Origin of the ten commandments!


The famous Egyptian Book of the Dead, in a passage containing a confession to the "Lord of Righteousness," reveals a remarkable correlation to the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament:


Have no other gods before me

Make no idols

Do not misuse the name of God

Keep the Sabbath holy

Honor your mother and father

Do not kill

Do not commit adultery

Do not steal

Do not lie

Do not covet another’s property


I do not tamper with divine balance

I stop not a god when he comes forth

I do not offend the god who is at the helm

(Egyptians had no Sabbath)

I do not harm my kinsmen

I do not kill

I am not an adulterer

I do not rob

I do not tell lies instead of truth

I do no wrong or mischief to others

This comparison provided compelling support for those who claim that the biblical Israelites drew heavily from the ancient Egyptian texts. The Egyptians, in turn, gained their knowledge and beliefs from the older cultures of Babylon and Sumer.
The famous Egyptian Book of the Dead, in a passage containing a confession to the "Lord of Righteousness," reveals a remarkable correlation to the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament:


Have no other gods before me

Make no idols

Do not misuse the name of God

Keep the Sabbath holy

Honor your mother and father

Do not kill

Do not commit adultery

Do not steal

Do not lie

Do not covet another’s property


I do not tamper with divine balance

I stop not a god when he comes forth

I do not offend the god who is at the helm

(Egyptians had no Sabbath)

I do not harm my kinsmen

I do not kill

I am not an adulterer

I do not rob

I do not tell lies instead of truth

I do no wrong or mischief to others

This comparison provided compelling support for those who claim that the biblical Israelites drew heavily from the ancient Egyptian texts. The Egyptians, in turn, gained their knowledge and beliefs from the older cultures of Babylon and Sumer.

M*W: I appreciate the research you have done. You are entirely correct. The Ten Commandments were taken from the earlier copies of The Code of Hammurabi and the The Egyptian Book of the Dead. I don't know who copied from whom back then, but The Ten Commandments were not original nor Hebrew. They were later copied into Hebrew but were not Hebrew in origin (unless one understands that the ancient Hebrews were Egyptian Habiru).
Very nicely done.

This helps further evidence that the religion originated from Egypt (and other cultures). Which, in turn, does supply indirect evidence for the Exodus explained in: The Exodus: Decoded (wiki/google it).

All in all, very nice work.
Oh of course, I nearly forgot (apologies for double post)...

Where is the source to the book of the dead list? And such. It would make it more credible.
What about other religions? Like Buddhism and Hinduism? Did they also copy the Egyptians? I don't think so...I think these commandments are similar simply because many different societies needed similar rules...
The rules make sense - that's all.

They are simple, common sense, approaches to how to get along with others and keep social peace and order.
The rules make sense - that's all.

They are simple, common sense, approaches to how to get along with others and keep social peace and order.

Exactly, in all societies you can't have people stealing, killing, robbing, etc...and no society would want people to lie and spouses don't want to be cheated on...its pretty simple...those are the basic similarities the rest are different...
Hello again Medicine Woman! By the way, who actually wrote the Bible? I know there was a program about it recently but I missed it. Thanks.
Hello again Medicine Woman! By the way, who actually wrote the Bible? I know there was a program about it recently but I missed it. Thanks.

M*W: Well as far as I have researched, the authors credited with writing the books of the bible didn't write them. It would be easier to say who didn't write them. I can give you an example from my research:

Moses was Egyptian so he didn't pen the Hebrew Torah.
MML&J were the names of the first four books of the NT and they didn't write the gospels.
Paul didn't exist as a human. He was a latinized name for Apollo, and he didn't author the epistles.

The question still remains, "who did?"

I've been doing a lot of reading by Joseph Atwill (Caesar's Messiah) and Francesco Carotta (Jesus Was Caesar), and it becomes too obvious that the NT was of Roman origin. Funny that christianity was based out of Rome instead of say Jerusalem. That has always made me wonder. I don't accept that Peter and Paul were real humans and martyrs. They were Anglicized names for Jupiter and Apollo who were Roman gods.

I tend to think that MML&J were named for Ma'at Theo (the god Ma'at), Mars (the god Mars), Lucian (the god of light Lucifer), and Joannes (the fish-man god from the sea aka JtB).
Actually there are twelve :)

I am the Lord your God
You shall have no other gods before me
You shall not make yourself an idol
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
Honor your parents
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness
You shall not covet your neighbour's wife
You shall not covet your neighbour's house