On the topic of Incest.

Is incest right or wrong ?

  • Right

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 11 68.8%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
Right or Wrong ? Support your position with an argument.
Incest defined: the act of copulating with a known member
of your immediate or surrounding family (be it aunt, uncle,
cousin, et cetera).
I didn't vote. I think the taboo against incest is so strong and ingrained that it would never allow me to do it, but, I wouldn't feel so strongly if it wasn't a blood relation, eg: my wife's, brother's daughter.

I would never be unfaithful to my wife, but, Powers that Be forbid, if I were ever to lose her, then I wouldn't have such a problem if it weren't a blood relation.
I am certainly not advocating incest, but your children can suffer no birth defects from parents that are cousins. Parent/child incest or sibling incest...yes.

Why would you think that anyone would advocate it?
In almost all cases it's negative. Why? 'Cause it's usually based on a power struggle more than anything else. Including sexual attraction. Most people can find (unrelated) partners to screw.

I voted wrong for that reason. If someone wanted to do it - fine by me. Just not an attractive option, IMO.
wherever there could be resuting genetic problems to any offspring I'd say its wrong but beyond that I can't really see a problem, though I have to agree there is a general EEEEWWWWWW! factor that would be pretty hard to bypass.


Quote - "it's usually based on a power struggle more than anything else."

its a good point but i think that applies equally to unrelated people who have power over others and use it improperly. When that is the case i think its less an incest issue and more a general misuse of power issue.

just an opinion.
That's the problem: the EWWWWWW factor comes from the years
of being told that incest is simply wrong, but this idea came from a
couple of centuries of religion and society shoving it down peoples
throats: yes, reproduction is a no-no but what about sex for fun ?
Direct family can be tricky, I agree, but surrounding family such as
cousins, uncles ? Hardly. ... perhaps I'm just twisted and need help.

EDIT: I should mention that I had/have no intention of participating
in any incestuous activities: this is strictly a question of curiosity.
Ummm for humans at this stage, yes.
For an endangered species, no.
Brother/sister/parent stuff just doesn't work(and seems insanely disgusting to me in everyway. I gather from that that it is never supposed to happen) but cousin sex would probably seem ok if our numbers were very low.

perhaps the "ewwwwww" factor IS only a construct of recent cultural history but thats the environment i developed in, there's really no way for me to know otherwise. Its as fundamental to me as the knowledge that water is wet. In that environment sex with ones cousin (for example) couldn't be "just for fun" because it'd have to be hidden, i mean, there arent a lot of proud incestuous couples picking up their kids at soccer practice. in my limited experience a completely hidden relationship is never healthy. Just for fun or not.

besides, you ever known anyone who had a "just for fun" relationship where both sides were truly content?
firstly i can think of another group who started with hidden relationships and are now CLOSE to accepted (ie homosexuals)

secondly i KNOW a girl who dated her brother cause she didnt know he was her brother (her parents had split and she didnt know she had a brother till she brought him home one night on a date)

thirdly who are we to say whats right and wrong between concenting adults?
Right and wrong? I've always had a problem with those words in terms of ethics. There is no such thing IMO. In all circumstances you can use pleasing to me/unpleasing to me or with the consensus/in opposition to the consensus instead.

The notion of incest makes me sick - presumably because it is programmed into me not to have such thoughts about people I have grown up with.

The notion of incest therefore is unpleasing to me.

In evolutionary terms this sensible. It is counter-productive to waste resources bringing up offspring that usually possess double-recessives etc (and may not pass on my genes).
Incest is the only thing that i can think of that is put down in all known societies t omankind..even outdoing Cannibalism for the most looked down upon thing...does that mean people still practice it...hell yeah. As for me the EWWWW factor kicks in ...from the years of being told know..it's a part of me now and i won't even do it to save the human species.:eek:
haha last week my toddler nephew called me mommy by accident (his mom and i both have blonde hair and i take on a disciplinary roll when necessary) and my brother and i immediately both went ewwwww.
Originally posted by sargentlard
i won't even do it to save the human species.:eek:

i've considered this. i'm not sure i would want to bring back the human species. it would be better for all involved to let it die out. however if i had to and it was only me and my brother left, i decided that we're both intelligent people (both scientists as well) so we could figure out how to artificially inseminate me. at the very least i could use a turkey baster.
Originally posted by SwedishFish
i've considered this. i'm not sure i would want to bring back the human species. it would be better for all involved to let it die out.

Are you asking someone to kill you? I mean, you surely wouldn't mind right? :rolleyes:
First off, while I love my family dearly, that love does not mean that I'd want anything else from them apart from presents at Christmas and Birthday:D. Selfish I know, but hey... what are families for but to give you stuff:D... Would I want to date them? Hell no!! Even to save the world? Let's just say that I would consider all other options before taking that path. Actually I find the though quite repulsive. Oh well, if that was the situation, let's all just wave bye bye to humanity. Because would I want to carry some of my relative's spawn?.... ewwwwwww...

But one thing that does amuse me is the fact that most of the world's nobility or royal family are a bunch of inbred hicks who made good and got rich. So next time you see the dear old Queen, just remember that the only reason her inbred past is accepted is because they made money out of it and killed anyone who asked questions... they gave new meaning to keeping it in the family... again.. ewwwwww... imagine what Charles and Anne's offspring would be like... ok.. I've just disgusted myself again...

I don't know how I stand on this actually. In so much as it might produce birth defects, then I suppose that it is unwise. However, when someone is in love, it matters not who the person they love is. (If it did, they wouldn't be in love, as love is not conditional).

I will never come between two people in love.
Originally posted by wesmorris
Are you asking someone to kill you? I mean, you surely wouldn't mind right?
Shut up!
You are deterring prospective inductees to the voluntary human extinction cult... err... aahhh umm I mean movement... yeah yeah movement:D

yeah "movement" hehe, that should fly:cool: