Only the strong survive.


melted down
Registered Senior Member
'Nur überlebt das starke'

translated roughly - 'Only the strong survive.'

I disagree.

I think it's more like, 'Only the adaptable survive.'

'Nur das anpassungsfähig überleben Sie.'

Wouldn't you agree?


ps. I'm sure Xev will find this thread complimentary, and I'm curious where she got her title 'Nur überlebt das starke' from.

No offense, but being male, I don't think you understand strength. Men don't. Women don't either, I guess I don't either. *Smiles*

You know how Hobbes said that men's lives are nasty, brutish and short, in a state of nature? Women's lives are long and miserable. And to live a long and miserable life, one really has to be adaptable, to learn to submit to fate as the grass submits to the wind - always springing back up.

It takes strength to bear both sorts of lives....or either.

So I see adaptability as a strength in itself. Your thoughts?

p.s: The title itself is something I've always believed. I translated into German as an excersize, and realized that it makes a kick-arse title. :)
Originally posted by Distortion
'Nur überlebt das starke'

translated roughly - 'Only the strong survive.'

I disagree.

I think it's more like, 'Only the adaptable survive.'

'Nur das anpassungsfähig überleben Sie.'

Wouldn't you agree?


ps. I'm sure Xev will find this thread complimentary, and I'm curious where she got her title 'Nur überlebt das starke' from.

"I think it's more like, 'Only the adaptable survive."
Close, but the actual accepted quote is, "Only the fittest survive."

In other words, those who are born with the abilty to adapt and survive are more likely to pass on their traits than those who are only strong.
Xev, I wasn't trying to correct you on your 'original' quote - by saying that maybe it meant 'adaptable' instead of 'strong'.
I just meant to say that in reality - it seems that in our current state of perpetual change - only the adaptible survive - or 'do well' if you want to be specfic - although, there isn't really a difference.

Only the smart survive nowadays

On the outset, I would tend to agree with you - but in what form? It would seem to me that intelligence in the form of hunting skills would not help survival much anymore - as you can just go down the road to your nearest McDonalds.

If you're talking about a well rounded intelligence, with education and experience and 'common sense' - I'd agree with you more.

Depends on what form you want to survive in, distortion.

I wasn't aware there were really other ways to 'survive' in the colloquial sense of the word. Unless you're talking about 'surviving' through your influence in literature or as a prominent figure in history - I don't think there really is another way to survive as of yet. Just pass on your genes. Cryogenic freezing.. I guess :bugeye:

No offense, but being male, I don't think you understand strength. Men don't. Women don't either, I guess I don't either. *Smiles*

I don't think anyone understands your strange generalizations, either ;)

You know how Hobbes said that men's lives are nasty, brutish and short, in a state of nature? Women's lives are long and miserable. And to live a long and miserable life, one really has to be adaptable, to learn to submit to fate as the grass submits to the wind - always springing back up.

This seems kind of cynical to me - as if humans can't have genuinely fulfiling and enjoyable lives - as if it is necessarily always, constantly, a struggle against - entropy, really.

Of course people have to be adaptable to deal with change and continue to survive. I just mean to point out the it's the most adaptable people that do the best - Bill Gates seeing the potential for computers is an alright example. Ironic how we're talking about it on a computer.

And, it was Bill Waterson, btw. :D

So I see adaptability as a strength in itself. Your thoughts?

p.s: The title itself is something I've always believed. I translated into German as an excersize, and realized that it makes a kick-arse title.

This is just semantics - really - I wouldn't say that adaptabilility and stength are synonomous - just similar. Just a matter of degree, I suppose.

The title is just a summarizing statement for natural selection as a function of evolution, really. :bugeye: It's true, I guess.

This comes from Darwin's "Survival of the fittest." which in my opinion is really dumb. All it means is that whoever is lucky enough to have the skills to cope with adversity when it strikes will tend to live better, or at least live less miserably. It is pure luck, evolution has no higher moral, no chosen few, no intelligent selection process. When disaster strikes it kills anyone who gets in the way.

During times of steady-state status quo (whatever that means) it seems to me that it doesn't take any special talent to merely live, to merely survive. But the most dysfunctional seem to reproduce the most. Meanwhile the most intelligent and skilled do not pass on their genes nearly as much. Intelligence is inversely proportional to birth rate.

It'd be great some scientist would explain that! Perhaps intelligence is NOT the goal of evolution. Perhaps my website might shed some light on why .....
If you are a bunch of plains predators only the strong survive.... until someone comes up with the spear.
This comes from Darwin's "Survival of the fittest." which in my opinion is really dumb.

Yes your opinion.

All it means is that whoever is lucky enough to have the skills to cope with adversity when it strikes will tend to live better, or at least live less miserably.

Luck may play a part. But whoever inherits the better genes will most likely reproduce. So how can it be really dumb? Many animals reproduce with the strongest, not the weakest. Therefore they are the fit, not of pure luck. For instance one animal may be weaker then the other, but with skill and intelligence that animal can out smart the other, beating it in a fight etc. That is why fittest is the term commonly used.

It is pure luck

How do you know this for sure? Luck plays only a part.

evolution has no higher moral, no chosen few, no intelligent selection process. When disaster strikes it kills anyone who gets in the way.

What are you referring this too? Those who die by disaster die, but it does not apply to all cases. But the fittest will have a better chance to survive, simply because they are smarter/stronger/quicker then the average. Everything is not based on luck.

During times of steady-state status quo (whatever that means) it seems to me that it doesn't take any special talent to merely live, to merely survive.

Maybe in some cases, but the fact is the fitter you are, the better chances you will reproduce and survive.

But the most dysfunctional seem to reproduce the most.

Your facts to back this claim?

Meanwhile the most intelligent and skilled do not pass on their genes nearly as much. Intelligence is inversely proportional to birth rate.

On what? Humans?

Is that the movie where a few people are trapped in a huge rubick's cube type thing with weird fatal puzzles and such? good movie if that's the one you mean.

The part where the guy gets diced with that net of razor-wire is pretty fucking gross though :D.