Origin of the Universe

Crushing Belial

Registered Senior Member
From the time we are children we are told that the universe was created in one of two ways the BIG BANG evolution theory or GOD (Yahweh) speaking it into existence, as a Christian i find problems with the evolution theory traditional science tells us that from subatomic particles electrons,protons,neutrons, primordial helium and radiation that originate in outer space when they collide with positrons the particle and antiparticle disappear and leave only energy an act of mutual destruction called annihilation. O.K. but where does the particles, helium, and radiation come from, with out God you can't have something from nothing, Now don't get me wrong i do think the universe is made of these components so where did all this matter and energy come from well they say it was compressed in a quantum ball consisting of subatomic particles and radiation but none of the scientist can tell you where the quantum ball came from, or where organic matter and biological system came from, how does the big bang explain the DNA code which is in all living things? Everything that is in our plane of existence can be explained by math, laws of physics and over time new math being developed now will explain much more like extra dimensions, my point being math suggest design,designed by intelligence so the only thing the big bang thoery explains is a need for a new theory, so the only explaination God speaking it in existence
just like the bible states (LET THERE BE LIGHT) Bang.
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Crushing Belial:

<i>From the time we are children we are told that the universe was created in one of two ways the BIG BANG evolution theory or GOD (Yahweh) speaking it into existence...</i>

Or both.

<i>...as a Christian i find problems with the evolution theory traditional science tells us that from subatomic particles electrons,protons,neutrons, primordial helium and radiation that originate in outer space ...O.K. but where does the particles, helium, and radiation come from, with out God you can't have something from nothing...</i>

Why not? Says who?

<i>Now don't get me wrong i do think the universe is made of these components so where did all this matter and energy come from well they say it was compressed in a quantum ball consisting of subatomic particles and radiation but none of the scientist can tell you where the quantum ball came from...</i>

No, but there are a number of scientific ideas of where all the matter and energy came from. It's still an open question right now, but we'll probably work it out. Who knows - maybe God had a hand in it? Or maybe not.

<i>...or where organic matter and biological system came from, how does the big bang explain the DNA code which is in all living things?</i>

Our universe has certain laws of physics, which in turn dictate the laws of chemistry. That means that certain chemicals are more likely to combine in certain ways than in other ways. It is ultimately that tendancy which led to the formation of DNA. (This has nothing to do with the Big Bang theory, by the way. It is simple chemistry and biology.)

<i>Everything that is in our plane of existence can be explained by math, laws of physics and over time new math being developed now will explain much more like extra dimensions, my point being math suggest design,designed by intelligence so the only thing the big bang thoery explains is a need for a new theory...</i>

Certainly, the universe suggests design to a lot of people. However, it seems that intelligent design is not actually necessary to get from the big bang to where we are now. There are other explanations which are just as good, and don't require the introduction of an extra entity (God).

<i>...so the only explaination God speaking it in existence
just like the bible states (LET THERE BE LIGHT) Bang.</i>

Not the only explanation, but possible.
Originally posted by Crushing Belial
O.K. but where does the particles, helium, and radiation come from, with out God you can't have something from nothing
The problem is that such an argument is a logical misstep. This becomes evident when we pose the same question of God; "Where did God come from?" For which the answer is invariably either, "God always existed." or "God is self-existent." In either of these cases the property is assumed out of necessity without proper foundation.

On the other hand, the properties of infinitude and self-existence are evident in nature. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Likewise, the fundamental forces of physics are also apparently infinite. Additionally, matter is capable of self-existence as evinced by virtual particles.

All considered, the argument for the Universe being infinite or self-caused is evidentially much stronger than the argument for God.

how does the big bang explain the DNA code which is in all living things?
It doesn't. One needs to look at the fields of Biology, Genetics, and particularly the infant science of Abiogenesis.

my point being math suggest design,designed by intelligence so the only thing the big bang thoery explains is a need for a new theory
That intelligence can comprehend order is not a valid argument that order must derive from intelligence. Math is simply a formal system which is immensely practical for solving problems. At first, it does seem striking that mathematics is so good at describing the workings of nature; until one realizes that mathematics is a part of nature. Actually, it is no more surprising than the fact that the grammar is so good at describing the workings of language.

