On homosexuality and the forces of resurrection


Registered Member
Dear members,

Recently I have been visiting www.world-mysteries.com/PhilipGardiner/forbidden_letters.htm . That URL gives the so called Forbidden Letters. There is a link to part 2 (13 emails) and to a PS by Philip Gardiner, the author who reveived the Letters.

I've 'studied' alchemy for over 20 years and I'm simply overwhelmed by the Letters and the 13 emails.

The Letters describe in detail (if they are correct ofcourse) the resurrection. And have a very bold theory on the End of Time, which is pretty plausible too. I would very much like to hear the opinion of others on the whole matter.

A strange theory on homosexuality is inlcuded too (a very positive one for a change!).


laborsolis said:
Dear members,

Recently I have been visiting www.world-mysteries.com/PhilipGardiner/forbidden_letters.htm . That URL gives the so called Forbidden Letters. There is a link to part 2 (13 emails) and to a PS by Philip Gardiner, the author who reveived the Letters.

I've 'studied' alchemy for over 20 years and I'm simply overwhelmed by the Letters and the 13 emails.

The Letters describe in detail (if they are correct ofcourse) the resurrection. And have a very bold theory on the End of Time, which is pretty plausible too. I would very much like to hear the opinion of others on the whole matter.

A strange theory on homosexuality is inlcuded too (a very positive one for a change!).

M*W: Sounds a little too fishy to me.
I've found extra information.

Ibn Rumi (Sufi/alchemist) said:

You have the energy of the sun in you. But you keep knotting it up at the base of your spine.

Further alchemist sayings:

Christ is the stone.

We're waiting the stone.
The Latin (urbs transrhenana etc.) means:

The city over the Rhine in the year 711. the naked young boy catches fire in the silence of the night. Here starts the work of the sun. We're awaiting the glory of the olivetree.

711 doesn't have to be anno Domini. Could be a.u.c. (ab urbe condita, meaning: since the foundation of the city). For instamce, if the city meant here is founded in 1275, 711 would be that 1986 of the Letters (see email 12, part 2).

For what it's worth.
