On Homeopathy

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Yes, it does, Preston.

Have you killed your son yet, sir?

Go get that Hepatitis B vaccine, like I told you.

It's a really fast way to legally kill your innocent son, as you obviously mean to do, sir!

Go kill him good and dead.

Please, you need to do this for the best ultimate good of your Soul.

The human Ego and Soul do not die, and he will forgive you if it keeps you from thereafter being an evil fascist who's ignorance is an evil influence to everyone he meets.

So go kill you son.

The law is backing you up because they are just as evil and ignorant and will meet with the same ultimate end as you.

Go get a police escort, as a matter of fact.

Tell them that you're going to get your son vaccinated to protect him.

They'll applaud the murder and you will be protected from prosecution.

Of course, if this were a just society, your head would have been lopped off as soon as you had him vaccinated.

But go do it, go speed your son to dead, sir.

It will be really good for you in the long run.

Go kill your son, you very brilliant and esteemed king of your castle.

Go kill you son, please.

Everybody wants you to do it, so go kill your son.

You're smart enough; you have all of the evidence necessary to prove you did the right thing even though you'll know you killed him.

Go test it.

You're so willing to open your big mouth, so go kill him, sir.
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Hahnemannian without evidence your insulting and flaming has no place here!
Here's a goodie from Hans showing exactly how ignorant, stupid and presumptuous he really is:

This is the approach of all modern science, or rather, one of them.

1) You have a thesis (A causes B), so you test it, and if it turnd out to be true, you set out discovering why. Especially in medical science this is productive; after all, the patient does not care why the treatment works, as long as it works.

Right, dummy!

"A causes B."

You take a high-potency homeopathic (A) and it causes symptoms (B).

That is what ALL homeopathic provings do, you idiot!

Did you get it this time?

That is the materia medica of homeopathy, meaning the "materials of medicine."

(Incidentally, allopaths used to have materia medica, but then allopathic pharmaceutical companies took over allopathic medicine and gave you the even less useful pharmacopia; however, I always forget, you are totally ignorant of medical history, right?)

We then take a case and record it fully so as to have the symptom totality.

From that symptom totality we determine which medicines are uncommon and which are common.

Those that belong to a disease diagnosis (remembering that most modern patients come with a diagnosis already) are thus common symptoms and are ignored for differential remedy diagnosis ("to thoroughly know" something).

Those that are attributable to an avoidable disease agent or influence are also ignored since they disappear with the cause.

For instance, a woman has feet problems, but we find that she wears high heels all of the time.

Out the window with those shoes and Poof! no symptoms.

If those symptoms remain, which can happen, then they should gain the attention of the physician since there is no discernable causation remaining and they are not part of the presenting diagnosis, which could be anything but let's say it's diabetes.

If sufficient information can be gained from those feet symptoms, they would be likely to lead to a medicine that contains ALL of the symptoms of the case, the totality of it.

Did ya get that?

Let's take an insulin-dependent diabetic who does not have thurst.

That would be unusual, right?

Hence, thirtlessness would be an uncommon symptom.

Three of them can lead right to the simillimum ("thing most similar").

It is about that simple.

Think you could do that, though?

I'd like to see you try, and then you can come back and plead forgiveness once you discover that it is about ten to a hundred times more difficult to do Hahnemannian homeotherapeutics than to do anything else.

Getting the picture yet?

A causes B.

That is the first step.

Now why haven't you examined the homeopathic evidence?

Are you going to come up with yet another sophistry and excuse for wanting to be lazy and yet instead claim that homeopathy has no evidence when it, in fact, is NOTHING BUT EVIDENCE?

I hope not, but you will again be proven an ignorant fool if you do that yet again.

Can hardly wait for this one.
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Well, good deal, Francine.

Did I say it is going to adversely affect everyone, or that they would notice adverse effects?


Vaccines are constantly showing up in our clinical records as the onset of the case.

Thousands of case reports have this, and we take the case back through all of those sets of symptoms and finally cure the person in adulthood.

Allopathic medicine hasn't a leg to stand on with vaccines, and the same effects are often seen with their drugs and procedures.

The pro-vaccinists need to be executed, though, that is for sure, for physicians and nurses are not supposed to be in the business of injuring and killing their patients, and that's what vaccines often do.


20 years ago?

Was the Hapatitis B vaccine even in existence 20 years ago?

If so, time flies, but I think that may be a mistake.

If not, that was an exceedingly stupid thing to do.

Why would you permit ghouls to shoot trillions of viruses into you along with foreign proteins?
ummm, i've had the Hep B vaccine.

i'm still not sure how your last rant supports homeopathy, please could you share how:

"So go kill you son."

"Go kill you son, please."

