Opinions wanted...


Is this the image in question? If so, pretty interesting, but I'd like to hear from some astronomers. They probably have a pretty good explanation.
at that size in relation to the moon you'd think that someone would have seen it from earth and that a big deal would be made of it , therefore would have been on the news and we would have an answer from some sort of scientist

but hell im no professional so for all i know it could be a real enigma
Originally posted by discord5
at that size in relation to the moon you'd think that someone would have seen it from earth and that a big deal would be made of it , therefore would have been on the news and we would have an answer from some sort of scientist

but hell im no professional so for all i know it could be a real enigma

I don't think that it would be possible to make a big deal out of it, all the streamline astronomers unfortunately, probably, work for nasa. Which I have been told that nasa can use a coded message if somthing does happen so the message would only be heard by gov't staff and anyone else(including astronomers not on the payroll) would probably be discredited if they were to make a big stink about it. That is what is so hard for us; the day someone brings real proof of UFO's or any thing else in space. The gov't will have 10 "Specialist" in the field to discredit anyone who even thinks they want to say about something "<b>they</b>" don't want us to hear, for the sake of national security.

actually to me the whole concept of disinformation is really cool , its kinda like modern spy games. since we dont need so many spies today that energy must go somewhere =>
hey all

interesting pic! :)
what is the signifigance of the whiting out near the edge of the moon of the wave?
what is the image/flare underneath?-it seems to throw the same
tones and is consistant with the processing of the exposure/light&dark-?
i dont know much at all about photogissicks :D but i have done some spotting and amateur photog stuff so i understand the
even ness says something but also means that it would have been done-up as a hoax from the start IF IT WAS which i see no reason to assume it is!
it suggests from the exposure that the oscilating wave is emitting
light energy!

thats my 9.99, special deal on discount rates of amazing onetime only clearance of ...............? thought :D

groove on

Hi all, it's not that I'm arrogant enough to think we're alone in this universe, not at all, but the most likely explanation IMO is that someone stretched a telephone chord in front of a camera while a pic was being taken, or perhaps even went to the trouble to make a huge blowup of the pic or poster and placed a stretrched phonechord in front of the camera to be out of focus to the extent the photographer desired. In anycase, still looks *too* much like a phonechord to be anything else. lol
then y bother with a non identifiable background?
would not a GLORY HUNTING hoaxer try and sell to the masses more convincingly?

groove on all
Viewing the image

I tend to agree with the guy who said it might be space junk in orbit and was caught at the right angle to reflect light. The band below could be light reflection off the lens edge reflected back to the lens. Especially if the camera was not aligned precisely with the telescope lens. (the mount could be off just a tad)

As far as someone actually seeing this, other than by accident, the photo is a very narrow frame of view. To me this indicates that it was shot using a telescope viewing the moon. This means if you’re not right on target, at preciously the right moment it won't be there to be seen. And if you had viewed it instead of taking a photo chances are good that it wouldn't even be noticed.
good point

but does it appear to generate light itself?
if so could it be like as you guessed as a possability
a trail of some sort?
a spinning object maybe?


groove on all

Most likely any space junk in orbit would be spinning. Generating light is not quite the right word. Reflection would probably be the right one. It has to be at just the right angle when viewed to catch the light.
O.K. it's obviously not a natural phenomenon, I've worked in all kinds of photography and seen strange results like this appear on film. :D If this was in the atmosphere someone else would have seen it! It's not just NASA that have large 'scopes and dedicated experts behind them.... sorry to burst your paranoid bubble!

Although, it does look like telephone cord. Maybe the photographer was ordering a pizza?;)