

Registered Member
Assuming there is a God:

Is it possible for a being to be both God and Man at the same time?

According to Chrsitianity, yes it is. its called the Hypostatic Union.

According to others, no its not because it is contradictory. All depends on your view on things since we cant necessarily PROVE it... sure we have alot of humans around... but I cant find some willing God anywhere, can u?

there could be no being limited to the same extents as man that could be a god. god requires omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, ect. man is none of these and never could be. If a man was any of these he wouldnt be a man at all.
Well technically science says all u need to be human is 46 chromosomes and of the genus and species Homo sapiens... which isnt linked to your power or knowledge...
If god became man in every respect then he would no longer be god. This one of those arguments similar to can god make a rock so heavy he can't lift it? It questions the omni's. If in doing so, god could become man in his final act as god thus preserving the omni effect. Unfortunately for some however, god would no longer exist as a deity, just a regular schmuck in a godless place.
anything not in coordinance with the definition of man, (46 chromosomes, homosapien, ect) wouldnt be a man at all.

are you saying a MAN who is bound by the coding of his 46 chromosomes could somehow still be god.. a MAN is limited, "god", by definition is all powerfull. something all powerfull could never be a man because he would be bound by the same imperfections as man.
then explain to me how an all powerfull being can become a man (fulfilling the definitions of a man)... its not possible.
If He is all powerful then He should be able to accomplish this task as his final act as god. What's the problem? A snap of the fingers and god is a man and no longer god, just the human formerly known as god. He'd be like us, not knowing if a god exists or not.
Mortal and Immortal

Thanks for the replies.

Another way of looking at this - and this is what the Christian requires; is that the God-Man must be both mortal and immortal at the same time, which is of course absurd (I would love to hear someone explain how this can be so).

My initial intent for bringing up such a question is that it can be easily proved to be a faulty item, that is, it is illogical. I cannot understand how people can still accept such a belief not only based on no evidence, but based on "illogic".

Isn't logic and reason the only faculties the human being has that can tell us what is true and what must be false?
Provita said:
If he is all powerful but cannot become man then he is not all powerful...

I don't think "all powerful" means that God can "do anything". It means that he has "power over everything".

To say that "God became man" is a statement that can have no meaning in the Christian sense. I.e. what Christians mean is that "God became man, but he was still God", which is a meaningless statement because of what God and man are.
