Original sin


Registered Senior Member
According to the Chirstians belief, every child that borns carries original sin and thus he must be baptized. So what if this child die before that procedure, will he remain as a sinner and casted to the hell?
Man, I think you are going too hard on Christians. Ofcourse, theism has numerous controdictions. No point for us atheists to keep on attacking them.
there is no such thing as original sin, as adam and eve where coerced( they had no free will before so had no choice, they had no knowledge of evil as they had not eaten, it was 'nt until they ate the fruit, that they new what a choice was or what evil was they did not know what they were doing before much like a child before it's taught right and wrong, so they must have been coerced by the serpent or god, most likely the latter as he allowed the serpent to be their.) into eating of the tree and therefore are not acountable so had not sinned.
so no such thing as original sin.
anyway if you dont want somone to do something, you dont put it there in the first place.
and you definitley wouldnt want to point that something out to those someones who shouldnt do that thing.
'original sin" is in christian terms, the disobedience of 'God'--ie. the patriarchal male authority. that myth is writ be em and they want power. so they guilt you into believing you have original sin

this myth makes you distrust yourself. even your sensuality. This was made formost by the propagander of St Augustine, several centuries 'AD'......He even demonized the 'involuntary' erection of the penis.....!

Yes, some fundamentalist chiristians DO believ that if a baby is born and not baptized they'll go straight to "HEEELLLLL FIORE...PRAISWE THE LOOOORD!!!!!"

that means i'll have to wait then. I wasn't baptized. i cried so much, mum had to take me from the church.....a born genius that's me...hehe
mis-t-highs said:
there is no such thing as original sin, as adam and eve where coerced( they had no free will before so had no choice, they had no knowledge of evil as they had not eaten, it was 'nt until they ate the fruit, that they new what a choice was or what evil was they did not know what they were doing before much like a child before it's taught right and wrong, so they must have been coerced by the serpent or god, most likely the latter as he allowed the serpent to be their.) into eating of the tree and therefore are not acountable so had not sinned.
so no such thing as original sin.
anyway if you dont want somone to do something, you dont put it there in the first place.

Is that widespread notion among christians or just your own opinion?
And I also have a question. How can I be accountable for the sins that my lets say Grandpa committed? I mean common, thats ridiculous.
Evangelica protestants believe that all humans deserve to go to hell and will go to hell except a few who are chosen by God to be saved before the world was even created.
Voldemort said:
And I also have a question. How can I be accountable for the sins that my lets say Grandpa committed? I mean common, thats ridiculous.

But you do. Read the 10 commandments. God will punish someone's sin onto their children up to the 4th generation.

Paul said, as one man sinned, the death comes through sin, and we all sinned. Many were made sinners because of one man's disobedience.
Joeman said:
But you do. Read the 10 commandments. God will punish someone's sin onto their children up to the 4th generation.

Paul said, as one man sinned, the death comes through sin, and we all sinned. Many were made sinners because of one man's disobedience.

Exactly this I found ridiculous. This assertion doesn't have any logic. If your grandpa raped two kids, you and your offsprings doomed to the jail, Ha ha ha. Do you yourself believe to that stupidity. Man I hope you don't.
Joeman said:
Paul said, as one man sinned, the death comes through sin, and we all sinned. Many were made sinners because of one man's disobedience.

The serpent is still the original reason for sin as it's said in the Genesis.
Yorda said:
The serpent is still the original reason for sin as it's said in the Genesis.
So Yorda you believe on original sin aren't you. What if tomorrow police will come to your house and convicts you to the crime that was made by your grand grand father? Would you agree?
Hello Voldemort

I am a Christian.

I do not agree with the description you gave of the doctrine of original sin.

For all children there is a time of innocence. (don't ask me how long that time is i do not know) But there comes a time when children come to the knowledge of good and evil. Ever since mankind came to the knowledge of good and evil all their descendants have come to that knowledge also.

Children who die and are still innocent are still acceptable to God. They do not need Jesus for salvation because they have not sinned.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Where in the Bible are you getting this 'age of innocence' doctrine from? Is it just made up or is there Biblical basis?
So many different interpretetions that I don't see any prospects that Christians will ever agree among themselves. They interpret bible and other holy scripts according to their needs the rest they just throw away. Look at my other topic named If we lived according to the Bible. Bible is clearly says that eating pork and drink alchohol is forbidden but still all these commands are deliberately neglected by those who claim to follow them.
Adstar how would you interpret it otherwise? In my opinion this doctrine is nothing more than disclaiming the responsibility for actions.
§outh§tar said:

Where in the Bible are you getting this 'age of innocence' doctrine from? Is it just made up or is there Biblical basis?

Hello southstar been a while since we have exchanged thoughts :)

You know me southstar i always have a verse or two up my sleeve ready for when people put me on the spot. ;)

The Good thing is, the fact that little ones exist without having knowledge of good or evil comes directly from God himself in the OT. I am sure you have read the story of when the Jews arrived at the borders of the promised land from Egypt and got stage fright and refused to go it? God was going to destroy the people but moses asked for mercy. So God decided that the jews would walk in the wilderness for 40 years until that generation had all died.
Well the people had one protest about there little ones that they where being punished for the sin of the older ones in refusing to go into the promised land, Gods reply to there protest reveals all we need to know about little ones being innocent and having know knowledge of good and evil.

God Said:

Deuteronomy 1:39
"Moreover your little ones and your children, who you say will be victims, who today have no knowledge of good and evil, they shall go in there; to them I will give it, and they shall possess it.

God said Himself that today they had no knowledge of good and evil and we know that adam and eve coming into the possession of the knowledge of good and evil was what made them unacceptable to God.

All praise The Ancient of Days
Voldemort said:
So Yorda you believe on original sin aren't you. What if tomorrow police will come to your house and convicts you to the crime that was made by your grand grand father? Would you agree?

I wouldn't agree. It doesn't work for that sort of crimes. The serpent caused the first humans to sin, and then the first humans made all other humans sinners too. That they are sinners, means that they are not perfect and they die, and we all die, isn't that right?

I mean... of course it's unfair that all humans are evil only because of a damn snake but... that's just the way it is.
Voldemort said:
Adstar how would you interpret it otherwise?

interpret what otherwise?

In my opinion this doctrine is nothing more than disclaiming the responsibility for actions.

Is the "this doctrine" the doctrine of original sin as you described it. or is the "this doctrine" as i described it?

You know i am very confused now as to what "responsibility" has to do with either interpretation?? Could you expand on this?

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Voldemort said:
So many different interpretetions that I don't see any prospects that Christians will ever agree among themselves. They interpret bible and other holy scripts according to their needs the rest they just throw away. Look at my other topic named If we lived according to the Bible. Bible is clearly says that eating pork and drink alchohol is forbidden but still all these commands are deliberately neglected by those who claim to follow them.

Ohh yes i saw that post :D

I call posts like that flooding posts. I have been on forums for a few good years now and i see them all the time. Someone goes to an anti-christian site and gets there list of supposed contradictions of the bible does a big copy and paste job of them and puts them into a forum like this. I never bother answering them, because the objective of the poster is to flood the christian under with weeks of work to produce a document of detailed answers that would run at least 100 pages long, a document that if posted would not be read anyway. I deal with one issue at a time. Questions that come from the one holding the misconception not from some web site.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days