about that a couple of times, and it is consistent with the concept that all particles, atoms certainly, are composed of standing waves. Of course the carbon buckyballs are not travelling at the speed of light, but that is not a necessary requirement for interference patterns, so the concept is in tact :).

What causes the interference pattern is the direction the particle travels is altered by the wave interference created by the associated aether wave exiting both slits.
What causes the interference pattern is the direction the particle travels is altered by the wave interference created by the associated aether wave exiting both slits.
Thanks for that clarification. I do want to be consistent in my posts and so I should mention that in my version, the material that contains the slits is itself composed of particles that have inflowing and out flowing wave energy. In my unscientific model which is appropriately only discussed in the Fringe forums BTW, the out flowing waves from the material at the edges of the slits interact with the wave-particles passing through the slits, and thus the particles surrounding the slits are participating in the appearance of the interference patterns; in effect they are "reaching out" and interfering with the particles being sent through the slits.
Thanks for that clarification. I do want to be consistent in my posts and so I should mention that in my version, the material that contains the slits is itself composed of particles that have inflowing and out flowing wave energy. In my unscientific model which is appropriately only discussed in the Fringe forums BTW, the out flowing waves from the material at the edges of the slits interact with the wave-particles passing through the slits, and thus the particles surrounding the slits are participating in the appearance of the interference patterns; in effect they are "reaching out" and interfering with the particles being sent through the slits.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the particle travels through a single slit and the associated wave in the aether passes through both. As the aether wave exits the slits it creates wave interference which alters the direction the particle travels. Strongly detecting the particle turns the associated wave in the aether into chop. The particle gets knocked around by the chop and it no longer creates an interference pattern.
A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the particle travels through a single slit and the associated wave in the aether passes through both. As the aether wave exits the slits it creates wave interference which alters the direction the particle travels. Strongly detecting the particle turns the associated wave in the aether into chop. The particle gets knocked around by the chop and it no longer creates an interference pattern.
Your displacement wave may correspond to my out flowing spherical wave. But refresh my memory about your reference to "The particle gets knocked around by the chop and it no longer creates an interference pattern"; are you talking about one slit or two slit experiments, and are you talking about a low particle flow rate where individual particles are sent through the slit or multiple particle flow experiments?
Your displacement wave may correspond to my out flowing spherical wave. But refresh my memory about your reference to "The particle gets knocked around by the chop and it no longer creates an interference pattern"; are you talking about one slit or two slit experiments, and are you talking about a low particle flow rate where individual particles are sent through the slit or multiple particle flow experiments?

In a boat double slit experiment the boat travels through a single slit and the bow wave passes through both. As the bow wave exits both slits it creates wave interference which alters the direction the boat travels. Placing pylons at the exits to the slits in order to detect the boat turns the bow wave into chop. The boat gets knocked around by the chop and the boat continues on the path it is traveling.
pilotwave was a sock puppet of a previously-banned user. He has been banned again.
Oh, sorrrrrrry PW. I guess you'll just have to lurk, and you won't be able to object to my hypotheses anymore, lol. But if you miss my objections to your model, you can always follow along with my thread and compare our perspectives. Today's post will be just for you.