Orbs ?


ok most of you have probably heard of orbs tiny balls of light (not bal lightening) that pass through solid objects they have been witnessed all over the world on camera, some say spirits some say energy of some sort we havent proven to exist yet, some say its distortions in the camera, ive looked into it and this theory is impossible because they move at free will in no accordance to any light source and other reasons, i dont know wat they are im just interested in the phenomina, i see a documentary in accordance with NASA and they reported these orbs in space around our planet, they were moving with freedom of movement, changing course, now we all know that if something is moving in space in 1 direction only a force can change its trajectory. so these orbs must have programming or intelligence enough to change direction in space, it does mean its not a light beam of any kind, not distortion in the camera was proven, but NASA stopped reaserching them and scraped the inspection of this and gave halfharted reasons for scrapping it, any opinions about orbs or why NASSA scraped this inspection of the orbs?
"Orbs" are simply artifacts created by the reflection of dust particles during a camera flash. Most "orbs" are photographed with a flash or other bright light source in environments with high dust yields, like basements or enclosed spaces, though they can be seen in pictures done outside if there is no appreciable wind.


The camera simply cannot focus on the dust particles, but the light is still reflected.
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what about this. i was watching this programme where researchers go to haunted houses at night and film hoping to record haunted activity

this scene had them focussing the camera in this spacewhere it was thought there was activity. recorded on camera were two small very bright lights--rctangular which were framed in black....they appeared then disappeared. Non of the photographic experts could explain them. So Skin...yo heard of this before?
EmptyForceofChi, do you consider that Brownian Motion is diagnostic of, or evidence for, programming or intelligencecontrolling microscopic particles in liquids?
Same response to the "rods" thread:

"Yeah, insects, reflective lights, smoke, dust, water spots, dirt on the lens, and/or bad film development. Rods, orbs, and all that crap is rubbish. It's just one more thing that ruins any credibility, as small as it may be, to the whole paranormal field."

Heck, I don't even need a camera to spot orbs. I see them with my own eyes when things become out of focus or other bloom effects that happen.

- N
no i wasnt speaking of still picture orbs bieng captured, what about the orbs recorded moving at free will in many video recordings, not still images, explain dozens of orbs around earth in space just outside the atmosphere near the space station, the camera was motionless the whole time but dozens of orbs were moving at free will in many different directions, could somebody explain this?
are you speaking about dark matter bouncing in space axions and neutralinos?
because i dont see what liquid is in space, sorry if i missunderstood the question explain in further detail please and sorry for not seeing the Q beforehand honestly i just looked at the big picture with the orbs like a kid and replied to that haha.

I have not yet turned to the 'orbs in space'. I am addressing orbs seen close to the surface of the Earth. You have stated "so these orbs must have programming or intelligence enough to change direction".

In my opinion that statement is nonsense. Hence I have asked you if you reject the accepted explanation for Brownian Motion which ascribes the random movement of microscopic particles in liquids to thermal impact by molecules.

It occurs to me, having re-read your opening post several times, that you do not intend the above quoted remark to refer to orbs seen near the surface, but only to those observed in space. If so, you really need to consider the value of punctuation. It has been developed by scholars and communicators over the course of centuries. Try using it: you may find you like it.
And while I am nitpicking, if you meant in space as in 'out there' rather than 'in three dimensions' it would have been clearer if you had said vacuum.
yes alright i accept what you just said, now in return could you actually attempt to tell me logical reasons to orbs near the space station as i previously requested?

The orbs are liquid ejected from the space station, typically urine. When heated by the sun, irregular evaporation will impart a random velocity to the particle. They have been seen since the early days of space exploration right back to John Glenn, though I recall his were condensation from his attitude control jets.
but on the documentary i watched people were not aboard the space station this was captured on the static space station cameras wile the station was unmanned, and is there any evidence to prove the orbs were infact liquid ejected from the space station?, you know hard evidence the kind that western science needs to start recognising the existance of Qi,

im not getting at you just would like some evidence.
Yes, there is evidence. I don't have references to hand - I realise that is not very helpfull - but I was fascinated by this for years. I sat glued to the radio listening to the broadcasts during the flights of John Glenn and the other Mercury astronauts. He was the first to report 'fireflies' all around his capsule. So, I was interested to hear the explanation when it was put forth by NASA.
I have not seen the specific documentary you refer to, but it does not sound significantly different from all the other observations of this phenomena. You refer to the space station as static, but recall that it would have been using bursts from contrl jets to maintain or adapt orientation.
If I can find something online I'll post it here at a later date.
yeah its interesting isnt it, it facinates me also but i couldent think of a rational explanation for it, and still couldent when i researched it so i thought id ask here, and yeah if you could find some info on its explanation id like to here it. thanks

When you are looking for something, what do you find?

What I mean by this statement is that when people are looking for ghosts in a building they are looking for anything that occurs that "irrational", in fact even the rational things become irrational because looking for a ghost in the first place undermines rationality.

A ghost hunter takes a picture of an empty room and an artifact either exists in their picture or appears at the time of development, the obvious conclusion to this person doing an irrational job, seeking a rational answer with an irrational mind is that those artifacts or superimposures are caused by some presance and not bad cameramanship.
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Stryder said:
When you are looking for something, what do you find?

What I mean by this statement is that when people are looking for ghosts in a building they are looking for anything that occurs that "irrational", in fact even the rational things become irrational because looking for a ghost in the first place undermines rationality.

A ghost hunter takes a picture of an empty room and an artifact either exists in their picture or appears at the time of development, the obvious conclusion to this person doing an irrational job, seeking a rational answer with an irrational mide is that those artifacts or superimposures are caused by some presance and not bad cameramanship.

So, this explains why orbs out in space are aliens and orbs in old, abandoned houses at midnight are ghosts? :D
A lot of those "free will" orbs you're talking about are caught on a terrestrial level (on the earth). The problem with that is that throughout a house you have many currents due to cracks in windows, a change in density of an object in the path of a stream etc, this causes dust to flicker around violently; so much so that they could appear to be cognitive. As for space, light actualyl carries a very tiny ammount of force, so much so that it has been suggested for scientists to make a large mirror and reflect light from the sun in order to move objects on a large scale. Light fluxuations could then be the cause of things moving in opposite directions, not to mention sped up particles from other areas, as well as gravity. The problem is here is that you are looking for a way to prove qi exists, this is apparent by your dragonball Z avatar, and by your statement that this is what you're looking to do, if you compile hard evidence then that is one thing, but if it can be explained by science it is a purely different matter. I'm just saying now (not that you have done this) but do not become ignorant about what you're looking to do; if you ignore other facts/ideas, then you yourself become less credible.
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There is potentially another theory to certain types of "Orb" and thats due to "Ionized particles" that have managed to creep into our biosphere from the solar winds.

You could suggest that ionized particles might generated a spacetime distortion around them at a particular frequency. The human eye/brain can't necessarily distinguish them, however a camera might because of the frequency and frame rate having a kind of collision like "dropping frames" during media capturing like VHS to Divx etc.