Our future


Registered Senior Member
What is our future? i'll tell you what it is it is our children, well maybe it all depends on us, i was watching on tv over the last few nights, and i have seen childrenbulled, not by other children but growen ups,well if that is whet you want to call them,children in ireland can not even go to school because of the prodestants and catholic adults,they walk with there parents,but guarded by riot police,little girls and boys,crying and all because of what? no matter what religion you are it all comes down to worshiping on god,no matter what you call him, surly this is no way to treat our future, to have verbal abuse hurled at them, spat at and called names, there should be a law zero tolerance,no messing with any protester if they start no matter who they are man/woman/or even a youngster they should be taken down, by any means has any one else got any thoughts on this.
Originally posted by BLASTOFF
What is our future? i'll tell you what it is it is our children, well maybe it all depends on us...

...no matter what religion you are it all comes down to worshiping on god,no matter what you call him...
Blastoff, these two snippets reflect directly on two phrases that are always in my mind. "Children learn what they live." "God does not group people, religion does that." The children of this planet are getting terrible lessons from conflicts all over the globe, many caused by religious differences. To me, that means that mankind has, at a minimum, another generation of struggling with war. Will our children be "grown-up" enough to set this aside for their children?

I wish I knew.

I am your future......don't worry, when I become president your social security'll be safe with me.

re; our future

pollux v i am not on social security, and as for you being located in the clouds,well that can be arranged,plus you and your owen future.
Children are the hope of the humans...

Just because of all the children being born all over the world in such bad conditions, it is case to raise them well. For the children are the hope of humankind and Earth.

So if we start only to raise our own children well, than we are on the right way.
Don't know if there are members posting here with children or expecting a child, keep in mind that it are the parents who put in the first thought and the surrounding in which a child is living.

Children don't have to go down the hill right into religion or other wars, you know. I know I didn't and I am 41 by now. My parents tried to hammer religion into me. They didn't succeed and they are still mad about it.

I stay with my point, the children are the hope of our future. Raise them well.:) And listen to the children, don't treat them like they are all babbling idiots, because that happens a lot nowadays. Humans don't have the patience to listen what a child really has to say. You better try it, for they do have to say something. You could be surprised by it...
The future is not anything to do with children.

The long-term future is unlikely to contain any children, as we perceive the concept now.

The long-term future is where we have conquered disease and the vast majority of events that can cause harm to whatever we evolve into. Even the aging process has been established as a disease to be cured like any other.

Conventional evolution theory shows that reproduction ensures the survival of the species and that individuals are less important than the species. The future will directly reverse that trend, where the individuals are paramount and reproduction, as we currently understand it becomes unnecessary and undesirable. When life spans become unlimited then the urge to reproduce will disappear. The continued survival of the species then becomes a pure choice for those of us who evolve into the next stage and where animalistic urges are removed.

It may well be that the future of the human race will involve a fixed number of individuals distributed thinly around the rest of the universe. These super-intelligent post humans will have adequate means to ensure their own unlimited survival.

If this winds up being true, and who knows, it might, then what would be these beings' 'purpose of life'?
Their purpose? The same as now - whatever they want it to be.

At the moment with our extremly short lifetimes, the raising of children tends to consume a large proportion of our useful years. Many people see their only purpose is directed at their children, simply because there is nearly no time left for anything else.

Now consider the attitudes if your lifetime is increased to 800 years instead of 80. Once you've raised several sets of children don't you think that then you might like to try something else?

That is kind of the point of my post.

Assuming that human memory is infinite, which most probably is an incorrect assumption, what would drive most people today if their life expectancy could be measured in millenia?

Larry Niven, a good science fiction author, has dealt with that premise in several of his books. Humanity has developed 'booster spice' which allows for the possibility of infinite lifespan. In his books, people get very bored after 3 or 4 hundred years because they have done everything they want to do and have difficulty in finding anything else interesting.
By all means...

Memories from former lives are lost because of the selfish behaviour from humans nowadays. If they could break lose from that daily, material, selfish behaviour and turn around, perhaps then they will see the light, so to say.

This species, the human race, has doomed itself by its own destructive inventions and have lost contact with themselves and Nature, thus with their Spirit or Inner Self.

Luckily there are humans who know better and they are Earths future and with them, their children.

On the turning away
From the pale and downthrodden
And the words they say
Which we won't understand
Don't accept that what's happening
Is just the case of others suffering
Or you'll find that you're joining in
The turning away

It's a sin that somehow
Light is changing to shadow
And casting it's shroud
Over all we have known
Unaware how the ranks have grown
Driven on by a heart of stone
We could find that we're all alone
In the dream of the proud

On the wings of the night
As the daytime is stirring
Where the speechless unite
In a silent accord
Using words you will find are strange
And mesmerised as they light the flame
Feel the new wind of change
On the wings of the night.

No more turning away
From the weak and the weary
No more turning away
From the coldness inside
Just a world that we all must share
It's not enough just to stand and stare
Is it only a dream that there'll be
No more turning away. --------------------- Pink Floyd

Because they can say it so much better than I do...:)
Hi SeekerOfTruth,

Assuming that human memory is infinite, which most probably is an incorrect assumption, what would drive most people today if their life expectancy could be measured in millenia?
Human memory is most definitely finite at present and I don’t see that it would ever become infinite. But these are also biological limitations as well. And I don’t see much future for us in biological forms. Within a century electro-mechanical capabilities should outpace biological human brain and memory speeds and provide more resilient bodies.

But even now we can indirectly extend our memories by using libraries and the internet. We don’t need to keep all information in our local memories, all we need is to be able to remember where to look for any information we might need.

But the real issue that you point out is the danger of boredom. I don’t know about that. If the universe is infinite then that implies an infinite number of worlds and other civilizations to visit, study, interact with, and enjoy.

But I also suspect that continuous enhancements to memory and intelligence power will allow even greater possibilities to explore. Are there limits? That is simply too far ahead.

I suggest you also read ‘Time Enough for Love’ by Robert Heinlein, if you have not done so already. This book influenced me probably more than any other to pursue my current plans. Again it deals with those with unlimited lifespans and boredom. The book deals with the ultimate solution, suicide, but also how to overcome those dismal thoughts.

I think that once you have exhausted everything possible with your existing capabilities then you would look to enhancing your capabilities to allow you to examine areas that you could not reach before. Is there an end to that? Yes when you become a god and create your own universe. Hmm, perhaps even that isn’t an end.

When the urge/need to procreate disappears, the value and usefulness of neucleus family may disappear too. That means sex will be for enjoyment like food. Chinese, Italian, German, Blondes...oops...food that is.... :D