This subject (as with all subjects related to religion) falls back on itself. Well if God created the universe, what created God? Where did he/she come from? Or could there have been a previous universe that collasped in on its self and exploded to form this one? There's so many different variables...If God created everything why doesn't he show us he is real, for the populaces unweavering faith? You shouldn't base all of your beliefs on faith, theres no proof.
Faith in the quintessential invisible friend? Blind faith, in other words?
So the blind cat who stands at the pulpit is going to guide us other blind cats to redemption?

I think we all remember what our good chum, Baby Jesus, had to say about this arrangement.
If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.
~Matthew 15:14~
The Pit

Originally posted by Redoubtable
Faith in the quintessential invisible friend? Blind faith, in other words? So the blind cat who stands at the pulpit is going to guide us other blind cats to redemption? I think we all remember what our good chum, Baby Jesus, had to say about this arrangement. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.
~Matthew 15:14~
(And that pit is Xianity.)
Faith in God not man, by the way i'm a non conformist Christian i take the Word of God literally, all organized religions have an interpretation of the scripture and thats what is screwing it all up just read and take it for what it is.

Faith in God not man,
Why? Man has developed science that has made modern civilization possible. The record for God shows zero entries for anything beneficial.

by the way i'm a non conformist Christian i take the Word of God literally, all organized religions have an interpretation of the scripture and thats what is screwing it all up just read and take it for what it is.
And so you are contributing to that confusion. Well done. There are some 33,000 distinct Christian sects and cults; you are just one more confusing statistic that adds weight to a drowning religion.
We have been on this Earth for a long time fossil records show that bi-peds are millions of years old but all of a sudden we obtain advanced technology i think the Roswell crash was real and on purpose, Jesse Marcel was no idiot.
oh! and i'm not apart of a Religious group i simply read the word.
We have been on this Earth for a long time fossil records show that bi-peds are millions of years old but all of a sudden we obtain advanced technology

We didn't all of a sudden have advanced technology. Maybe it seems like we just got computers, but they have been around for 50 years. I'm not really sure where this is going...
Unfortunately, ENIAC (what is considered to be the first computer) was built before the Roswell Incident. And objects such as calculators and cash registers that did computing had already been invented.
Originally posted by Crushing Belial
Thats right about 50 years guese what crashed 50 years ago near Roswell.
50 years ago a computer only does a few thousands cycles per second. You wouldn't think that the same tech was used by any UFO at that time, right? Or you think 50 years ago people some how understand the whole computer tech from the crashed UFO but only managed to build something that's not only bigger than the crashed crashed UFO but also a billion times slower?
Read the book the day after Roswell it's the story of Col. Philip J. Corso he was apart of Eisenhower's national secrity council and was the head of the foreign technology desk at the army's research and development, the technology was slowly introduced, you know so they can make more money.
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It's funny to think that UFO is based on eletronic technology. Even by human standard, eletron based computer will be obsoleted by the year of 2020.
Crushing Belial,

by the way i'm a non conformist Christian i take the Word of God literally, all organized religions have an interpretation of the scripture and thats what is screwing it all up just read and take it for what it is.

Actually, that would not make you, by definition, a Jehova's Witness. They take the word of the Bible quite literally. Let's see how serious you are about this...

Do you celebrate your birthday? Christmas?

Do you try, every day, to get people to accept Jesus in their lives?

Witnesses do not celebrate religious holidays, nor do they celebrate birthdays, for the simple fact that the Bible does not tell them to. They spend 8 hours a day (Give or take a few, I would imagine; I'm just going on the info of a friend of mine who is a JW) going door-to-door, stopping people in the streets, talking to people in the parks and in parking lots...all because someone in the Bible told them to "Go out and make disciples," or something like that.

Now, you say you take the word of God literally, but do you really?
