our knowlege is not up to date


Registered Member
History has proven this time and time again.
The earth is flat, yeah
The earth is the centre of the universe etc
If all of of your senses are telling you its true it still isnt nescessarily true.
Imagine the cannibals in New Guinea and radio stations
A radio wave exists, its there .
They have no equipment to measure it so go about their lives in blissful ignorance,and have more important things to do.
The point here is they dont know anything else
Youd have to explain a radio station, a radio, how it sends, how it recieves + more,
but its there all the time around them totally unknown.
There are extremely strange things I suspect all around that we know nothing about.
Thanks for reply justagirl.
Its maddening to KNOW there are things there you cant see or do anything much with.
justagirl your quote about the bible there is true
every religion , every non religion, every person does this to some degree, unless you dont believe anything much apart from your own thing.
500 is too long , 10 would be nearer.
Its just hard to make anybody see ,what to me makes perfect sense.
People are too caught up with watching TV, have to do this, have to do that, have to go work, I dont understand what your saying
etc(extreme personal narrow scope), to worry their heads off or even listen to any points of view they are not immediately interested in.
Thank you for reply Im finding my way around this forum and am not sure what to do, I dont want to make a mess of it.
smiles I feel atheist biggest source for their beleif is the Bible..lol an amazing book that allows so many conclusions to be made
sorry to disagree with you but(personal opinion)
An atheists point of view is forged and tempered from life and pesonal experiences.
you cant believe in anything benevolent if youve seen anything cruel with no reason and general life( i do beleive in life after death( which is a whole new subject)
In some corner of the world a war is raging.
Its sick and sad, but its there, and each side claims(their) god is on their side or something. It would be a world peaceful thing IF all these seperate religions got their act together and removed
Do not hate anybody and go out at night and blow them up with a bomb.
what thye hell is difficult about that?
Soz getting off topic.
sorry for that, any ideas would be welcome no matter how mad or stupid they seem, Its a free forum!
I like mad ideas, lets hear em!
Thats the idea idea of a forum.
Dont insult anyone youll be fine.
Please reply EVEYBODY thats you.
"On the wings of the night
As the daytime is stirring
Where the speechless unite
In a silent accord
Using words you will find are strange
And mesmerised as they light the flame
Feel the new wind of change
On the wings of the night..."

It's completly harmless to my ideas of Universe Evolution and Fith dimension beyond our detection (because beyond light can't be physical).

God is all around us. We can see Him. But He is here... among us and within us, everywhere. We can't detect Him because He is not physical. He is beyond our four dimensional world...

About "Holy Wars"...
They are created by ignorants.
The message the Bible pass, for example: Love your enemies.
So... why the Cruzades? I answer... it's all about the green paper! It's all a f*** dispute of power. For what? I don't know... :(

sorry I dont believe in god. I do believe in things around us that exist we cannot measure, so some comfort there. What you are calling god I woud call an alternative existence.
The idea of a god became a concrete thing originated circa 2000 years ago for lots of different religions as a way of explaining lots of unexplained things.
Some religions have god that are much older than christ,are they wrong?
Is religion worldwide
e with islam and the rest wrong?
ie there must be a reason for it.
Its nice to believe in heaven, Id agree that after death there is some alternative existence.
I believe there is something there, you call it god, it has other names according to your religion,to me its an unknown thing thats there that has been totally misrepresented.
People try to explain things by using the current state of knowledge.
Imagine how a shepherd in israel 2000 years ago would explain an aeroplane

sorry I dont believe in god. I do believe in things around us that exist we cannot measure, so some comfort there. What you are calling god I woud call an alternative existence.

I do believe in God... but no much different than my ideas... I just say that God might be around us even though we can't "detect" Him...

The idea of a god became a concrete thing originated circa 2000 years ago for lots of different religions as a way of explaining lots of unexplained things.

Actually, more than 8000 years ago...

Some religions have god that are much older than christ,are they wrong?

All religions say that their God is timeless... ;)

I believe there is something there, you call it god, it has other names according to your religion,to me its an unknown thing thats there that has been totally misrepresented.

Just names... Names without their meanings are not more worth than a cup without water to drink...

People try to explain things by using the current state of knowledge.
Imagine how a shepherd in israel 2000 years ago would explain an aeroplane

Yup... you can see it in Revelations...
