

OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Why do we have them??? Men need them to get the sperm to the egg, but why do women need them? To keep having sex with men?? But why would this evolve? Men are bigger/stronger than women. They can just make women have sex.
What does a female orgasm have to do with the continuation of the species? If it was necessary, wouldn't all female mammals do this?
The female orgasm initiates co-ordinated contractions of the vaginal and uterine smooth muscle. This helps to draw sperm up into the uterus and, thus, increases their chances of finding an ovum. There are other physiological “reasons” for the female orgasm; this is simply the first one that sprang to mind.
There are two theories:

1. Selection

If the woman climaxes at any time up to a minute before the man, or does not have a orgasm at all, she retains relatively few sperm. If she climaxes at any time from a minute before the man to around 45 minutes after, she retains a relatively large number of sperm.

These findings have allowed the Manchester team to adjudicate between two competing theories of the female orgasm. The poleaxe theory - which portrays the orgasm as a device to make women lie down and sleep after sex so as to minimise loss of semen - gets no support from the data. Its main competitor, the equally inelegantly named 'upsuck' theory, fares much better. On this view, the orgasm is a virtuoso muscular performance aimed at sucking vaginal contents, sperm included, towards the womb - just as one might fill a pen with ink. (In an extraordinary experiment performed forty-odd years ago, scientists showed that a mare's uterus could suck up 80 millilitres of fluid in 5 seconds.) If this is indeed what happens during an orgasm, then one would expect a woman to retain more sperm if her orgasm coincided with, or followed, ejaculation, which is exactly what the researchers found.

But there is also another side to all this. If the timing of a woman's orgasm - and whether or not she has an orgasm at all - affects the number of sperm she retains, she is anything but a passive participant in sperm competition. Suppose she has two lovers whose sperm are competing for the chance to fertilise her eggs. In theory, she could affect the outcome of that contest - using her orgasms to retain the sperm of one lover and reject those of his rival. Force of numbers might then help her favourite's sperm win the race to fertilise an egg.

2. Genetic susceptibility

According to a study published this week, up to 45% of the differences between women in their ability to reach orgasm can be explained by their genes. Despite decades of surveys and conjecture about the role of culture, upbringing and biology in female sexual function, from Freud in 1905 to the Hite report in 1976, this is the first study of the role of a woman’s genes.

"We found that between 34% and 45% of the variation in ability to orgasm can be explained by underlying genetic variation, with little or no role for the shared environment (e.g. family environment, religion, social class, or early education," write the researchers.

"Our data lend support to the idea that variation in female orgasmic ability has a biological basis," say Dunn and colleagues.

But the research in this field is scarce and in its infancy, so all bets are still off.:)
The female orgasm initiates co-ordinated contractions of the vaginal and uterine smooth muscle. This helps to draw sperm up into the uterus and, thus, increases their chances of finding an ovum. There are other physiological “reasons” for the female orgasm; this is simply the first one that sprang to mind.

I suppose I could believe that if girls didn't get pregnant their first time. Because I KNOW the first time a girl has sex....its not earth moving.
women getting pleasure from intercourse/sex ... will mean more probability of this woman staying with the man, thus increasing the chance of the couple being together, which increases the chance of survival of the offspring.

life is a leaf, broken and hollow piece of my mind
I suppose I could believe that if girls didn't get pregnant their first time. Because I KNOW the first time a girl has sex....its not earth moving.
The key phrase was "increases the chance." No one is saying that the probability of fertilization is zero without an orgasm. It is just lower than it is with one.

Other mammalian species do in fact have analogous mechanisms. A female dog's cervix (I'm not an expert in canine gynecology so excuse me if I named the wrong body part there) contracts when the male climaxes, trapping the barb-shaped tip of the penis for as long as twenty minutes. Surely everyone has seen the phenomenon we dog breeders refer to as a "tie." Presumably this serves the same function as alleged in the articles cited above: to maximize the amount of semen retained. The female must be undergoing something vaguely similar to the human orgasmic reflex during this process and perhaps senses it as pleasure.
I'd guess that the female orgasm is:
1. An analog of the male orgasm (which is absolutely necesary for reproduction). Under this theory, women have orgasms for the same reason men have nipples.
2. Simply an incentive for females to have sex. Clearly, having sex increases one's chances of reproduction. Being a willing participant should help.​
Because I KNOW the first time a girl has sex....its not earth moving.

Just because yours wasn't...
Most probably aren't because most girls lose their virginity to inexperienced boys who don't know what to do.
It most certainly CAN be, however.
Just because yours wasn't...
Most probably aren't because most girls lose their virginity to inexperienced boys who don't know what to do.
It most certainly CAN be, however.

:rolleyes: And there CAN be an all mighty all powerful god as well.

So women have orgasms to make them like the guy more. I take it female masturbation is a new thing?
Orgasm are highly addictive, that makes people want to have sex more often. I guess this is just a biological factor, it is a normal manifestation of energy for the survival of the species in ancient times, that have stuck up to this level.
If females wouldn´t have orgasms, they would probably not be very interested in sex in the first place, therefore, no more babies.
...If females wouldn´t have orgasms, they would probably not be very interested in sex in the first place, therefore, no more babies.

Then why don't females have orgasms as easily as men? I would think that would greatly help the species continue
Then why don't females have orgasms as easily as men? I would think that would greatly help the species continue
As I think was noted in an earlier post, it serves the purpose of reproduction better to have the male climax first. If the female had her orgasm first, said thanks and got up and walked away, there would be no insemination.

Every time a male does that, there is a risk that the female will end up being prosecuted for murder, but she could still be pregnant. :)
As I think was noted in an earlier post, it serves the purpose of reproduction better to have the male climax first. If the female had her orgasm first, said thanks and got up and walked away, there would be no insemination.

Every time a male does that, there is a risk that the female will end up being prosecuted for murder, but she could still be pregnant. :)

the women better climax basicaly straight after the male does, because once a male reaches climax he wont pleasure the women for much longer after.

(most men)

the women better climax basicaly straight after the male does, because once a male reaches climax he wont pleasure the women for much longer after.
I don't know what your buddies are like, but here in Blue-State America we take better care of our women than that. We're all familiar with the statistic that 99% of men take less than five minutes to reach climax and 99% of women take more than five minutes--at the fiftieth percentile it's more like two minutes and ten minutes. So we adjust our technique until we get it right.
Then why don't females have orgasms as easily as men? I would think that would greatly help the species continue

Some women do, I think women that have problems having easy orgasms are just repressed in some way or another, this or they have a different biological rhythm; same happens with men.