Orwellian nightmare down under


Registered Senior Member
Check this out:

If you're in Australia, the government has the ability to modify your files. Its cyber spooks have been given legal power not only to monitor private computers around the country, but to change the data they contain.

Under the new law, Australia's attorney general can authorize legal hacking into private computer systems, as well as copying or altering data, as long as he has reasonable cause to believe it's relevant to a "security matter."
If thats the case then they have a lot of problems down under mate. That is definately very disturbing whats this world coming to?

It will spread to ware you live. It will not be contained just to Australia, Japan, China, Singapore, and onther countries.
Wow!.........Wow......I don't know what to say! It's going to be like dominos now! A Martial Law standard of living!

At least it will be secure...

...like a steer is secure when he's being led to slaughter.
Who do we protest to? Just stomping around in the streets gets you nowhere. At least the Battle of Seattle had a focal point. There are just too few organized groups, and each one that exists has it's own agenda. There are no leaders, only fragmented factions that are easy to play off of each other.

So, let's see. To start a revolution against the NWO, where do we begin? 666, feel free to run with this one, since you're able to keep the alphabet soup straight.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Well it's kind of a hard call to make. I would say we should start with the UN. Get out of it and denouce it for what it is. All though this would take the action of our goverment which is all to happy to stay in the UN. The Un is the millitary arm, cut it off and they can't force us into anything by force. The same goes with NATO. NATO basicly takes it's cues from the UN. This includes all arms of the UN. Yes even the one that "helps" the children of the world. These arms are only there to make us feel as though we need them and that they are doing thier job. Why did so many have to die in Rewanda when they had advance warning? Why did so many have to die before they got involved in Yugoslavia? Why did many have to be killed, maimed and torutuered in Afgainistan? Why did so many die at the hands of the UN in Katanga? Ok I'll jump done from the soap box now.

Next, mabye while we are moping up the UN, we should ban the CFR, TC, Bildenburgers, and other org's like them and fire the members from goverment. I know that means firing 90% of the goverment, but they need to go, they caused and proprigate this whole mess.

A period of Isolation from foriegn nations may be required in order to get this country back together again. As horible as this may sound, I belive it to be needed. Think about an alcoholic Isolates from the world while he gets his life back together, then reintergrates back into the world. A time of healing and strengthing will be needed. When theses groups are attacked thier own paranoia will work against them. They can and will fall.

My life could have been black and white, but I had to color it.

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited January 12, 2000).]
So, what you're saying is that we should prune the tree rather than cut it down?
Pretty much. The whole shabang is so large that it can't be dismantled all at once. If you did you would plunge the whole world into so much chaos it wouldn't be funny.

My life could have been black and white, but I had to color it.
So, if you were to plant a new system of government and society, what freedoms would you give to the individual and what powers would you give to the state?

Also, would you strive to unify the globe under one system?

It's all very large.

[This message has been edited by Bowser (edited January 14, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Bowser (edited January 14, 2000).]

In a perfect world a world would be great, but we will never be perfect. I would like to see the same freedoms we started off with here in the USA. Of course some modifications should be made to help prevent the underhand dealings people high played to get us into this mess. Every time you start it should be fresh.

My life could have been black and white, but I had to color it.
I've often thought of drafting a model of a government on paper. I think it would be interesting to try resolving the inherent conflicts which arrise when providing individual rights and the security of the whole. There are always conflicts of interests when considering the needs of each.

As for the global government, I believe it is a logical goal; but I also see some of the dangers involved with too much central power and no opposition to that power.

Would you say that the motivators behind those "underhand dealings" are wealth and power?

It's all very large.
Interesting ideas there 666,

I think publicizing these stories and trying to get the mass media to notice and actually report on the power that the Australian gov't has would be a big step. (For instance the ECHELON program has been getting press recently when 9 months ago the only place you could find out about it was on fringe web sites.)