"Go kill your son, you very brilliant and esteemed king of your castle"

support the view that homeopathy is medicine.

Additionally my son will not be having Hep B because i live in the UK and it is only given to those who are at risk. Those at risk are mainly Health Workers, draw your own conclusions from the fact that i have had the Hep B vaccine.



Within your system I can easily see that selecting the 'uncomon symptom' is important. It has better discriminatory power to tell you which remedy to use. Yes? But this is an internal dispute for homeopaths. Non-homeopaths just don't care about these problems, they don't make any difference when viewing homeopathy from outside. It doesn't make it impossible to do the trials they suggest. Do you really mean to say you never use the same remedy in more than one patient, 'cos if you do then that's the beginnings of a trial group? If if you've got the beginnings of a group then you've got the basis for a trial.

Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Why would you permit ghouls to shoot trillions of viruses into you along with foreign proteins?

Well I've had insect stings. Plenty of foreign proteins there deliberately trying to harm me and I'm fine now.
Prestor says:

ummm, i've had the Hep B vaccine.

Yeah, and you're an adult too, right, dummy?

Infants and children do NOT have mature immune systems, and yet ignorant allopaths pollute them all the same.

Go get him that vaccine, you vile fascist.

Put your money where your mouth is, for it really would be for the best ultimate good of humanity for your son to die because you are sincerely motivated but misguided.

Go get him that vaccination.

They want him to have it.

Oh, yes, this is very important: tell them "it didn't take."

They'll give you a double boost.

That is more than four times likely to lead to adverse effects, but they constantly do it.

So go in and get him pumped up twice.

And get another one for yourself while you're there.

You really want those trillions of viruses and foreign proteins in your body, quite obviously, and that can't do any harm, right?

Go do it.

I hope you kill your son, you ignorant fool!

draw your own conclusions from the fact that i have had the Hep B vaccine.

So you're stupid as well as ignorant and evil.

Gee, golly, I couldn't have guessed that one in a million years.
All one needs to know about homeopathy: the homeopath, a.k.a. the fraudulent quack, wishes death on anyone who chooses to not believe the worthless and throughly discredited fantasy of homeopathy. And even wishes death on the innocent children of those that disbelieve! The so-called allopath,a.k.a. the true scientist, only wishes enlightenment for the poor, misguided and delusional homeopath.
Francine says:

It doesn't make it impossible to do the trials they suggest.

Yes, it does.

Look, I don't know why this is so impossible for all of your brains, but I like you, so tell me the trial protocols and I will tell you the errors.

If it will go into your brains that way, good.

Anything so that people get this basic fact that makes allopathic research totally useless and impossible for homeopathy.

Do you really mean to say you never use the same remedy in more than one patient,

No, but I can't wait to find out how you might have come to that conclusion.

What are you talking about?
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Even a near-death experience like I had in 1971, which
is a misnomer since one actually does die but chooses to reseize the brain, would be sufficient for all of you.

Ah ha! We have now pinponted the origin of Hahnemanniac's rampant mental illness. Severe brain damage from the incident that caused his near death experience has clearly taken its toll.

It all makes perfect sense now!
BTox farted out another statement:

And even wishes death on the innocent children of those that disbelieve!

You're the ones wishing death on your children, you ignoramous.

So make it good; go kill them with lots of vaccines.

You're stupid enough to justify it with sophistries, and the law will let you because they're lots more stupid than you are.

Go kill them, sir.

It all makes perfect sense now!


I'd like to give you an NDE.
"Put your money where your mouth is, for it really would be for the best ultimate good of humanity for your son to die"

you just can't stop can you? Is this the basis of medicine? Really i think you do homeopathy a disfavour. (( Irony or what!!!!))

Could you demonstrate an understanding of how the immune system actually works before you presume to talk about it.

back to the subject at hand rather than Ad hominen argument! What evidence do you have that homeopathy works?
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
So make it good; go kill them with lots of vaccines.

You're stupid enough to justify it with sophistries, and the law will let you because they're lots more stupid than you are.

Go kill them, sir.

Another delusional fantasy from insane homeopath Hahnemanniac. Vaccines only save about 10,000,000 lives per year, and would save an equal number if all were vaccinated. Fortunately a lunatic creature as brain dead as Hahnemanniac has not and will never reproduce!
News flash!


August 21, 2003

The total number of true believers in homeopathy in the United States has dropped from 37 to 12 over the last few days. The recent converts back to allopathy cite reading the rantings of escaped schizophrenic mental patient "Hahnemannian" on sciforums.com as the key reason.

"More disturbing, this homeopath failed in over 180 rantings to provide a single shred of evidence that homeopathy is an effective treatment modality," shrugged one of the ex-homeopath believers. "Plus, it never worked worth a damn anyway!"

