Other implications for Biology?

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Hi, I posted this question over on the religious forum a little bit ago, and now thinking about it, I thought asking it here would get me a better response. Anyways, I am new here and I have been thinking about this for awhile and wanted to know if you all had any personal opinions. I am not trying to defend creationism or anything like that, I just am trying to learn what people who actually know about evolution and study it think.

Now my question is, since evolution is pretty much proven now, are there any religions that attempt to integrate it into their system of belief. It seems to me that this would be very hard to do, seeing as if you want to believe in a "soul" and also in evolution, you would have to pick a point at which this would show up. I have been thinking about this for awhile and it doesent seem to make sense, because if God was all powerful and also fair, it would not be right for one generation of people to get this "soul" while their parents didnt just because they are slightly less developed. Anyways, getting to the point I just dont see how you can believe in evolution but also an afterlife, which is sort of upsetting to me as I have been raised a Catholic all my life and am now just reading about all of these incredible scientific theories which are very fascinating, but are sort of disturbing seeing as it seems to me that they point to no afterlife being possible and everything just coming about because of random chance. Any believing evolutionists have a different take on this? Thanks for your replies.
Since you said thanks for your replies, and there are non yet, I will attempt to provide my opinion. I think that some churches want to integrate the two saying that God used evolution to create humans. I suppose they want to avoid the mistake of the Catholic church with the idea of a flat earth. I personally don't agree with this though.
Actually most people manage to integrate it into their religion independently. Its called Theistic evolution.
According to the link it amounts to this:

Man has developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process, including man's creation.

Evolution says nothing about how life is created nor does is prove god does not exist, it only show s/he is not needed, so you can still fit a deity or two in there.
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