Protesting to the UN ain't a bad plan. Banning the Bildeberger's, TLC, CFR etc. is laughable since it's THEM who is banning, controlling, legislating away OUR freedoms. I recommend David Icke's book *and the truth shall set you free* as a really well researched description of the conspiracy that is in place controlling this planet.

Isolationism is a fiction, I think. So too, is the idea of "nation states". It makes for a great screen for the wealthy people of the world to hide their centralizing control, wealth and power behind (refered to as the NWO) but the governments of the world are beholden to Big Business Interests and those folks are represented by CFR, TLC, Biderberger's etc.

Sometimes I wonder if there isn't some far grander vision at work, i.e. a divine one? We are responding to this New World Order out of fear when the unity and possible tranquility it brings may be a welcome relief from the centuries of war that have preceded it. The apparent tyranny we may be heading into may transform into something quite different when the current problems of wealth, poverty, power distribution, control of fossil fuels etc. has been effectively managed. I don't know it's just an idea.

What kind of society might we live in if the money now spent on military budgets went to something like education? Maybe it's a fantasy now but can we say it will still be a fantasy in 1000 years?

Originally posted by 666:
Well it's kind of a hard call to make. I would say we should start with the UN. Get out of it and denouce it for what it is. All though this would take the action of our goverment which is all to happy to stay in the UN. The Un is the millitary arm, cut it off and they can't force us into anything by force. The same goes with NATO. NATO basicly takes it's cues from the UN. This includes all arms of the UN. Yes even the one that "helps" the children of the world. These arms are only there to make us feel as though we need them and that they are doing thier job. Why did so many have to die in Rewanda when they had advance warning? Why did so many have to die before they got involved in Yugoslavia? Why did many have to be killed, maimed and torutuered in Afgainistan? Why did so many die at the hands of the UN in Katanga? Ok I'll jump done from the soap box now.

Next, mabye while we are moping up the UN, we should ban the CFR, TC, Bildenburgers, and other org's like them and fire the members from goverment. I know that means firing 90% of the goverment, but they need to go, they caused and proprigate this whole mess.

A period of Isolation from foriegn nations may be required in order to get this country back together again. As horible as this may sound, I belive it to be needed. Think about an alcoholic Isolates from the world while he gets his life back together, then reintergrates back into the world. A time of healing and strengthing will be needed. When theses groups are attacked thier own paranoia will work against them. They can and will fall.

"Nobody has seen it all." - Marco Polo

Yeah it is verry dificult thing to try and figure out. One of the big things I belive is that if what I am doing is not hurting anyone the goverment should not have any say. That is assuming that at the time I chose do whatever I am right in the head. Which opens up a whole can of worms in it's self. How and when to determine sanity. This is only an "ideal" view. Take the helmet law for example. At first glance it should be personal choice. Once you look at everthing involved it is totaly different. The state has to foot the bill not only for any injurys, but disability if the person survives and can't work or function. This puts a verry heavy finacial burden upon the goverment. It is common senes that they would try and protect thier budget. The lines between personal freedom and and state controll begin to blur as you look deeper at this issue. Allthough there are some freedom that are just out of the hands of the goverment.

My life could have been black and white, but I had to color it.
TripleSix (666),

<img src = "http://users.esc.net.au/~nitro/BBoard_member_gifs/bowser_anim.gif">

<img src = "http://www.exosci.com/ubb/icons/icon14.gif"> <font color = "red">"One of the big things I belive is that if what I am doing is not hurting anyone the goverment should not have any say."</font>

I believe this is a legitimate argument, and it's probably common in the minds of most, but there are always counter arguments which can be used to justify laws which refuse us our choices and the enjoyment of the simplest of pleasures. It's a very easy thing to protract the consequences of an action, thereby finding potential harm in anything.

BTW: I feel that your above statement should have been written into the Bill of Rights.

