Once in a lifetime opportunity...


Doomsday Kook
Registered Senior Member
I am posting this for fun....

Over the years, I have read and heard tales about how there is a secret vault under the Vatican that contains a copy of every book encountered by the Catholics. Copies of the Mayan scrolls to heretical treatises from the Middle Ages are supposed to be stockpiled away.

My question is simple:

If you were given 48 Hours of full and unrestricted access to this library - what would you seek?
First, I'd laugh at all the crazy antics of our ancestors. :D

Then, I'd dig up the Mayan stuff, and find out how and why they disappeared.

Then, I'd go upstairs and find out if the Pope is actually a robot.

Then, I'd come back down to have all the stuff shipped off to museums all around the world, because I believe in sharing the wealth. :)

Then, if I had time, I'd go upstairs again and bottle me some holy water to take home as a souvenir. :D