Oppression of Christians in America


Deus Ex Machina
Registered Senior Member
Yes indeed, we Christians certainly are fighting oppression here in the United States! All this talk of intolerance, and prejudice against theists really helps point out how totally securalized this society is.

But it is good to see it being brought out into the open. The anti-Christian bias in our society has reached absurd proportions! Consider:

1. During the last election campaign, George Bush said that Christians should not be considered patriots or real American citizens.

2. Bush and his administration all steadfastly refuses to give any speeches at local churches.

3. Both major political parties are dominated by anti-Christians. The Republican party, for example, gave us such hard-core atheists as Pat Buchanan, Dan Quayle, Phyllis Schlafly and Ronald Reagan. And the Democrats have given us such personalities as the Rev. Martin Luther King and the Rev. Jesse Jackson -- both noted for their vicious attacks on all forms of Christianity.

4. Let's talk about the media. On Sunday mornings, nearly all major television channels broadcast pro-atheist shows; it is nearly impossible to find religious programming during that time period. Further, Madalyn Murray O'Hair has her own cable TV channel and many other atheists do as well, while Pat Robertson and other Christians have been unable to obtain one for themselves.

5. Most major newspapers run a special weekly section devoted to atheism. There are no equivalent sections for religious news.

6. Anti-Christian shows such as the American Atheist Forum are broadcast by major national networks. Meanwhile, Billy Graham is only able to get on the air through public access TV, which is watched by few people.

7. On news programs and "reality" TV shows such as Rescue 911, nobody is ever shown giving thanks to God after surviving a disaster.

8. It is almost impossible to find a Christian book store, while Atheist Book Centers are featured prominently on every corner.

9. While atheists couples who marry rarely have any difficulty finding a place to do so, it is nearly impossible for Christian couples to find a church where they can marry.

10. For that matter, churches themselves are extremely rare, while atheist meeting centers can be found every few blocks.

11. Recently, several atheists have shot and killed Christian priests as they were going to work in their churches. Similarly, atheists are well known for blockading churches on Sunday mornings.

12. Nearly all of our elected public officials are atheists; they even have to swear on a copy of Darwin's "Origin of Species" in order to take office.
In a similar vein, jurors must take an oath upon a copy of the Skeptical Inquirer before they can serve. There have even been court cases thrown out because one of the jury members was a Christian who insisted on swearing on a Bible.

13. And of course, people are free to wear pentagram jewelry, but those trying to wear cross-shaped earrings or pendants to work will be politely told to remove the jewelry or lose their job.

14. Speaking of the workplace, Christians often find it nearly impossible to get time off work for religious holidays such as Christmas.

15. Even our language reflects the radical anti-Christian bias that pervades our society. For example, when somebody sneezes, most people say "Darwin bless you". Similarly, "Voltaire dammit!" is a common cussword.

16. All of our money has the atheistic slogan "We do not trust in God" printed on it.

17. In many schools and and meetings across America, our children others recite the pledge, "One nation, anti-God, indivisible...."

18. One cannot rent a hotel room without finding a copy of Nietzsche's The Anti-Christ in the room.

19. Many organizations such as the Boy Scouts deny membership to Christians.

20. In the military, it is nearly impossible to obtain Conscientious Objector status for religious reasons, even though those with philosophical reasons can obtain C.O. status relatively easily.

21. Christian churches are forced to pay exorbitant taxes.

22. Georgia recently passed a new law requiring schools to have a "moment of noise" during which children are encouraged to degrade Christianity.

23. College campuses usually have dozens of atheist organizations, but few if any for Christians.

24. There are several well-known atheist campus preachers who lecture on college campuses on the virtues of atheism.

25. Also common on college campuses are groups of students handing out copies of Betrand Russell's "Why I Am Not A Christian"; some even force people who don't want these books to take them.

26. Campus newspapers often print editorials extolling the virtues of atheism.

27. People look at you funny and wonder if there's something wrong upstairs if you admit to being a Christian in public.

28. Many Christians are afraid to admit their Christianity to their parents and friends, for fear their kin will consider them immoral Christian scum and want nothing to do with them.

29. For decades, high school and college commencement ceremonies have included brief speeches at the beginning and end of the ceremony in which atheism is praised and Christians deemed irrational. Christians who object to the practice, or who ask for an opening prayer instead, are regarded as cranks at best and subversives at worst.

30. "There are no Christians in foxholes" is a popular slogan in our society.

31. Most hospitals are full of atheist symbols, and many prominently feature statues of Nietszche, Darwin, and so forth.

32. Communities set up atheist brainwashing facilities, and apply social pressure to citizens to report to these facilities every Sunday morning. Furthermore, attendees are expected to contribute money to support these facilities, and to build others through "outreach" programs.

