Original Sin


Registered Member
Gensis teaches us that God Made the earth and all it's creatures in six days. the seventh day He rested. We can argue the time period, but remember that to God time does not exist and that time is just a thing to use.

God Also create Adam out of the earth. Adam was happy for a while and discovered that he was Lonely. He need a Mate.
God then created Wo-man (out of man) from one of Adams' ribs.
they were happy and behaved well.
Satan, (as a serpent), attempted to let them see "what God Sees"
God had commanded that Adam and Eve can eat from any tree accept the tree of Knowlege. That was the one and only Law that God had set forth.
Satan knew that Adam knew God's will and obeyed it before Eve.
Eve was the weak link.
Satan then said to Eve, "if you eat of this tree, you will become like God and know what God knows"
Eve, ever curious, talks to Adam.
this is the beginning of Original Sin. this is the first time that the two would even discussing disobeying God and distancing them from God and His laws.
Eve convinces Adam to take a bite after she does.

Original Sin: the purposeful and willfull disobeyance of God's laws and the negative affect of distancing us from God.
Before this, they probably had many children. Mary (the Mother of God) probably did not remain celebant. If fact, if she had, Joseph would have ample reason to divorce her (failure to participate in matromonial duties [SEX]) it also safe to assume that Jesus probably had siblings. the fact that the Bible does not mention them, does not mean they did not exist.

1. Adam and Eve now recognize that they are naked and hide
2. They now wear clothes (when before they did not)
3. they now have been formally ejected from paradise and forced to live on thier own
4. Eve now has a painful childberth. One could easily say that if one did not know childberth before, then how could childberth now become painful. you can not miss something that which you never had. (please note: that this may mean that she may have had many children before and these children were in fact painless child berths).
5. Adam and Eve have now introduced a rebellious nature in man that makes him want to distance himself from God. (Original Sin has been introduced)
6. the first recorded Murder (Cain killing Abel)

God knew of the consequences if they disobeyed that one and only Law. he also installed free will. this free will established the weak link for Satan to break and introduce Original Sin. He did the persuading, but Adam and Eve performed the act.

Original Sin is still a problem. Free will allows Mankind to disobey God's will and Laws. Free will allows Mankind to distance us from Him and let that Original Sin work it's dark magic. :rolleyes:
Kawika said:
Gensis teaches us that God Made the earth and all it's creatures in six days. the seventh day He rested. We can argue the time period, but remember that to God time does not exist and that time is just a thing to use.

God Also create Adam out of the earth. Adam was happy for a while and discovered that he was Lonely. He need a Mate.
God then created Wo-man (out of man) from one of Adams' ribs. they were happy and behaved well. Satan, (as a serpent), attempted to let them see "what God Sees"
God had commanded that Adam and Eve can eat from any tree accept the tree of Knowlege. That was the one and only Law that God had set forth. Satan knew that Adam knew God's will and obeyed it before Eve. Eve was the weak link. Satan then said to Eve, "if you eat of this tree, you will become like God and know what God knows" Eve, ever curious, talks to Adam. this is the beginning of Original Sin. this is the first time that the two would even discussing disobeying God and distancing them from God and His laws.
Eve convinces Adam to take a bite after she does.

Original Sin: the purposeful and willfull disobeyance of God's laws and the negative affect of distancing us from God. Before this, they probably had many children. Mary (the Mother of God) probably did not remain celebant. If fact, if she had, Joseph would have ample reason to divorce her (failure to participate in matromonial duties [SEX]) it also safe to assume that Jesus probably had siblings. the fact that the Bible does not mention them, does not mean they did not exist.

