

Registered Member
i was just wondering what ur opinions on creation, and to a lesser extent, life in the universe are. i realize this is a broad topic, but it's interesting. I want to know what you all believe..

Personally, I don't believe in any god, so I believe more of science's answer (such as "the big bang"), but I am now looking into all the different explanations, because I'm not sure what is right, or closest to being right. Basically, thats why I want to hear your opinions..
New things that we will learn in the next 500 years or 5000 years, that knowledge is not available to us at this time. So, we can only speculate. Even those speculations are based on our present understanding of the universe and the present science.

So, for a moment, imagine anything you like - no one should challenge you. Have fun. Enjoy life. Expand your limitations....

Just now, I believe that i came by chance. It is by chance that our universe came into being and we are developed. This is just what i think at the moment.:)
Later, what will I believe?
Who knows?:cool:
Hi Kon,

By the very definition God exists because the word exists and the universe exists. That does not mean, you have to take some ones word for it. No one has seen God in a limited physical shape because that does not exist. So, by understanding the nature of God, you can use that knowledge for your growth of mind, body and spirit and above all be happy...that is your birth right....for you are the child of the Universe as much as the sun or the stars.

So enjoy while you are here....and be happy....

dont you think thinking,feeling,visualising,touching GOD can make us believe in him is a bit of understatement?,i mean when we refer to that as our means of believing GOD then we are limiting his existence in this world,which according to me is not possible?isnt it?because, he is regarded as an enitity who is above all rules regulations,this universe has rules which you have to follow.... like breaking the light speed barrier etc.

I think we both have agreed on this before about speculation that this world is inside a natural computer isnt it?

Hi zion,

That is the direction I was headed. If the entire multiverse is God, then limiting God to touch and feel is not possible. On the otherhand if God is a person then he/she can not be the Multiverse. I could be wrong, but I think the God most of us think, is that infinity multiverse thing - whether it is a giant neural computer whose physical boundary is infinite relative to our understanding.

So, we are on the same page - a very biggg page....
hum .. my sig is refering to people who think god is a physical being--Alot of people I know believe this. personally, as you probably guessed, I don't believe in god(s). But, if there was to be a god, I believe he'd be more of what were saying, rather than a physical being.

But, just FYI, I was talking to the people who believe god to be a human-like being.. But, thats for another conversation.

and i am happy :)
There is no physical law that prevents from having more advanced specis than Humans. My personal thought is that if Chimpanzees were Level zero, we are Level one in the evolution ladder, there must be Level 2, 3 etc with higher capabilities.

So, it occurs to me that one of those (like Angels) could be confused to be the ultimate God.
I thought that every organism alive today was on the top of its own evolutionary ladder.

Humans are not "higher" up this ladder than the apes. If people think they are just try swinging around in a tree for a while. ;)
We are all adapted to fill a niche.

Maybe for life to evolve Darwinism is a prerequisite so aliens would be subject to this also. So depending on the enviromental pressures they will have evolved to different specifications.

That is of course if they exist.;)
Originally posted by kon
hum .. my sig is refering to people who think god is a physical being--Alot of people I know believe this. personally, as you probably guessed, I don't believe in god(s). But, if there was to be a god, I believe he'd be more of what were saying, rather than a physical being.

But, just FYI, I was talking to the people who believe god to be a human-like being.. But, thats for another conversation.

and i am happy :)
what is PHYSICAL according to you?(i mean to say are you relating all this world things as physical ehm..ehm...reality to be precise?),because that would be important to answer this...