Prestor farts out a statement again:

What evidence do you have that homeopathy works?

Well, let's see, haven't I answered this question ABOUT 20 TIMES?

Yeah, I have.

The whole of homeopathy.

You remember, it was discovered to be reducible to a formula just a few minutes ago.

You're not going to tell me that the vaccine ate your brain cells in the same way WellCookedFetus dissolves his as a drunk, are you?

Of course, that could be what happens, and there's a lot of evidence for menningitis and similar brain injuries from vaccines, so it could be that you're so stupid because you lost lots of brain cells.

Of course, that assumes you ever figured out how they work, but we see no evidence for that with you.

Remember yet?

A causes B.

Can you figure out the rest of the formula yet?

I'd say that a child could understand it, for every child can understand homeopathy, but it's bewildering how allopaths and allopathic proponents can't.

Something is wrong with your brains, right?

Do they poke something through one ear and out the other to try to wipe clean your brainwashing, 'cause that ain't how it's done.

Anyway, A causes B, B causes C, C causes D, etc.

Got it?
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Hmm... Hahnemanniac and tim'sbrainnotokay keep yammering that homeopathy completely cures all diseases, 100% of the time. Well then surely it should have no problem with migraine headaches. Let's see..

"1: Schmerz. 1996 Jun 17;10(3):156-62. Related Articles, Links

[Homeopathy in headaches. A review]

[Article in German]

Walach H, Haag G.

Universitat Freiburg, Rehabilitationspsychologie, D-79 085 Freiburg.

Homeopathy as an alternative to conventional therapy is becoming increasingly popular. Although interest is rising, little is known about the real effectiveness of homeopathic therapy in headaches. Three studies addressing this question are discussed: an Italian migraine study, the London migraine study and our own, the Munich headache trial. While the first one reported very high effects, the best ones known in the literature, the results of the other two trials do not endorse this first finding. The London trial did not show any effect other than placebo, although a different time trend was reported. The Munich study failed to show any difference between homeopathy and placebo whatsoever. The merits and shortcomings of these studies are discussed. At present, we do not have any evidence that homeopathic therapy has any effect other than a placebo effect. However, this can be very impressive sometimes. We do not know which variables are correlated with placebo effectiveness, and we do not have any data on real-type homeopathy outside a trial setting, as there are no data available.

PMID: 12799863 [PubMed]

Oops. Not only did it not cure any headaches, homeopathy didn't even reduce the symptoms any better than placebo!
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Francine says:

Yes, it does.

Look, I don't know why this is so impossible for all of your brains, but I like you, so tell me the trial protocols and I will tell you the errors.

If it will go into your brains that way, good.

Anything so that people get this basic fact that makes allopathic research totally useless and impossible for homeopathy.

No, but I can't wait to find out how you might have come to that conclusion.

What are you talking about?

Just what I said. You only quoted the first half of the sentence back at me. The second half tells you what it's about

Originally posted by Francine

Do you really mean to say you never use the same remedy in more than one patient, 'cos if you do then that's the beginnings of a trial group? If if you've got the beginnings of a group then you've got the basis for a trial.

As soon as you get groups of anything then you can make a trial of it if you know how to do it.

If homeopathy only ever saw one patient then there'd be a problem. As soon as homeopathy sees more than one then you've got a group. As soon as any single homeopath sees more than one then she's got a group. As soon as that homeopath uses the same remedy a second time then you've got a group. Whatever you do with each patient as an individual they're still part of a group treated with one remedy, and/or by one homeopath, and/or by homeopathy as a whole. Bunch 'em together in different ways to answer different questions it still turns into something you can do trials on just like the allopaths say. Homeopaths might not want to do it but you can't dispute the principle.

I think it's easy. Hope you agree. F.
How about dermatologic disease? This ought to be an easy one for homeopathy...

"1: Dermatol Ther. 2003 Jun;16(2):93-7. Related Articles, Links

Homeopathy in dermatology.

Smolle J.

Department of Dermatology, University of Graz, Graz, Austria.

Alternative methods are commonly used in patients with dermatologic diseases, with homeopathy being one of the most common. Homeopathy was developed by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) and is based on the law of similars and the law of infinitesimals. It is a regulatory therapy where high dilutions of particular compounds are thought to induce a counterreaction in the organism. In dermatology, homeopathy is often used in atopic dermatitis, other forms of eczema, psoriasis, and many other conditions. To date, however, there is no convincing evidence for a therapeutic effect. There are only a few controlled trials, most of them with negative results. The few studies with positive results have not been reproduced. Acceptance by the patient seems largely based on counseling and emotional care rather than on objective responses to the homeopathic drugs.

PMID: 12919110 [PubMed - in process] "

Aww, too bad. Didn't work... at all!
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