One True Path


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One True Path to One True God

God is known through knowledge- Read this to know more
There is one God which is worthy of its title to monotheism.
True monotheism is directed to the fact that God is not a 'father' nor a 'mother' and has no 'son' nor 'daughter'. These utterances are paganistic. God has no family, partners, needs, helpers and the obvious - no sexuality. God is beyond our imagination. Doubtless to say, God Almighty is highest in intelligence. Words are powerful because of which God has Revealed Laws and Declerations of truth to guide mankind to the true path. The true path is unity of worship to God to its accuracy. God has communicated to mankind with Words. Words are vital to humanity. Communication, reasoning, legislation & laws, implementation of actions (consciously and unconsciously) are governed with words. Words are powerful. Every word that gets uttered is serious and important. God in the Quran Revealed, "Allah (One God) has not been begotten, nor has begotten anyone." Hence God is the numerical number One without anyone or any needs. Before one derives any conclusions, they must put their emotions aside and think with knowledge. History states God communicated to the Last Prophet (Muhammad -peace be upon him) the Last Words of Divine Truth and Legislation through the Archangel Jibraeel (Gabriel). Allah means one true God in Arabic language. Allah Reavealed in the Holy Qur'an that all the past Prophets like Abraham, Moses, Jesus were all Muslims. All their original messages were Islam (Submission to God's Will). After the Prophets departed the corruptors of truth had mutated the original message (of Islam) to paganism (i.e. they started saying God has a son, God is a "father", worshipping Prophet Jesus and Mother Mary etc). They abused Words by following the path of the devil. A Muslim is someone who submits his/her will to the Will of the Almighty Creator in TRUE peace. TRUE PEACE is the true path to God Almighty. This is to follow and obey God's True Revelation-Holy Qur'an. The True Eternal God who is beyond mankind. Allah is the Creator of Adam. Allah is the Revealer of Truth. The Last Prophet Muhammad (saws) is the one whome God Last Communicated to. Any other communication taken place after that is not from God, but mischeif of unseen spirits called Jinns. Jinns are made of Fire and Angels are made of light. Angels have no sexuality, needs like food or drinks, don't rest or get tired, they appear in the form of men not women. They are gentle bodied and have no internal cavity. Jinns on the contrary have sexuality, eat & drink and appear as females or males. However, they are very mischevioes and pass wrong messages to people to cause excitement among the misguided folk. Psychics and many others are normally contactors of such spirits. Angels are obedient creatures and do exactly what God says. The Devil is not of the Angels but of the Jinns which is why he deviated. God in the Quran said, "Jinns and Mankind will be judged on the Day of Judgement." The Holy Quran and Hadith (the sayings and practices of the Last Holy Prophet) make the true path if life which is Islam.
The Holy Quran has great scientific miracles. We must seek knowledge to obey God. Islam encourages intensely on the seeking of knowledge. The websites provided here are based on scientific grounds which is why many scientists, doctors and priests have converted to Islam. The two websites that will be provided here are: (go to amazing Quran and read those articles first) &
Last message will be a rhetorical question: Who is God going to give more justice to the one who bowed in unity or the one who did not bow at all? In Islam, no matter what part of the world you live in you are bowing towards the same direction (The Kabah in Mecca- Prophet Abraham had bowed towards) and at the same times (5 times daily) in unity as directed by God Almighty in the Holy Quran. Allah's Legislation is eternal and higher above any other law that is man-made and corrupted (i.e. to Islam, original message of the past Prophets). God Almighty is The Truth and we must worship God with the accuracy of true Monotheism as REVEALED BY GOD. ISLAM IS THE TRUE RELIGION OF GOD and is far from being man-made. Every word in the Holy Qur'an is the DIRECT WORD of ALLAH which was brought to the last Prophet Muhammad. Read the Holy Quran with the translated meaning and enlighten yourself to the TRUTH. SUbhana-Allah (Glory be to Allah)
Worship Allah, The Lord of the Universe, The Unseen, The Eternal

God needs not rest nor sleep. God is Ever-Living whose Knowledge is omnipresent.
The most fundamental of all the warnings of God is, "Do not ascribe any partners with Allah/God as it is the unforgivable sin, not forgiven until repented for." That is why we must be careful about attaching anyone or anything to our worship to God. We have to only worship God alone without any sort of mediator. God said in the Holy Quran not to follow the Trinity if one claims to be monotheistic, not to say Jesus is God's son, not to say Jesus is Lord, not to put any idols or partners to God. Whatever we do must be for God only on every level of consciousness and activity. Heaven, Hell and Day of Judgement is greatly described by Allah, The Most High in the Holy Quran (The True and Perfect Guidance for mankind).

Allah is above the Heavens and earths on the Kursi (Throne) which transcends all space. Our Khalaq's (Creator's) Knowledge is omnipresent.
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allah only exists in your head, there are no such thing as a god/gods devil/demons, all only exist in your head.
reasonable people dont let their fantasies take control, they know the difference between reality and fantasy, you obviously dont.
That font size option should really be left alone at times like these.
Please read the guidelines for posting, suiteheaven.

You are preaching.

Welcome to sciforums.

Now having made all those assertions without supporting them, what is your point and what would you like to discuss?

Note that the Bhagavad Gita is several thousand years older than the Quran and vastly superior in every respect.
The Allah of the Quran cannot know everything since he cannot know what it is like to live in human flesh and live and die as a human, suffer temptation as a human etc. Now well you may say 'He is God, higher than everything etc etc' but how can I expect this Allah of the Quran to relate to me? He has not come in the flesh and suffered the humility that humans suffer at the hands of their enemies.
How can Allah of the Quran forgive any of us? The crimes we commit against our fellow man are theirs to forgive surely, not Allah of the Quran who has suffered nothing.
Also if Allah of the Quran never rests, then his work must not be completed right? If it isn't completed then what part of creation are we still waiting for? What works remain undone and why did he not complete them in the beginning?

