On religion, life & stupidity [Essay]


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On religion, life & stupidity

The vast majority of religious people belong to the religion that a parent belonged to, and yet they are certain that their religion is more valid than others- if not the only valid religion. Thus we can conclude that religious people aren’t concerned with common sense or are they able to rationally determine the absurdities of their particular religion. After all, they are taught that it’s sacrilegious to doubt “God’s word”, the bible, torah, koran, etc.! It’s as if devoutly religious people maintain an invisible bubble that surrounds them to block in superstition and ignorance, and blocks out common sense, reality and facts.

Superstition and ignorance generally are contrary to living a full and satisfied life. Believing that a human must be sacrificed to the gods in order for the sun to rise the following day (as the Aztecs did for hundreds of years) is obviously not good. Believing that you will be safe just because you say a short prayer to a plastic Jesus before you drive your car isn't particularly harmful but neither is it productive to place trust in superstitious behavior. Similarly, belief in miracles, ghosts, prayer, the devil, Noah's ark, creationism, palm readers, prophecies, rapture, armageddon, the bible, koran, torah, etc. is infantile as these things are based on superstition, ignorance and stupidity. Parents help propagate ignorance and superstition by teaching their children elements of religions, or even by just showing the children that they (parents) believe in a particular religion. This brainwashes the child who will likely grow up believing that there is only one valid religion, and will believe in the same silly, backwards, superstitious beliefs. The child will more than likely pass this crap onto his children, who will pass it to their children, ad infinitum.

Any thinking person should be able to figure out that many of the stories in the bible (for instance) are pure BS, just silly folklore and fictional stories . One must then ask: can you really expect the other stories in the bible to be factual (the ones that can’t easily be proven to be false)? What are the chances God would send “someone” down to one tiny town (ignoring the rest of the entire surface of the planet) to live for 33 years, but that person never wrote anything down and we “know” about only a few short sections of his life from hearsay. And he left it in the hands of 12 people to convince EVEYONE else on the planet that God was here! They couldn’t even convince many of the people who were there at the time that he was God!?

No human on earth knows anything factual or certain about God or heaven. No person knows any more about God than anyone else on this planet. No person is any closer to God than anyone else on this planet. It's your personal choice to have faith and believe in God, heaven, or any other spiritual concept. But think for yourself. Only an immensely stupid person lives his or her life according to the rules that someone else devised (pope, cleric, imam, rabbi, bible, torah, koran, etc.).

Many people are like ships on the ocean, searching for a captain. Look how many stupid people give money to benny hinn, jim & tammy baker, scam religions, numerous other tele-evangalists and other pathetic excuses for humans. It amazes me that people are stupid enough to believe in the devil, for instance. When someone kills somebody or performs some other atrocious act it’s obviously caused by greed, stupidity or mental imbalance, not the devil!

Many people in Africa, for instance, believe that only witch doctors can actually cure diseases and medical ailments. Many Africans now also seek modern medicine because they think medicine treats the symptoms (only), but afterwards they go to the witch doctor for the actual cure! Many people have an affinity for superstition- beliefs that are contrary to physical and natural laws. People will continue to get sick numerous times throughout their lives and they will nearly always naturally get over the sickness- that's life, and that’s why the average lifespan is over 70 years. When a person goes to a witch doctor, he blows smoke on the patient and requires a donation to appease the gods and heal the sickness. When the patient gets better, he will be certain that it was the witch doctor who communicated with the heavenly gods who caused the healing. When disease eventually kills a person, people will justify the death in some silly way that allows them to maintain continued belief in the witch doctor's great abilities. Children see that their parents believe in witch doctors, therefore they believe in witch doctors, and they pass it down to succeeding generations ad infinitum. This is why witch doctors have been around for over 10,000 years. Obviously, just because something has been around for “thousands of years” doesn’t make it valid! You can substitute "witch doctor" in this paragraph for other superstitious behaviors like prayer, prophets, etc. This may be a shock to many people, but give it some serious thought. 400,000 people died in a tsunami and earthquake recently but no one questions why God didn’t perform a miracle and help, obviously they dismiss this notion the way believers do for witch doctors. Yet, a few months later when a few drops of fake blood are found in the eye of a concrete statue in California when no one was looking, hordes of brainless imbeciles insist it’s a divine miracle from the creator- they think it's a sure sign that God exists!!!

If any particular religion was valid over others, then their prayers would be answered at a much higher rate (or theirs would be the only prayers answered). This means that they would live many times longer than the average person since every time they prayed for a sick person, that person would get better. Every time they prayed for an old, decrepit person to get better or to be younger, it would happen and again, they would live much longer. Obviously there is no religious congregation that lives even slightly longer than any other religious congregation (except certain religions that specify no smoking, alcohol, cola, excessive indulgence, etc., and they only live a few years older on average as would be expected from their healthy diets).

I don’t think it’s appropriate for the human race to continue pretending religions are harmless organizations. More often than not, being devoutly religious is identical to extreme ignorance and superstition. When people insist that “Adam & Eve”, Noah’s Ark, creationism, etc. are true, they should be ridiculed for being ridiculous and stupid, instead of giggling at them and writing them off as immature or absurdly-faithful religious nuts.

The fact is, just like the pathetically ignorant muslims that blow themselves up trying to kill zionists because their fruitcake imam or cleric told them to, the average religious person is just as pathetic for believing that their priest, pope, rabbi, etc. has the answers to their life’s questions. People seem to believe what they're told as children and rarely question the obviously-absurd, religion-related information when they get older. Just look at the absurd mythylogical beliefs of the Native Americans (or probably any ancient culture).

The purpose of life is to achieve maximum satisfaction: to have fun and enjoy our lives. With each choice in life, we should not necessarily choose the one that is the most fun, but choose the one that leads to the most satisfaction- both short and long-term, considering ourselves as well as future generations. Using high moral values in everyday decisions is the best way to ensure the most satisfaction in your lifetime- with no regrets. A person with a low IQ that happens to be very happy and satisfied each day is far superior to anyone else who happens to be miserable in daily life. The point: intelligence is not bad but neither is it critical, reread the first sentence of the paragraph.
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I don't know if the OP will be back, but I split this post from a thread that died in 2003. It seems apparent that the OP stumbled upon the post in a Google search and was moved to add his/her thoughts. Undoubtedly, there will be those that disagree with the OP's position, but because it was so well written (both technically and thoughtfully), I was moved to give it a thread of its own.

The title is the OP's, and was in the post itself. At first, I thought this to be a copy/paste from another site, but couldn't find any evidence of this. It appears to be a genuine essay written by someone who was moved to write his/her feelings. I would add, that the OP appears well read in Dawkins, Dennett, and Harris. If not, should the OP read them, he/she will find easy allies in personal thoughts on religion.

Anyway, I thought this essay interesting enough to share with its own thread.