Origin of the Gospel of Matthew


Registered Senior Member
Some skeptics, and believers, have drawn the conclusion that substantial parts of Matthew have been taken from Mark and therefore, Matthew was written after Mark. Is it possible that Mark and Mathew took material from a common source independently? Or perhaps Mark was only an abridged version of Matthew for Gentiles. http://www.biblicalhebrew.com/nt/hebrewgospel.htm and http://people.ucsc.edu/~mgrivich/TheGospelAccordingtoMatthewandQ.htm The Didache can be found <a href="http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/didache-roberts.html">here</a> It, as mentioned the article, only refers to a single Gospel. The date of the Didache is around 50AD but it is speculated that some parts were added later.