Opera versus The Bible

Which Prophet do you think gives better advice to modern Americans?

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Which Prophet do you think gives better advice to modern Americans on life's daily struggles? See, I got to thinking about it and Prophets were really Talk Show Hosts of their day. You know, the person you'd go to for advice. I'm wondering, in this day and age, are these old archaic books even proffering good advice to deal with things in the modern world? Maybe, maybe not? Who's more relevant: The Prophetess Opera or the Prophet Mosses, Messiah Jesus, Prophet Mohammad, Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. or Prophet Ron Hubbard (pbuh)?

Take the example of infidelity.

Moses's God
Leviticus 20:10[/
And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

John 8:3-8
And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

Mohammad's God
Qur'an 24:2 "The adulterer and the adulteress, scourge ye each one of them (with) a hundred stripes. And let not pity for the twain withhold you from obedience to Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of believers witness their punishment."

Joseph Smith Jr. (I have to admit this one is difficult to find something on)
In Doctrine and Covenants 132, Joseph Smith wrote that people who break the "New and Everlasting Covenant" (Celestial marriage) would be "destroyed in the flesh" and be punished until they received their exaltation at the Last Judgment.[9]

(seems to be one of those leave it up to God punishment :shrug:)

Where to start??

The Prophet Opera
Well, I'm going to guess pretty much every other Opera Show is about adultery? The Prophet Opera (pbuh) seems to go into detail on how to cope with adultery rather than on the punishment. She's not so much into punishment per say (no lashes or stoning) but she seems to like to "out" the cheater and let society's scorn do the rest.
I feel I need to comment on the uncritical use of "pbuh". For those of you who don't know, Muslims bless the prophet Muhammad each time they hear his name. Pbuh stands for "Peace be upon him". Of course they say it in Arabic "Sala Allah Alayhi wa Salam".

The origin of this practice goes back to prophet's sayings. Muslims do this also due to the fact that God asks them to do it in the Holy Quran. Yes, there is a verse that asks the believers to send blessings and peace wishes to the prophet:

"Verily, God and His Angels bless the Prophet! Bless ye Him, O Believers, and salute Him with salutations of Peace." Holy Quran - The Confederates - 33:56​

In Arabic (revealed text):


The question that needs to be answered is: do some of you still think that the Holy Quran is a product of a single man's devising ?! Is it possible for any human author to ask hundred of millions of people to bless him, for eternity ?! 9 Million people in the world today can recite the entire Holy Quran by heart. This verse is part of that Book.

If you want to know more about other teachings of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) look here:

The Profound Teachings of Prophet Muhammad

I think adultery is bad. It cause families to break down and leads to diseases. At the same time God disallowed adultery, He allowed and encouraged Marriage. He is all-knowing, wise.

Peace be upon Muhammad (the name Muhammad means: highly praised)
i have an affinity for jesus personally. plus, speaking of opera, jesus christ superstar rocks out.
i have an affinity for jesus personally. plus, speaking of opera, jesus christ superstar rocks out.

I think this is natural since you are born to Christian parents (I guess). Your reply makes me think about something else related. I read the Bible. I find the content nice and interesting. I like the prayers there. I like what it says regarding reverence and love of God. But still I sense a distance (emotionally, not content-wise). This can be since I read it in English (I read the translation).

I read the Holy Quran in its revealed language which happened to be my mother tongue. I think this explains the special affection I have to the Quran. I mean I know that no human being can write such a language. I have read numerous Arabic poetry from that period, nothing like it.

I guess this is the way it will always be for all of us. We need to realize that it is the will of God that we should have the different prophets and the different revelations.

Meanwhile, it can be that I need to take the Quran verses that ask us directly to believe in that which the Christians received more seriously.

As for believing Christians God says:

"(82) Of all men thou wilt certainly find the Jews, and those who join other gods with God, to be the most intense in hatred of those who believe; and thou shalt certainly find those to be nearest in affection to them who say, "We are Christians." This, because some of them are priests and monks, and because they are free from pride. (83) And when they hear that which hath been sent down to the prophet, thou seest their eyes overflow with tears at the truth they recognise therein, saying, "O our Lord! we believe; write us down therefore with those who bear witness to it. (84) And why should we not believe in God, and in the truth which hath come down to us, and crave that our Lord would bring us into Paradise with the Just?" (85) Therefore hath God rewarded them for these their words, with gardens 'neath which the rivers flow; they shall abide therein for ever: this the reward of the righteous!"
Holy Quran - The Table - 5:82-85​

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Well, I'm assuming you meant Oprah, not opera.

I don't believe in prophets or messiahs, so I will go with Oprah.