33. Most parents in America indoctrinate their children at an early age to be atheists by forcing them to attend these brainwashing sessions, whether they want to or not.

34. While atheists hold huge rallies in 25,000-seat amphitheatres, Christians are so few in number that they can only dream of holding such rallies.

35. At baseball games, you can often spot people carrying signs that read "Origin Of Species, page 34".

36. Hospital waiting rooms usually come equipped with children's copies of Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History Of Time", complete with order forms so that parents can send off for their own copy.

37. Atheist magazines such as "Atheism Today", "Today's Atheist Woman", "Atheist Homeschooler", "The Atheist Century", "Atheist Ministry", "The Atheist Archeological Review", "Atheist Parenting Today" and "The Atheist Science Monitor" are featured prominently in newsstands across the country.

38. The Fellowship of Atheist Athletes has local chapters on college campuses throughout America.

39. According to recent Gallup polls, approximately 86% of Americans do not believe in God.

40. Politicians often refer to America's "Agnosto-Atheist heritage" when trying to woo voters.

41. Atheists are beginning to subvert the American political process. For example, the American Atheists recently published over thirty million voter's guides for distribution at atheist meeting-houses. These guides gave specific instructions note to vote for those who oppose atheist values.

42. It's easy to buy checks with quotes from Thomas Paine, but almost impossible to buy checks with Bible verses on them.

43. Businesses often refuse to admit that they are Christian owned and operated, for fear of being boycotted by their atheist customers. Meanwhile, atheist-owned businesses often feature Darwin-fish logos in their ads.

44. There are large networks of atheistic private schools in America, while it's nearly impossible to find a private religious school.

45. It's difficult to find people with good Christian names like John or Paul or Christopher.

46. Most gravestones in America are engraved with pentagrams; those few graves which are engraved with crosses usually end up being vandalized.

47. Around the time of Darwin's birthday, Christians have to put up with songs about Darwin, which are played in shopping malls, restaurants, and even public restrooms.

48. We number our calendar years according to the number of years that have passed since Darwin's brithday. Hence the term "A.D"-- "After Darwin".

50. Books which promote Christianity are often removed from library shelves in response to atheist pressure groups.

51. Insurance companies refer to natural disasters as "Acts of Darwin".

52. Sports teams often read from the Humanist Manifesto prior to the game, in the hopes that doing so will increase their chances of winning.

53. Atheists constantly threaten television and movies producers with boycotts whenever they portray Christianity in a positive light.

54. Atheists often hold bonfires at atheist meeting centers, where Christian literature can be thrown into the fire.

55. Gambling is freely legalized for secular purposes, yet churches have to have their bingo halls in Las Vegas, Atlantic City or on Indian reservations.

56. Baseball games and the like have "The Star-Spangled Banner" sung by hard-rock groups bellowing out lyrics such as, "Foolish god-crazed slaves (whip crack)/At the altar of Rock and Roll you'll kneel!" and the singers will encourage any Christians in the stands to get eaten by lions held ready on the playing field.

57. New military officers are expected to say "God does not exist" at the end of their commissioning oath.

58. Congress starts each session with selected excerpts from Michael Martin's Atheism: A Philosophical Justification. Each house of Congress also has its own "Atheist Chaplain". No Christian prayers are ever made in Congress and no Christian chaplains are available.

59. On sitcoms and movies of the week, the parents make references to how their lack of faith in God helps them get through life's troubles. Meanwhile, Christians are protrayed as pathetic folks who end up converting to atheism.

60. Atheists who convert to christianity are often told by their parents "It's just a rebellious phase. Once you move through this stage of life you'll realize that you never really believed in God." Similarly, people who are raised as Christians are condesended to, and told that if they would give atheism a chance, it would fill the empty hole that Chistianity must be leaving in their lives.

(Get it?)


Note: This is an open-source style conversation/thread that has been many places on the net. The idea being that anybody can add to the list - some lists have gotten to be thousands of entry's long! This was just an excerpt short "seed" list of the first 60 from one group.

Hmmm, need some caffeine in that brain? :) Fundie's in America are always whining about how they are discriminated against, as if they are some sort of trampled upon minority. This is a satire of that, which demonstrates how clearly in fact THEY are not the ones who are discriminated against!
Those poor oppressed christians, sigh...

...maybe if they somehow get someone sympathetic to their beliefs in public office, things will turn around, but it's a long shot.
I hear Kerry is a jesus freak... maybe they have hope...
in response to # 1


taken from an interview with Robert Sherman in 1987:

The History of the Issue

Madalyn O'Hair

When George Bush was campaigning for the presidency, as incumbent vice president, one of his stops was in Chicago, Illinois, on August 27, 1987. At O'Hare Airport he held a formal outdoor news conference. There Robert I. Sherman, a reporter for the American Atheist news journal, fully accredited by the state of Illinois and by invitation a participating member of the press corps covering the national candidates had the following exchange with then Vice President Bush.

