Ouija boards


Now, I actually read the back of a ouija board at barnes and noble. It stated some bullshit about no one knows how or why they move. Hahaha, they move because you you push it. Its a piece of plastic or glass that has felt feet. I took it out and examined and noted that it can't possibly move by itself. Yet to give it a fair test of how it would play or be interpreted as such, I like an idiot tried it waiting for the sucker to move, and then i woke up and felt like a fool. Of course it doesn't move by itself. Though i have tried it with other people and they were moving it and convincing themselves and me that they were not. What the fuk? I can understand interpreting tarot cards but purposely moving an object to letters to spell out what you want and calling that magic? People are deeply dishonest and really fuked up. I find it bizarre that people move something and convince themselves they aren't. Its not even like your eyes are closed and you randomly pick numbers or letters. jesus christ lolol
I remember reading this quote from Oxygen a few months back and thought it was quite perceptive:
Oxygen said:

I noticed, during my lifetime of watching this thing, that the board worked best when one person was somehow fairly submissive to the other, personality-wise. The dominant person essentially controlled the planchette while the submissive person just went along for the ride. When two dominant or two submissive personalites got on the board, it made for "bad conductors", as my family called it. The messages, I noticed, always followed the beliefs of the dominant operator. I believed this to be, as I said, subconscious manipulation rather than any intentional manipulation, based on my personal knowledge of the people at the board.
Think of ouija boards as tools of social psychology that can be used to pinpoint the leaders and the followers in a social group. I'm not sure how you can 'subconsciously' manipulate letters on a board - there has to be some intention there, it seems to me- but, at any rate, it's a far better explanation of what's going on than you'll get from any psychic. ;)
My wife had an experience with ouija before I'd met her, with a bunch of girlfriends in their flatshare. They used an upturned glass and cards with letters and numbers on a tabletop.

The first thing the ouija told them to do was to get rid of the person that kept giggling, then after a while, I can't remember all the details, it spelt out a womans name at that adress that nobody in the group recognised. Then, they took their hands off the glass and it continued to move randomly to different letters and then, it just shot off the table and smashed to pieces on the floor.

A little later that evening their frightnight began. Something began knocking on all their windows from the outside (4th floor) and then something began banging on their door. They checked but nothing was there. This went on all night and scared the girls half to death. The next day, one of the girls went and checked the council records and discovered that the woman whose name had been divulged by the ouija had been the owner of the house in 1930. My wife moved out the following day.
My wife doesn't lie. She has also experienced astral projection and other ghostly phenomena. When she had these experiences (decades ago) she was totally ignorant of and had no interest in paranormal phenomena and didn't even realise that other people had had similar experiences or that there were names for them.
My wife had an experience with ouija before I'd met her, with a bunch of girlfriends in their flatshare. They used an upturned glass and cards with letters and numbers on a tabletop.

The first thing the ouija told them to do was to get rid of the person that kept giggling, then after a while, I can't remember all the details, it spelt out a womans name at that adress that nobody in the group recognised. Then, they took their hands off the glass and it continued to move randomly to different letters and then, it just shot off the table and smashed to pieces on the floor.

A little later that evening their frightnight began. Something began knocking on all their windows from the outside (4th floor) and then something began banging on their door. They checked but nothing was there. This went on all night and scared the girls half to death. The next day, one of the girls went and checked the council records and discovered that the woman whose name had been divulged by the ouija had been the owner of the house in 1930. My wife moved out the following day.

I had a simillr experience, not going into detail, its bed time :(
My wife doesn't lie. She has also experienced astral projection and other ghostly phenomena.

She need not lie to be associated with the above delusions which have some very well-understood physiological causes as well as some not-so-well understood ones. With regard to the ouiji board nonsense, if it isn't a lie, its almost certainly another delusion or misinterpretation of what really happened. Ouiji boards have been demonstrated time and again to be only controlled physically by the individuals playing with the board. Never has a controlled experiment revealed any actual magic or paranormal occurrence.
She need not lie to be associated with the above delusions which have some very well-understood physiological causes as well as some not-so-well understood ones. With regard to the ouiji board nonsense, if it isn't a lie, its almost certainly another delusion or misinterpretation of what really happened. Ouiji boards have been demonstrated time and again to be only controlled physically by the individuals playing with the board. Never has a controlled experiment revealed any actual magic or paranormal occurrence.

Ghosts? Controlled experiments? They get mad test anxiety. Poltergeists fuckin' hate that shit.
I'm glad you said that and not me. So his wife's a delusional liar, is she?

Well, I'm sure she's a splendid woman, whatever the case and quite irrespective of Skins somewhat undiplomatic language... However, and this isn't to cast aspersions on either Tabs good lady wife or indeed the third party description Tab relays - the fact of the matter, assuming the story remains in anyway true in having happened at all, remains we're dealing with a group psychology situation wherein the reactions of other people present have been demonstrated time and time again as having direct influence on what an individual person both experiences and feels.

Patently, this is not to undermine the ladies experience - certainly, if freaked enough to want to leave the flatshare the very next day, this would not have been done merely on a whim. But this being the case, what of the other members of the household present at the time - how did they choose to react in the aftermath? We're they all equally as shaken as to want to immediately up sticks leave and if not, why?