The financial burden placed upon society by such a motorcycle accident is probably small when you consider the budget stress involved with enforcing this and other laws. My assumption is that most people would choose to wear a helmet simply because it's a good idea. I don't think it's worth trading a personal liberty for the advantage of saving a few tax dollars. Also, it would be interesting to see statistics that reflect true numbers concerning the costs of both.

I read in the paper that someone had proposed a tax on junk food, simply to cover the cost of any unpaid medical bills that might burden the government. It's my guess that this suggestion was the work of a vegitarian. We know it wasn't from the patrons of McDonalds <img src = "http://www.exosci.com/ubb/icons/icon7.gif">

I sometimes wonder how we ever managed to hold our society together for 200 years without the glue of these trivial and bias laws and taxes.

It's all very large.

[This message has been edited by Bowser (edited January 30, 2000).]

Well i haven't seen any stats yet but judging by how they enforce the law it appears to coast less. They didn't put more cops on the road to enforce the law, but simply have the curent police pull over a biker they see with out a helmet. Personaly I think it's just a nifty way to justify a pay raise for a few poloticains.

My statment while not directly written into the constituaion is in there. I belive it goes more a long the lines of "the right to persue happiness". Nothing says it's your right to have it.

The junk food tax is being brought up by the same fine people who brought us the additional .50 cent tax on cigarettess. Being a smoker I would like to say to everyone who said they wouldn't go any further, I told you so! Thier belief is that the poor will be the ones who suffer the most just like the cigarette tax, but will also be the ones who get the most out of it. I say lets bugger them out of a crap load of money and see how well it does for them. people like this will attack every way of life they belive to be wrong with out regard to indivdual rights. They must be stoped! The california tobacco tax is going to be up for appeal, I urge anyone who is in california vote for it (I think it's prop. 28). They have been useing the children to try and stop people from voting for it. Saying that if it is repealed these poor children will lose all of this money. Well I have seen at least one of the projects this money has gone for. A cermercail ad that last for an extreamly short time frame states in as few words as possible the first 5 years of a childs life is important, help your kid. They spent a ridculus amont of money on this and achive dam near nothing at a high coast. Now comes the kick in the head the indivdual countys get to chose how to best spend the money. Not the people who know how to best spend it, but poloticains. On top of that the junk food tax qualifys as an acceptable campaign to spend this money, I'm not sure if they have poored any funds into it yet though. Ok well I rambled long enough, I'll step down from the soap box now.

All I know is what I understand. All I understand is what I know. :)
TripleSix (666),

<img src = "http://users.esc.net.au/~nitro/BBoard_member_gifs/bowser_anim.gif">There's more involved with enforcement, more then just writing a ticket. You have a whole bureaucracy at work. There's the clerks, courts, and all of the other inner gears at work. It's not just the police who have time invested in that ticket; it's also the paper pushers.

<font color = "blue">"My statment while not directly written into the constituaion is in there. I belive it goes more a long the lines of "the right to persue happiness". Nothing says it's your right to have it"</font>

Sorry, TripleSix...<font color = "red"><blink>Declaration of Independence:</blink></font>

<font color = "red">"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, <font color = "blue">and the pursuit of Happiness"</font></font>

It's all very large.

[This message has been edited by Bowser (edited January 30, 2000).]

OOPPPSSS! I got the wrong document.

Yeah I wasn't thinking about all the behind the curtain type that gets done when I cop writes a ticket. Even at that you have to look at the coast of having someone laid up in tracktion (SP?) for six to 9 mounths then the years of rehab. On top of that they may never be able to work or even walk again witch requiers disabilty payments. You be looking at least 10 mil. just for person. So the enforcement of law accaul seems cheaper over the longer run. Allthough the up front coast may seems close to the original coast in time it would less due to inflation. Don't get me wrong I'm not in favor of complete goverment controll, but something has to be to keep accidents and those who would bleed system dry from doing so.

All I know is what I understand. All I understand is what I know. :)

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited January 31, 2000).]