1. Adam and Eve now recognize that they are naked and hide
2. They now wear clothes (when before they did not)
3. they now have been formally ejected from paradise and forced to live on thier own
4. Eve now has a painful childberth. One could easily say that if one did not know childberth before, then how could childberth now become painful. you can not miss something that which you never had. (please note: that this may mean that she may have had many children before and these children were in fact painless child berths).
5. Adam and Eve have now introduced a rebellious nature in man that makes him want to distance himself from God. (Original Sin has been introduced)
6. the first recorded Murder (Cain killing Abel)

God knew of the consequences if they disobeyed that one and only Law. he also installed free will. this free will established the weak link for Satan to break and introduce Original Sin. He did the persuading, but Adam and Eve performed the act.

Original Sin is still a problem. Free will allows Mankind to disobey God's will and Laws. Free will allows Mankind to distance us from Him and let that Original Sin work it's dark magic. :rolleyes:

M*W: Metaphorically speaking, we are still in the last day of creation.

Adam was lonely because he was a doofus. Had Adam been worthy of god's original creative skills, he would have been totally useful being alone, but he was not.

They were happy and behaved well, because Eve was then in charge. Adam was totally weak and spineless and couldn't communicate with god on an intelligent level.

The Serpent (not Satan) advised Eve of the truth. He gave her good advice. God was a liar.

This is what YOU believe. You are a dumb ass. Quit spreading lies about the Serpent. You are wrong, and you will not see salvation.

Hi and welcome to sciforums.

Note that is was the tree that gave the knowledge of good and evil. So it must be presumed that until one has eaten from such a tree then one wouldn't know how to tell good from bad.

Why was A&E held responsible for doing something bad when they couldn't have known that disobeying God was a bad thing until AFTER they had eaten from the tree that gave them that knowledge?

That God told them not to eat would not have had any meaning for them until they knew what good and bad meant.

Also why threaten them with death when they were the first humans who at that time would never have seen death so wouldn't know what it was and that it was a bad?
Kawika said:
Gensis teaches us that God Made the earth and all it's creatures in six days. the seventh day He rested. We can argue the time period, but remember that to God time does not exist and that time is just a thing to use.
Careful about language: Time is a creation. It does exist, although God transcends Time.

Before this, they probably had many children
. They had two children: Cain and Abel. After Abel died they had a third, Seth.

Mary (the Mother of God) probably did not remain celebant.
If fact, if she had, Joseph would have ample reason to divorce her (failure to participate in matromonial duties [SEX]) it also safe to assume that Jesus probably had siblings. the fact that the Bible does not mention them, does not mean they did not exist.
So she's the Mother of God and Jason, Harry, and/or Bob? Although what you say is partly true, everyone knows that Joseph offered his marriage as a sacrifice for God, as the angels were guiding him for this purpose, and so the marriage remained free from carnal relations, the rules and customs that apply to a natural situation were suspended to respect a supernatural situation. Mary's body was a special temple for the Holy Spirit and Joseph was the keeper and guardian.

4. Eve now has a painful childberth. One could easily say that if one did not know childberth before, then how could childberth now become painful. you can not miss something that which you never had. (please note: that this may mean that she may have had many children before and these children were in fact painless child berths).
Good thinking, but thats the writer's own experience coming in.

Time is a creation. It does exist, although God transcends Time.
How? This can't be possible. In every real sense for anything to occur time must pass even for a god. A state change for anything from one instant to another requires time. Time must have always existed even before any gods. Even the action of creating time woud have required time to exist for that action to occur. Your statement implies an impossible paradox.
I thought that genisis was a poetic metaphore for the begining of everything. Is that incorrect?
Cris said:

How? This can't be possible. In every real sense for anything to occur time must pass even for a god. A state change for anything from one instant to another requires time. Time must have always existed even before any gods. Even the action of creating time woud have required time to exist for that action to occur. Your statement implies an impossible paradox.

Change is the alteration from potentiality to actuality. This does not necessarily have to take place in the space-time continuum. That is why purgatory, which implies change because it is a passage from imperfection to perfection, is possible. Angels are non-physical creations, like time-space, as well. Angels pass from imperfect knowledge of God to less imperfect knowledge of God. Only God has perfect knowledge of himself and is uncreated.