Orthodox Jew Modesty Rules


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
1. Not dwelling on lascivious or immoral thoughts.
2. Avoiding staring at members of the opposite sex, particularly at any part of the opposite sex's "private" anatomy.
3. Keeping the majority of one's body clothed in respectable clothing at all times.
4. Avoiding the company of uncouth individuals or situations where an atmosphere of levity and depravity prevails.
5. Avoiding looking at pictures or scenes that will be sexually arousing.
6. Refraining from touching a person of the opposite sex, especially in a lingering arousing manner (shaking hands very quickly in greeting between sexes is a point of dispute, and depends on one's rabbi's halachic decision).
7. Not looking at animals or birds copulating. (this one confuses me. Never have I ever been aroused by seeing dogs go at it. I take it there are no Orthodox owners of livestock :shrug:)
8. Not hugging or kissing one's spouse in public; among Haredim, this includes any physical contact whatsoever.
9. According to some authorities other forms of sex such as oral sex may be forbidden; according to a other opinions, including the Mishna in Yevamoth 34, and the Rambam, these are permitted. (does anyone know if there is a biblical christian version of no oral sex? I'm surprised sex during menstruation wasn't mentioned)
on your comment on oral sex that sort of opinion has been prevelant for a VERY long time amongst christans. Its part of the effort to turn sex into something purly for procreation (which is really stupid concidering that its natures way of keeping couples together), something that should (acording to them) be a chore alone, rather than something fun and enjoyable

A general point: who cares, if they keep men and women away from each other and out of bed (off the kitchen bench, out of the shower ect ect:p) long enough they will be breed out of existance:p
They also have the highest birth rates, averaging at seven children.
These should be called lust rules not modesty rules. And of course instead of addressing the fact that they have a problem they choose to cover it up (literaly). Typical religion.
heck, you takin' all the fun

most of that stuff is cultural

most everyone knows when they crossing the line
1. Not dwelling on lascivious or immoral thoughts.
2. Avoiding staring at members of the opposite sex, particularly at any part of the opposite sex's "private" anatomy.
3. Keeping the majority of one's body clothed in respectable clothing at all times.
4. Avoiding the company of uncouth individuals or situations where an atmosphere of levity and depravity prevails.
5. Avoiding looking at pictures or scenes that will be sexually arousing.
6. Refraining from touching a person of the opposite sex, especially in a lingering arousing manner (shaking hands very quickly in greeting between sexes is a point of dispute, and depends on one's rabbi's halachic decision).
7. Not looking at animals or birds copulating. (this one confuses me. Never have I ever been aroused by seeing dogs go at it. I take it there are no Orthodox owners of livestock :shrug:)
8. Not hugging or kissing one's spouse in public; among Haredim, this includes any physical contact whatsoever.
9. According to some authorities other forms of sex such as oral sex may be forbidden; according to a other opinions, including the Mishna in Yevamoth 34, and the Rambam, these are permitted. (does anyone know if there is a biblical christian version of no oral sex? I'm surprised sex during menstruation wasn't mentioned)

How can those be rules ?
It looks more like a checklist to determine if you're 'worthy'.
1. Not dwelling on lascivious or immoral thoughts.
2. Avoiding staring at members of the opposite sex, particularly at any part of the opposite sex's "private" anatomy.
3. Keeping the majority of one's body clothed in respectable clothing at all times.
4. Avoiding the company of uncouth individuals or situations where an atmosphere of levity and depravity prevails.
5. Avoiding looking at pictures or scenes that will be sexually arousing.
6. Refraining from touching a person of the opposite sex, especially in a lingering arousing manner (shaking hands very quickly in greeting between sexes is a point of dispute, and depends on one's rabbi's halachic decision).
7. Not looking at animals or birds copulating. (this one confuses me. Never have I ever been aroused by seeing dogs go at it. I take it there are no Orthodox owners of livestock :shrug:)
8. Not hugging or kissing one's spouse in public; among Haredim, this includes any physical contact whatsoever.
9. According to some authorities other forms of sex such as oral sex may be forbidden; according to a other opinions, including the Mishna in Yevamoth 34, and the Rambam, these are permitted. (does anyone know if there is a biblical christian version of no oral sex? I'm surprised sex during menstruation wasn't mentioned)

As for the rules as a whole, it is a list of things one can do to lessen their immoral thoughts. But while immorality can be lessened it cannot be eliminated. Resisting immorality does not eliminate it.

And i am with you on the rule about not watching animals copulating. I have never been aroused by seeing dogs go at it either. weird.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
anyone know if the list gets updated? Will the internet, twittering, sexting, make an appearance?
Judaism is a superb group evolutionary strategy for Jews, who have enjoyed four thousand years of group continuity. If survival and time are any indicators of evolutionary success, I'd say Orthodox Jewish modesty could well serve as an example for us all.
As for the rules, I have broken every one.

Whoever wrote them couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a handful of pardons.
1. Not dwelling on lascivious or immoral thoughts.
2. Avoiding staring at members of the opposite sex, particularly at any part of the opposite sex's "private" anatomy.
3. Keeping the majority of one's body clothed in respectable clothing at all times.
4. Avoiding the company of uncouth individuals or situations where an atmosphere of levity and depravity prevails.
5. Avoiding looking at pictures or scenes that will be sexually arousing.
6. Refraining from touching a person of the opposite sex, especially in a lingering arousing manner (shaking hands very quickly in greeting between sexes is a point of dispute, and depends on one's rabbi's halachic decision).
7. Not looking at animals or birds copulating. (this one confuses me. Never have I ever been aroused by seeing dogs go at it. I take it there are no Orthodox owners of livestock :shrug:)
8. Not hugging or kissing one's spouse in public; among Haredim, this includes any physical contact whatsoever.
9. According to some authorities other forms of sex such as oral sex may be forbidden; according to a other opinions, including the Mishna in Yevamoth 34, and the Rambam, these are permitted. (does anyone know if there is a biblical christian version of no oral sex? I'm surprised sex during menstruation wasn't mentioned)

I've already broken the majority of these this morning. :)