With higher temperature, there will be more storms, but this effect is not that horrible, one can compare this by comparing the regions where it is hot now with those where it is cold now.
Probably false in every detail, every claim, according to the researchers in the field:
The probabilities now establish the greater likelihood of the following:
There will be more intense storms, not necessarily more frequent ones.
The effects will be locally horrible, and on average bad.
What is came about through hundreds of thousands, even millions, of years of adaptation to small changes - comparing that with what will come about after mere dozens of years of adaptation to larger changes is a difficult and highly sophisticated task. It's not easy - or likely to teach us very much. A more likely informative comparison would be between more closely similar situations - current AGW with the effects of extreme volcanism in a small region, or a midsized meteorite impact.
This "rest of us" is an irrelevant minority. On all sides.
Being right is the claim - not being more numerous.
But that claim is also false, and will become more obviously false as personal experience teaches even some Republicans certain facts of reality.
But the context is not science, but what the believer and the denier will claim.
The context is the nature of what will happen in reality, not anyone's claims.
The context was an arena where evidence and "proof" mattered. Your claims were in that context, and due to your continued ignorance quite silly that context. False, and quite obviously false. Ignorant, and flagrantly ignorant - willfully ignorant.
For the alarmists, there will be only negative consequences. 100%. No way to show them even a single positive consequence.
Then there are no alarmists.
Because the frequently discovered positive consequences, though comparatively minor - such as more rapid initial regrowth of forests from lower latitude and altitude seeding in, greater vegetative growth of annual crops carefully moved and handled to match the new climate regimes, the suppression of malaria and dengue fever carriers in places now afflicted heavily, etc - are routinely reported in all my sources, sources you have labeled "alarmist".
That's how good science, good intelligence, good discussion, is set up to work (and can still be found, for a while yet anyway). The Republican Party is currently continuing its fifty year effort to change the way US science in general (based in universities, from faculty with tenure, and therefore set up to work like that) is set up to work. The primary goal of this early/middle stage is to prevent scientists from communicating directly with the news media, to gain and keep political control of science news.
Trump is currently making good progress in the continuing Reagan Republican Party efforts to suppress the influence of science on the public discussion, and replace it with influence from Partisan and ideological allies. In this effort - obvious and public, easily observed by the curious - the derogation of science to the sidelines, and the elevation of propaganda battles to the primary context of all discussion on any major topic, is a dream achievement of US rightwing (corporate) marketing professionals - cooperation with their attempts field marks the Republican parrotry.
It is adapted to a wide range of climates. And it can nicely adapt by migration if they have a few years of time for this
A few hundred thousand years, you mean, if the current AGW is slowed radically by governmental efforts.
Not you. You actually meant "a few years" even without major governmental curbing and regulation of corporate capitalism.
A "few years" and trees will adapt by migration, in Republican World. Rice will grow in sand and salt. Banana and rubber and coffee trees will become immune to disease. And humans also: currently vulnerable populations especially (US residents, third world slumdwellers) will become immune to the spread of tropical disease.
Ignorant bullshit from someone who knows nothing about biology, ecology, or agriculture.