Oriental Oriental Oriental


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental
Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental
Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental
Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental
Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental
Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental Oriental


And "Hunchback". And "Minority". And "Niggardly".

There. Sue me. But for the love of furious monkey ruttin', <I>stop demonizing <b>words.</b></I>

I see nothing wrong with the word. Orient means east so Oriental means easterners. Hell, even nigger wasn't considered an offensive word in early 1900's. When I was in high school I was taught we should abandon the word Negro and use the African American. That is political correctness gone insane. Pretty soon the word African will probably be bad too.....
I read that article just now. It looks like only the Filipinos are complaining. Filipinos have lowself esteem from being Spain's bitches during all these years. I thought they would be smarter now after having some Spanish grandfathers but appearantly not. :D
I wonder when they will have rallies to burn books in the town square...
I love the patronizing, "they don't know what's good for them" tone:
Many Asian Americans are unaware that the term “Oriental” is offensive because the term is often used in their home countries to refer to its citizens, the Philippines included, especially because the Philippines is also known as the “Pearl of the Orient.” In Europe and the United States, however, the term acquired a Eurocentric depiction of the worst of Asian habits and lifestyles. Hence the word “Oriental” was spoken with derision. To Asian Americans who know its historical reference, the term is as repugnant as the “N” word used to slur African Americans. “Many people didn’t realize the term had negative connotations,” Shin legislative aide Scott Passey told PNews how constituents responded to consultations about the issue. “But once they understood, they were very agreeable. A few simply refused to believe the word was negative despite the historical evidence and dictionary references.
Don't worry. it'll still be ok to welsh on a bet, and we'll have plenty of scotch tape.

The definition of the word notwithstanding, its various applications, such as ‘exotic,’ ‘strange,’ and so forth is demeaning.

I hate people. What I read here is "Despite what the word MEANS, it's bad because I'm adding connotations that no one associates with it." I don't know how the word "Asian" is going to help things. from now on, since the word is bad, and we can't use it to refer to people (the article states it's ok to refer to crap made more expensive by the addition of the word) I propose the following to everyone. Start using it for what it-apparently-means.


If your food tastes funny say:
Man, this food is oriental!
If your friend wears some bizarre outfit say:
Your clothes are oriental.
If you are in an unpleasant situation say:
This is *so* oriental.

And so on. It'll be a fun game.
Canadian Comedian (called himself That Canadian Guy when he started touring U.S.) had an interesting quip on this.

'So they tell me I can't make any racial related jokes. I asked them if it was okay to joke about food and they said okay. So here it goes........

How bout them eggrolls? Man, they can't drive at all.'

We're raising kids in such a pathetic way that they'll end up crying when someone mispronounces their name. I hate people who act like this. They are teh scum of the earth.
Isn't odd how we get an education. I must live in the sticks or something.

I had no idea that the word oriental had any conation other that meaning Asian. Now I learn that I can use it much the same as slang word for putting down people. See what I have learned from our vaunted law makers? I wonder how the world got to be such a mess...