After all, presumably they all experienced exactly the same events in exactly the same way. So how did they, in practice, choose to respond?
I disagree. I think she's a delusional liar.

Tablariddim... Tabs... I'm only kidding.

It was clearly one of them group psychology doodah's what Mr. Wotsit said that it was. Aye.
I'll ask her to recount the story again and get back to you. Personally, I'm not into spooky shenanigans and I think there must be rational explanations for what she experienced, which of course would be impossible to prove one way or the other.
Well, if you do, perhaps you might find some degree of difference regarding what she recalls regarding the events and what you yourself remember her relaying regarding the events - things tend to add up during the telling and all that. Still, if it's any particular use to you, I don't personally particularly doubt your wife indeed had some form of experience - quite what of definitively, indeed, doubt anyone will ever get to the bottom of that one - but at the same time, stuff happens.

Weather the impressions events leave actually relate to their actual nature, that will always remain debatable I suppose - until, of course, it happens to oneself.

But I've always been a one for a good spook story. They're something universal and never less than entertaining and show a damn sight more imagination than your average UFO story - which in my book, makes for great value for money...

As always my regards and, I trust, no offence.

Ouija board is real: i once summoned an acient spirit of a king from Atlantis. He said to me taht the end of the world it will be on 2012


as someone said here: ouija board is a great tool for observing social proof of people.

Oh, i just remember something now: when i was younger we used to play ouija (maybe 1-2 times a year). One day i decided to see the truth of it. So, i put a card deck (a regular one) in the top of some high furniture, but with the bottom card facing up. So, if spiritis are real they should be able to see it...

Well...guess what, during the session i asked the "spirits" to read the card and tell us which one was....there were no positive results. but i believe on spirits so my guess is that the the ghost that we summoned that night was just in the need of a new glasses to read better

I just asked her to recount the story but she wouldn't go into details, it upsets her talking about it.

Anyway, as Mr. A suggested, I got the story slightly wrong. Apparently, when they started the 'game', because that's what it had seemed like to them, it had been obvious that they'd all been pushing the glass amidst giggles and silliness, but they eventually got more serious and persevered with it for hours. Eventually, it became obvious that the glass appeared to be moving virtually on its own because the girls were merely touching it very lightly and because of the way it was moving very smoothly and quickly to the letters and numbers and they were all having difficulty trying to keep up with it.

The message they got was the name and telephone number of a woman, that is when they got frightened and let go of it. The glass continued to move all over the table erratically and then jumped UP into the air, fell back to the table and flew off to smash on the floor.

The noises and banging continued to harass them every night for a number of days and that's when one of the girls called the number and was told that the woman used to indeed live at that address (not the flat share address) but had died many years previously. The girls all moved out of the flat the day after they learnt the news.

I just asked her to recount the story but she wouldn't go into details, it upsets her talking about it.

Anyway, as Mr. A suggested, I got the story slightly wrong. Apparently, when they started the 'game', because that's what it had seemed like to them, it had been obvious that they'd all been pushing the glass amidst giggles and silliness, but they eventually got more serious and persevered with it for hours. Eventually, it became obvious that the glass appeared to be moving virtually on its own because the girls were merely touching it very lightly and because of the way it was moving very smoothly and quickly to the letters and numbers and they were all having difficulty trying to keep up with it.

The message they got was the name and telephone number of a woman, that is when they got frightened and let go of it. The glass continued to move all over the table erratically and then jumped UP into the air, fell back to the table and flew off to smash on the floor.

The noises and banging continued to harass them every night for a number of days and that's when one of the girls called the number and was told that the woman used to indeed live at that address (not the flat share address) but had died many years previously. The girls all moved out of the flat the day after they learnt the news.

Tab, I have no problems with the veracity of your wifes experience, I could go into why but wont, but thought I would respond here just to offer advice to any curious readers out there who think it worth experimenting with calling in dead people...don´t......it aint worth it...find something else to play with...or if you do don´t do it for fun....
A ouija board works with you, and other people sub counsous ( fro mwhat i have read in several places anyway) your brain knows where hte letts o nthe board is, and your hand will move the glass hting to the letters to forms words, form what i understand it helps with problems your subcounouse deals with, i for one would love one ( also, i read a good stroy about the ouija board in a good porn magazine when i worked up at a boy scout camp. :)
Ouija boards work! the only observation I made is that, answers to the question is always known by the people who are attending the activity. Where the answer is not known, it is random. So people remember the correct ones and forget the wrong ones.

The puzzle is, why it is statistically significant when the answer is known by the people who are attending and watching the event (not the pushers)? I have taken part as an observer as well as pushing the gizmo. The funny part is, when the pointer moves, i had to go along with it. Every one said the same thing. So who was pushing it, no one knew.

In my college days, I was correct 85% of the time when reading someones palm. That is statistically significant. I suppose there is more to the use of our five senses than we think!
I disagree. I think she's a delusional liar.

Tablariddim... Tabs... I'm only kidding.

It was clearly one of them group psychology doodah's what Mr. Wotsit said that it was. Aye.

So ready to jump to the side of linear thinking are we?