Organization against religious persecution


i see it like this. positive, negative and earth

you have the religions, and cults, and ideologies that speak of the positive. beit 'God' or 'Self' or 'purity' or 'profit'

and you also have the those amogst them who think there is no meaning---negativists

But what we NEEd is to see the CONTIUUM of
positive and negative. to realize they are not abstract ntities opposed to each other, but a dynamic continuum, ANd we NEEd EARTH. that posotive and negative only makes sense with HERE/Earth....NOt 'everlasting life/positive" or 'everlasting death/"when yer deaed yer dead-ism"....but understanding the INTELLIGENCe of Nature

all the beliefs beliefs separate cause they all are about some ghost that doesn't really exist. what DOEs is right here now. Nature. and there are ways to deepen our inspiration with Nature. we ARe Nature....THat is the missing link, that when i look around this troubled earth with all the ignorance goiing on, i see it is IGNORE-ance of Nature, which is actually NURTURING them, even in their ignorance Of it...!
TaraCole said:
"...If you believe in it, it is a religion or perhaps 'the' religion; and if you do not care one way or another about it, it is a sect; but if you fear and hate it, it is a cult." Leo Pfeffer.
a quote from the above site:

"I do not blame persons, but the ignorance of the soul. Never can a man or a group act in this way with God in their heart"/quote

and WITH God you get shit like this