Sherman: What will you do to win the votes of the Americans who are Atheists?

Bush: I guess I'm pretty weak in the Atheist community. Faith in god is important to me.

Sherman: Surely you recognize the equal citizenship and patriotism of Americans who are Atheists?

Bush: No, I don't know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.

Sherman (somewhat taken aback): Do you support as a sound constitutional principle the separation of state and church?

Bush: Yes, I support the separation of church and state. I'm just not very high on Atheists.

On October 29, 1988, Mr. Sherman had a confrontation with Ed Murnane, cochairman of the Bush-Quayle '88 Illinois campaign. This concerned a law-suit Mr. Sherman had filed to stop the Community Consolidated School District 21 (Chicago, Illinois, suburb) from forcing his first-grade Atheist son to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States "one nation under God" (Bush's phrase). The following conversation took place.

Sherman: American Atheists filed the Pledge of Allegiance lawsuit yesterday. Does the Bush campaign have an official response to this filing?

Murnane: It's bullshit.

Sherman: What is bullshit?

Murnane: Everything that American Atheists does, Rob, is bullshit.

Sherman: Thank you for telling me what the official position of the Bush campaign is on this issue.

Murnane: You're welcome

This suit, now in federal district court for over three years, is not considered to be bullshit by the federal judge before whom it is pending. During the time it has been in the federal court, Robert Sherman's son, now age nine, has been physically and psychologically brutalized in his school for refusing to pledge to a "nation under God."

After Bush's election but before his taking office, American Atheists wrote to Bush asking that he consider being sworn into office on the Constitution instead of the Bible and also asking him to retract his August 1987 statement. Bush had his White House buddy, C. Boyden Gray, counsel to the president, reply on White House stationery on February 21, 1989, stating that substantively Bush stood by his original statement.

"As you are aware, the President is a religious man who neither supports atheism nor believes that atheism should be unnecessarily encouraged or supported by the government."

American Atheists had not asked Bush to either "unnecessarily" or even "necessarily" encourage or support them. All they wanted was an apology for the insult. Many Atheists wrote to Bush over the issue and Nelson Lund, the associate counsel to the president, found it necessary to reply on April 7, 1989, directly to the American Atheist General Headquarters, Inc. This letter from the White House said that Mr. Gray was adhering to his statements in the February 21, 1989, letter. On May 4, 1989, Jon Murray, the president of

American Atheists, again wrote to President Bush demanding a clarification of and an apology for his statement that Atheists "should not be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots." Bush ignored the letter, as did Gray and Lund. Mr. Murray also asked for an appointment so that a group of representatives of American Atheists could meet

with Bush.

on issue # 2 bush has been repeatly attacked for wanting to recruit the Christians into his campiagn. If you listen to any of his speeches (do you?) he is very apt to mention God.

some links for reference





Because of the strength of the Christians in America as a whole it would be political suicide to attack them as a whole. the last link which is about the faith based community inititives seems to be a great program but I put it on there to show that he is indeed very active in the Christian community and not a big fan of athiesm like you suggested.

I might take a while to weed through your long list but I want to ask you real quick:

in the past 12 months how many people have you asked to accept Jesus as their savior?

In the past 12 months how many people have tried to convert you to either

1) another religion
2) athiesm?
Heh, it wasn't until reading #18 that I realized this was sarcastic. I kept reading the first few ones and thinking "what a moron, he has some things wrong, and huge faulty logic" and was about to make a counter-post to some, lol. Some of the things said though I've actually seen (whackos) which is why I thought the first few you were being serious, heh.

- N
Neildo said:
Heh, it wasn't until reading #18 that I realized this was sarcastic. I kept reading the first few ones and thinking "what a moron, he has some things wrong, and huge faulty logic" and was about to make a counter-post to some, lol. Some of the things said though I've actually seen (whackos) which is why I thought the first few you were being serious, heh.

- N

I think it's odd that you didn't get that this was sarcastic from the first one, and downright disturbing that #3 wasn't enough.
I think it's odd that you didn't get that this was sarcastic from the first one, and downright disturbing that #3 wasn't enough.

Lol, I know, that's why I was confused at first and was gonna make a post to correct some stuff. Plus I was skipping over a bunch since there were so many "examples" of "oppression" so #18 would be more like the 5-8th one I read.

Funny stuff though.

- N
When distributing this list about town (I tend to print and leave things like this in places where it will hit hard - Churches, windshields of cars with Christian stickers, etc.) - one person I was showing it to (a Fundi) got SO angry about it I though he was going to have a heart attack . . . but he also had no retort! Ahhhh, it was very cathartic to watch!