At least I know she exists.:cool:


I know Smith and Hubbard existed, but both were nuts, and NOT prophets.
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There are several modern prophets. I like U.G. Krishnamurti, but there is also the still living James Howard Kunstler, who lectures about the impending and converging crises of 1.) energy resources, 2.) vanishing capital, and 3.) ecocide.
Puccini is better than any prophet, as is Delibes.

Well, you got me there Dyw.. But as you said, "better" than a prophet.

I believe in composers, just not religious prophets, or so called messiahs.

Though as Lori_7 said, JC superstar was a good "rock" opera.
hahaha... I did mean Oprah! :p

Well, that kind of tipped my cards on how much I watch The Oprah Show.

I suppose what got me thinking about this was something Scifes wrote in another thread, which went something like this: Mohammad's message was perfect and as SAM doesn't understand Arabic from the point of a native speaker, she's simply can't "get" the Qur'an.

So? What's the point in books of revelation? Presumably these books are some thing you turn to for good sound advice. It's God telling your straight up how to deal with a particular situation. You know, like Oprah :)

So which is better? Oprah or these books? Suppose you're the average married American housewife, you find out your partner is cheating with is secretary. It's really got you upset. You're not sure what to do. What to do, What to do :eek:

Do you turn to your handy archaic book of wisdom's past or to Oprah Winfrey? In my mind Oprah (pbuh) pretty much serves the exact same function of Prophets from the past for many housewives.
In the case of a woman being cheated on by her husband,I could almost guarantee you, more women would take Oprah's advice, ( or even Dr. Phil, whom I personally can't stand ), over any given by antiquated, hard to interpret books of mythology.
Then what does it mean when an book is said to be "Perfect"? I mean, it seems you're suggesting that on a practical level, these books are next to useless?!?

How can a book be Perfect and at the same time be Useless??? That doesn't seem to make any sense....
Then what does it mean when an book is said to be "Perfect"? I mean, it seems you're suggesting that on a practical level, these books are next to useless?!?

How can a book be Perfect and at the same time be Useless??? That doesn't seem to make any sense....

I personally, never said anything about the books, or what they say therein,
were in anyway perfect, or even of any practical value.

IMO, these books are like any other fictional book. just entertainment.
Well, I'm assuming you meant Oprah, not opera.
Aw c'mon. No need to make those kinds of assumptions.

I had a good time at the Opera once: The Marriage of Figaro, local group of decent but non-superstar singers (so they fit the physical parts OK: no fat, forty, ingenues), who put some effort into acting and staging on a round stage- the thing is borderline slapstick, and the various messengers etc made their entrances through dark tunnels under the seats on skateboards with flashing lights in their wheels, some of the cast was on roller skates similarly lit, and all I lacked was a sixpack for a moderately enjoyable evening.

In comparison with the Prophets, better physical humor and better singing, librettos more or less equivalent (maybe an edge to Ecclesiastes).

One of the keys to Jesus is that he is telling stories, running a stage routine - the part where he has the Pharisees recommending that men blind themselves rather than look at attractive women, or impose escalating penalties for crimes of declining seriousness, is a reminder that Jews have been good at standup for a long time.

And the Prophets share with Opera a feature first noticed by Roy Blount: since they are normally incomprehensible in the original, one can boost their entertainment value by supplying the words oneself (deep bass voice: "What am I doing on the stage of the Metropolitan Theater in this ridiculous bathrobe - - and these unbelievable shoo o o es ?)
One of the keys to Jesus is that he is telling stories, running a stage routine - the part where he has the Pharisees recommending that men blind themselves rather than look at attractive women, or impose escalating penalties for crimes of declining seriousness, is a reminder that Jews have been good at standup for a long time.

And the Prophets share with Opera a feature first noticed by Roy Blount: since they are normally incomprehensible in the original, one can boost their entertainment value by supplying the words oneself (deep bass voice: "What am I doing on the stage of the Metropolitan Theater in this ridiculous bathrobe - - and these unbelievable shoo o o es ?)

It's quite clear the Goddess is excising Tom Cruise live on TV. Beat THAT Jesus! Notice how she doens't even have to get up from her seat? THAT'S prophet-power :eek:

Oprah (pbuh) is, for her millions of followers, a Prophet in the exact same way the Prophets of past were for their followers. They sought advice, the Prophets gave them contemporary wisdom (sometimes in exchange for a shag ... something I've never heard Oprah doing - which suggests she is closest of them all to the Gods). Thinking about things from the Oprah perspective also says something about the types of people who made up the "12" disciples or the "Companions" (dare I say groupie?)... :lol: