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A reader on the list sent me this URL (see end of article) on a new proposal called


Most of our society is as unconcerned with its origins and place in the universe as would be a person wandering in a dream. That is, most individuals are unconcerned, and very few human organizations are devoted to these matters. Society deals with the problems and issues of the moment and of the near future. But there is only a shadowy background of myth to provide any context for it all.
Every ancient society found truth in its myths and modern society is no exception. Individuals within modern society tend to accept as their cosmological truth either what they believe to be the growing knowledge of science as reported by the media or taught by educators, or the scriptures of their religions.

But truth is not so easily attained. The scientific description of our
reality is best understood as the result of a sociological process that has undergone many revolutions and will continue to do so.14 It is never absolute truth nor should we assume that it even approaches absolute truth.
At times it looks more like lurching about than a steady or asymptotic approach to complete knowledge. (For an up-front view of the process, consider the turmoil provoked by recent theories of Intelligent Design that has the potential to undercut the bedrock scientific truth known as "evolution".)

The average person does not have direct access to even such "truth" as science believes it holds--the literature of science--but rather is told about it by media27 and educators who always add their own spin. And those who turn to religious scripture for truth often do not realize that this too is but the end result of sociological and political processes.

People do not understand this. They do not know that they have simply chosen their myth. They believe that they possess knowledge of their general cosmic situation, so far as is possible for anyone to obtain such knowledge, and that there is little point attempting to learn any more about it. People are also being taught, usually subliminally, about what is important and what is
not. In fact, people's beliefs about what is true and what is important are fed to them by society's institutions. Thus people in their beliefs are vulnerable to manipulation at every level.

Given the way in which it comes about, I do not assume that the modern scientific myth of Man's Place in the Cosmos necessarily provides the most accurate depiction. It is only one of many, and there is value in looking at the myths of other cultures - the living ones as well as the extinct. When we do, we find information at variance with the modern myths. We find that some cultures either left for us or have carried forward into our time, a knowledge or a cultural memory of an interface with something "other" - something that gave them information that we in the modern west lack or cannot accept.1

There is another modern myth relating to man's cosmic situation. It is the myth of the UFO. By referring to the topic in this way, I am not implying that "the UFO is not real," any more than by calling the scientific description a myth am I saying that the scientific description is false.
Myths are complex social phenomena and they usually are seeded by something. That "something" is accessed via the myth that has grown around it. Since the "something" behind the UFO myth could have much to do with man's cosmic situation, I suggest the reader give some consideration to that myth.30

This paper, however, touches only peripherally on these alternative myths. Its main focus is on the scientific approach.

Much more on the website...

"...what most people accept today as fundamental scientific knowledge is barely distinguishable from what organized religion became some centuries ago." - Halton Arp
Exellent Banshee,...

Thank's ! You just explained what I was thinking all my life,...but my knowlegde of 'the' language does not allow me to elaborate on the subject in this way: I can only do that in my own language,...wich implies that others will most likely have the same problem too,...

Most people are wrongly understood or undervalued,...even the fact that a certain degree (sience) allows some people to 'take off' and have 'a life' and the others that lack that degree are discriminated to some extend,...not only in their movements,...but also in their beliefs,...and certainly in their expression,....

The phychological pathways to contribute to society (by acceptance) are not broad enough,...most people that didn't 'graduate' become social havocs (statistically, but what the heck:does that mean anyway,...)

It means that their social value is estimated on the fact that they cannot contribute to society,...this is however entirely non-truth,...

All this leads me to a tought: a reassesment of the systems of validation to put forth. I mean,....all these images that people tend to have: on basis of a belief,...

take Bush for example: his leadership has proven to rest on a certain believe system : instead that of facts,....of facts, that wrong? I think so: in a way that young people should learn how to cope with their sexual feelings and that the only way to grow up on this is to behave 'adultely' towards issues like that: let them fall, let them try: let them experiance, and experiment with these issues : it's not healthy to put your toughts and feelings asside,....or try not-to-have any.

Totaly right Banshee: and there's a lot more to say about these issues,...come on people: contribute,....!!!

The phrase "crock of shit" comes to mind. And we're talking a crock that has been left out all day in the sun and smells real bad.
Northwind, it's people like you who make me feel sick and keep me off the boards. If you can't contribute to the thread in a normal way, then stay out of it!

Jesus, what is the fun of making such replies? Did you even bother to read the article, did you have a look at the website. That's what you people here at Sciforums are always asking for, websites, with "evidence".

In case you didn't notice, on top of this page you can read that this here is Pseudo Science, so react a little more open minded or crawl back under the rock, you tried to wriggle yourself free from, please...

Sure, it's much easier to give a BS reply. Oh joy! :confused:
Are you aware the "pseudo" has nothing whatsoever to do with open-mindedness. In fact it means fake or false. Ergo, "Pseudoscience" is fake or false science. Meaning it is crapola. Meaning that not only is there nothing wrong with calling it a crock of shit, but to do so is keenly encouraged.

And yes, I read the article, and checked out the website. Which is exactly why I called it a crock of shit.
From now on,....

It's going to be a free ride,....

That doesn't mean that anything goes,....

But that there are people "up here", that are putting the 'wisdom' up for free,...

that it is free is the only thing that's pseudo about it,....the rest is all in your head,...

get it,...? If not: think for yourself for a change,...
