Origin of the Ashkenazi


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Whats the origin of the Ashkenazi, religiously speaking?

The oldest reference about them seems to be the Tanakh, where "Ashkenaz" was first mentioned as the designation of a son of Gomer and a grandson of Japheth (Genesis 10:3)

What is the history behind them? Who is Gomer and Japheth?
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Ashkenaz is a son of Gomer, Gomer is a son of Japheth, Japheth is a son of Noah, Noah is the son of Lamech, Lamech is the son of Methuselah, Methuselah is the son of Enoch, Enoch is the son of Jared, Jared is the son of Mahalaleel, Mahalaleel is the son of Canan, Canan is the son of Enos, Enos is the son of Seath, Seth is the son of Adam, Adam is creation of God.
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Ashkenaz is a son of Gomer, Gomer is a son of Japheth, Japheth is a son of Noah, Noah is the son of Lamech, Lamech is the son of Methuselah, Methuselah is the son of unknown ... ... ... ...

Thats what the Bible says.

The biblical genealogy puts Gomer as the ancestor of the Europeans:
For those who take the genealogies of Genesis to be historically accurate, Japheth is commonly believed to be the father of the Europeans. The link between Japheth and the Europeans stems from Genesis 10:5, which states that the sons of Japheth moved to the "isles of the Gentiles," commonly believed to be the Greek isles. According to that book, Japheth and his two brothers formed the three major races:

* Japheth is the father of the Japhetic race
* Ham is the father of the Hamitic race
* Shem is the father of the Semitic race

Specifically the Germans:
The Hebrew name Gomer is accepted by most historians to refer to the Cimmerians (Akkadian Gimirru, "complete"), who dwelt on the Eurasian Steppes[4] and attacked Assyria in the late 7th century BC. The Assyrians called them Gimmerai ; the Cimmerian king Teushpa was defeated by Assarhadon of Assyria sometime between 681 and 668 BC.[5] In his 1716 book Drych y Prif Oesoedd, Welsh antiquary Theophilus Evans posited that the Welsh people were descended from the Cimmerians and from Gomer;[6] this was followed by a number of later writers of the 18th and 19th centuries. The argument was based on the fact that the Welsh are called Cymry in the Welsh language (Cymraeg) and the assumption that this was derived from "Cimmerians".[6][7] This etymology is considered false by modern Celtic linguists, who follow the etymology proposed by Johann Kaspar Zeuss in 1853, which derives Cymry from the Brythonic word *Combrogos ("fellow countryman").[7][8][9] The name Gomer (as in the pen-name of 19th century editor and author Joseph Harris, for instance) and its (modern) Welsh derivatives, such as Gomeraeg (as an alternative name for the Welsh language)[10] became fashionable for a time in Wales, but the Gomerian theory itself has long since been discredited as an antiquarian hypothesis with no historical or linguistic validity.[11]

According to tractate Yoma, in the Talmud, Gomer is identified as the ancestor of the Gomermians, modern Germans.

Ashkenaz is Gomer's first son, brother of Riphath, and Togarmah (Gen. 10:3, 1 Chronicles 1:6) and is believed by some to be the ancestor of the Germanic, Scandinavian and Slavic peoples. One reason people believe this is that Ashkenaz's father is Gomer who is associated with the Frank and Germanic tribes due to his name.[citation needed] Another reason is that the name of the mythological founder of the Germans and Scandinavians is very similar to Ashkenaz: Aschanes or Askanius (German) and Ask (Scandinavian).

Is there any non-biblical source that gives more information?
Lets keep them out of this discussion. Is there any other non-bibilical source which gives the same kind of movement from the Middle East to Scandinavia?

What about European religions pre-Christianity? Any such legends?
Sure but if they came from old Middle Eastern tribes as the Bible says, there should be an overlap of religious stories somewhere. Anyone know the myths and legends surrounding the origin of the German peoples?
He was following the Aryan invasion theory. I think.

it wasnt just a theory, it is a fact.

The following cauldron in Danish National Museum has been made in 2nd century and represents Pasupati as avatar of Shiva.

? Seriously?

Sure. :p

You don't find it interesting? I found the same kind of connections after comparing Indian mythologies about the evil asuras to Persian myhtology about the evil devas. Apparently in the Prakritic languages s become h and the Ahuras of Persia are the Asuras of Indian mythology.

I wonder who the Ashkenazi were, if they were the ancestors of Europeans. Is there any German mythology on this? I never knew the Ashkenaz were mentioned in the Bible, as gentiles.